The US has always been about check and balances in human behavior warranting revision and eradication of bad laws that enabled abuse or violation of human dignity. This is what I have come to learn during my stay here in the US as an advocate and actvist for freedom , human rights, civil rights , good governance and the rule of law for our societies. While I have been greatly inspired and fired up with a passion that is clear, there has been some concerns that I always wanted to address with honesty and clarity.
Over the years, the black people inside America have decried white power and white supremacy as a force for racial injustice and segregation but after all this has changed, now it appears to me that black people are getting away with their own subtle abuse of black power.
I want to talk about the new threat to us, African people in the 21st century, which is the indifference of the new black power and black supremacy. I do look at things in this manner because there is no guarantee that our human and civil rights are certain under a democratic black President and Party. For this reason, I have remained very open and vigilant as well as freely opine on some very salient issues that affect us as a black people regardless of where we are now.
Let us not be blind to the the new emerging black power and black supremacy inside America, which is also another big problem for us African people fighting for the freedom and rights for our people in the continent. NAACP , Black Democratic Caucus , The Southern Baptist Convention made up of Pastors and all powerful black elite inside America have lost their bearings and way too disconnected from what matters to us black people. Yet, some of them continue to shift the blame to the White people and expecting us to see them, too as victims! Can you imagine that?
I just wanted to set the records straight about all the ignorance that prevail among some of these fellows who have refused to reason beyond their nostrils. I am not supporting one particular candidate for President of the United States but it is important to encourage dialogue and healthy competition among the democrats and republicans without ,which one party will take advantage of us and become dormant . In a true democratic spirit and in keeping with sound democratic principles that are directed to protect human rights and foster human dignity, we must hold each other accountable.
You know what bothers me is the staggering amount of money that both campaigns are raising and I have not seen the democratic party that accuses the republican party do anything different about the campaign finance law to curb the kind of wasteful spending we see on negative ads or commercial against each other.
Unless there is a counter political narrative from the other side , I think that people should not try to impose their choice of candidate on everyone because as I have already mentioned, I have a different lens through, which I evaluate these candidates. When oppressed people do find their way to the top, aren't they supposed to have compassion for others?
Some of these Cameroonians -American citizens are too emotional and unreasonable when analyzing the political trends in America and it is scary because they blind- followership leads to oppression and exploitation instead to respect for civil and human rights.
When a Republic is wealthy and rich, it becomes an issue but when a democrat is also wealthy and rich, the democrats are now going to complain that they are more rich and wealthy republicans than democrats. This is the kind of argument that defeats the purpose of truth and justice for everyone in society because I feel like there is some form of miseducation of people in our societies by those who have political power and influence,which explains why millions of Americans have become nonchalant about participation in the American democratic process.
What I am decrying is the fact that some of these Cameroonians tend to think that their individual choices for Presidency of the United States must be shared by every other Cameroonian but that is very weird to me for anyone to think that President Obama is the chosen one for Africa while Governor Mit Romney or any other Republican is not.
If Governor Mit Romney has worked hard for his riches and wealth, why should he be blamed? How about some of the African leaders who have earned ill-gotten wealth , which comes from stealing public funds meant for the people ? Many black supremacist have become very rich and wealthy through the same capitalistic system that has made Governor Mit Romney rich and wealthy.So, why is anyone trying to treat the republicans like outcasts among us Cameroonians and African whereas the Democratic Party is no saints?
I am speaking about freedom and rights of all people and the perpetrators of injustice and gross violation of our civil and human rights are not only the White Republicans because the black democrats are also fast becoming perpetrators of the same crimes that they accuse the white people of. There is nothing like, they are victims because that is an old story as their life styles, position, power and influence puts them in a privilege class.
The violation of the Civil Rights Movement by the Democratic Black Caucus and Black wealthy Supremacist must be well articulated and circulated with the hope to arouse the conscience of these black greedy and corrupt leaders to wake up from slumber and stop thinking that they can lie to us again.
I know that sometimes you and I spar on the political differences we have with respect to Cameroon.But by the same token, there are a lot of common grounds we share around issues that are way beyond political boundaries.For instance, I love your sense of humor and respect of the rights of Alabukam people to have electricity just as the family of Pa Hon Muna and his children at Nghe-mbo in Mbengwi. It takes very few people with concience to testify against injustice as most people wil turn a blind eye to truth
You know I have been very silent on black leaders lately because I finally came to the conclusion that it is all about themselves and the few blacks who have become black supremacists, too just as their fellow white counterparts that they used to blame 30 years ago. Today, black leaders and black economic supremacists are circulating their wealth they have acquired thanks to the white supremacists only amongst themselves while their black brothers and sisters who no longer share the same destiny of discrimination are abandoned! They are going to tell you all kinds of lies about what they are doing to help!
The black neighborhoods are bushy, dirty and unkempt most of the times because the people have been physically and mentally abandoned to themselves while the same black leaders and black supremacists are at the forefront claiming to blame the white people for the plight of the black people in the communities. Look at it, if they truly believe that Rev Dr Martin Luther king Jr is their hero who must be worshiped eternally, why are they piling up riches( gold and silver ) for themselves and living above their means when they have not yet liberated all black people?
You can't walk in a black neighborhood anywhere without counting more abandoned and dilapidated houses than partially good looking ones,which are occupied. The situation is alarming and when we see black supremacist enjoying the capitalism that they were blaming the white supremacists for it and at the sametime pretending that they are fighting for economic justice, quite sincerely, I see that as hypocrisy and sheer wickedness against their fellow black people. Therefore, they must quit blaming the white people for the plight of the black people unless they change their greedy behavior and do more beyond the usual charity giving that they used to denounce the white folks for.
Why do they not live modestly and share wealth , that is invest into the black communities and black families? Remember that these blacks are not like our people back in Africa who have farms to cultivate. So, they have no place to go except turn to the welfare system and it will be a gross exaggeration to expect that all black kids and black families should enter Havard just because it is there for underprivileged families and kids.
I have tried to interact with some of these black leaders and they are too complicated and very protective of their assumed powers and positions of control and infleunce. Many of them are hostile to new ideas about how things be done and all what they do is just to become part of the same unfair capitalistic economic system they blast all the time for economic discrimination in order to also seek out their own profits and sometimes more than the white people who are in similar positions.
I make not error being frank because we have our destiny being sabotaged by black leaders who can champion the cause for civil rights, freedom and human rights for their own people except constantly playing politics over one or two sensitive issues ,which often are highlighted by the white sympathetic media.
Yet, when it concerns some of us from Africa, they are very silent and afraid to take action because then they say, they don't want to offend their fellow Democratic white brothers and sisters because we are not American enough.
So, what is the benefit politically to be on their side when they are not even helping their own black people right here in America? The only people who are quick to help us in Africa are the white supremacist republicans who believe in freedom of all people like I do and not just in making peace without justice like the democrats.
I have nothing personal against them especially President Obama. I believe that he can be re-elected because his charisma and intelligent nature are an addition to his political character. Besides, once a democrat people are democrats and once republicans, people are republicans.
Therefore the people who determine the outcome and winner in every Presidential elections within the United States are always the dependents. I said this when I was responding to Mr Martin Yembe on " My ideal greatest United States of America".
So, whatever we say, when it comes to the politics of winning, it is completely out of our hands because no matter what the republicans do, their plan is to sway the independent voters because very few die-hard democrats will even pay attention to what they are doing, and of course you are seeing that among some of these Cameroonians who are very emotional and acting like a goat in front of a Television.
By the same token, whatever the democrats do, republicans also have their base just as the democrats. In fact, this is what makes American democracy extremely interesting to me because both the die-hard citizens follow but their party's platform in terms of issues and usually when they do not like a particular Party nominee for the President, some of them will boycott the election than vote for the other candidate.This was the fate of Senator of John MCcain in 2008 when he failed to energized the Republican base to the same degree that President Obama did and for that reason, he was defeated.
The reason why I have taken the pains to explain all these is because I think every African should not be carried away by the mere fact that we have a black President but must ask ourselves tough questions with regards to what these black leaders are up to with respect to our needs here and also in Africa? In what ways have they infleunced public policies regarding US African policies? In what ways have they shaped policies that opens doors of opportunity to their fellow black families within the US?
Let us return to the British Magna Carta , which inspired the US Bill of rights as well as the Civil Rights Movement.
Let us return to President Obama who is a graduate from law school in Harvard.
Let us return to the fact that he read and studied constitutional law
Let us return to the fact that he was raised partly by his mom who fell down through the cracks of the system and perhaps
Let us return to the fact that his father was from Africa
Let us return to the fact that he was first of all a community organizer before a civil rights lawyer who once represented ACORN
Let us return to the fact that he accepted to become a community organizer ,which is not a good paying job for that matter and that in that experience, he lived among the people and understood their pain and suffering
Let us return to the fact that he has constantly alluded to the Rev Dr Martin Luther King Jr " I have a dream " speech
Let us return to the fact that he has always wanted to identify with President Abraham Lincoln
Let us return to the fact that he is the first black President and had to overcome enormous challenges and obstacles in his way to become President
Let us return to the argument in the past that a sinking economy was bequeathed to him and it is fair to say that every leader somehow inherits some unsolved problems and issues from their predecessors
Let us return to the fact that he has been working very hard towards reforming the tax system as well as the big banks greedy attitude on the Wall Street
Let us return to the fact that it is within his right to seek the second term and become a two term President.
In fact, nobody should deny him his civil rights so long as he is within the armpit of the law
However, what law are we talking about here? In 1964 the civil rights movement had to change a bad law into a good law by courageously outlawing racial segregation. Thanks to the 1964 and all those who championed the civil rights movement paving the way for a new generation of black people who saw golden opportunities unfolded before them as white superior economists and politicians began to share wealth as well as create opportunities for them. At what point will black leaders begin to come to the realization that they have become as greedy as the same white people they have accused for more than 400 years? When sent to Africa to oversea elections, some of them have taken bribes and condoned. Yet every year they are pretending to celebrate the civil rights movement and I have a dream !
I understand. Yes, I mean the fact that we are all still human with imperfections but it is about time for the black leaders who always want us to believe that they are victims in the hands of the Republican party to show us results beyond victimization.They must enact new laws to abolish;
1) Homeless shelters operated by black people , which has become a big business of economic exploitation of the system through their own black people. In newark alone, there are about 50 homeless shelters operated by black leaders who are shareholders , which means have stakes in the shelters because of the large economic dollars it fetches for them. So, they will never free their own black people so long as the shelters are operational because they need the system to send people there so that they will make money
2) They must enact laws to abolish and end homelessness in the whole America as a serious human and civil rights issue.
It is unthinkable that the most powerful and riches nation on earth is very slow in ending homelessness ,which has taken a huge told on majority of black people. In fact the law to abolish homelessness will mean a lot to these black people who suffered from all kinds of mental and emotional torture as a result of being homeless for years.
3) They must assume the moral responsibility to begin to hold black kids accountable through some special laws that will ban hanging down their pants in public and treat that as immoral and public indecency. THEY NEED TO FEEL A SENSE OF MORAL AND SPIRITUAL OBLIGATION TO EDUCATE THEIR KIDS ON THE PROPER MANNER OF DRESSING AND TO MAKE IT ILLEGAL FOR ANY KID TO HANG DOWN THEIR PANTS
4) They must trace the source of those drugs that are rampant among blacks. These drugs have a source and it is possible to pass laws that will ban the importation of these drugs in the first place
5) The black wealthy people should connect. They are too much on TV and locked up in their big mansions.Too often we only get to see them when tragedy strikes. But they should connect with their black people in the communities and seefor themselves what they can do to give a facelift to the broken and poverty-stricken communities.
6) Why are wealthy black people blaming white people whereas some of them are now turning towards africa and doing the same charitable work that white people have been doing since before I was born? They are also missionaries, philantropists and all what not but what I am saying is , the civil rights movement transcended charity and good deeds.
It was about freedom and rights of all people and these black leaders and wealthy black supremacist must not think that we are blind to their disconnect and greedy life styles. They must humble themselves and help their fellow black people before they can help us in Africa. We have enough in our backward and if they were helping us to establish good laws in Congress and elsewhere, we will be self-sufficient and will hardly be crying for charity all the time.
Finally, this is Rev Jonathan Awasom and I approve this message under the 1964 and 1983 civil rights act as well as the first amendment rights of all people to free speech. I stand corrected for all my declarations and testimonies because I have been waiting for the right moment to say this and this has nothing to do with American Presidential elections come October 2012 or October 2020, whatever. These issues are more about the violation of the civil rights act and movement by the Democratic Black Caucus and Religious leaders who are too comfortable and disconnected.
You see , when I moved to Newark from Minnesota, it was not long I Identified some very serious problems and immediately folded my sleeves and got to work with some consulting initiatives about what we should do differently but that was sabotaged by some black leaders within the city .
I also joined some outreach community organizing initiative geared towards reforming the school system in Newark known as Partnership for Educational Reform in Newark.I did not hang in there complaining but took initiatives and began to be involved but those who stood in my way where not white people but some black leaders. I was so frustrated and nodded my head in silence and even more disappointed that some black leaders here in Newark where aiding and abetting injustice against the people in the continent of Africa.
I can provide evidence but this is not my point as I know they are still some really good and hard working black leaders and wealthy ones who are making a difference. However, I must be concern and speak my mind because these issues I have raised are very necessary to set the tone for a conversation about what has become of NAACP and Democratic Black Caucus and all the black Religious leaders of the Southern Baptist Convention as well as black scholars?
Do they really think that they are anymore on the side of the oppressed as it was the case about 30 years ago or they have forgotten what they were supposed to be doing with respect to the spirit and demands of the civil rights movement that was at the center of black liberation and economic freedom within the USA?
For these reasons, I think that the hatred against Republicans or White people is sometimes exaggerated and uncalled for. I thought I share this perspective ,which I have developed overtime following my experience and perception of the irresponsible ways of the black leaders inside America and the greedy nature of the black wealthy supremacists. It is my hope that they will have a new dream for everyone and not only for themselves as " I have a dream" was a metaphor for the collective conscience and good, and not for the individualistic benefit.
To God be the Glory.
Jonathan Awasom
The voice for Cameroon, Africa and the world in the 21st century
The Rally-cry for freedom, justice, peace ,democracy and prosperity for all
Empowering humanity to build a virtuous and free world for the beloved global village
----- Forwarded Message -
From: Jonathan Fru <>
To:; "" <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2012 5:09 PM
Subject: Re: [camnetwork] Fw: Become a MyMitt Member-Africans for Mitt Romney
I used to think that something will change enormously about black leaders but all of them are in the same game.
So, for this reason, let them be and do not insult the other party because nobody is right here.
What is your point ? What jobs have been created in Africa by either person?
Some of you just think that Mit Romney is a devil just because he wants to be President
What jobs did others create in Africa beyond Mitt Romney?
All these millions of dollars being raised are for what?
What is the difference? If Mit Romney was raising millions while Obama was busy spending the money he has EMPOWERING black kids and families, one would understand. HE, TOO IS IN THE SAME GAME FIGHTING TO TAKE THE LEAD IN CAMPAIGN FINANCE and all of them are exploiting the masses and enrinching themselves and their campaigns in the name of political campaigns
I have a black community school here where the children are short of money just to buy a school Van to go places
and here we have black leaders sitting on Millions of dollars and raising some more in the name of Presidential camapigns
I am just wondering if this is what the civil rights movement was meant to accomplish?
Empowering humanity to build a virtuous and free world for the beloved global village
From: MANU Tayong <>
Cc: camnetwork <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2012 4:01 PM
Subject: [camnetwork] Re: [cameroon_politics] Fw: Become a MyMitt Member-Africans for Mitt Romney
What Jobs did Romney outsource to Africa?
"Self-government won't work without self-discipline," Paul Harvey
"People never plan to fail. They just fail to plan"
--- On Tue, 7/10/12, boniface wewe <> wrote:
From: boniface wewe <> Subject: [cameroon_politics] Fw: Become a MyMitt Member-Africans for Mitt Romney To: "" <>, "" <> Date: Tuesday, July 10, 2012, 3:44 PM
Folks!This is for the attention of Africans for Mitt Romney.
Boniface N.Wewe
Ngonyama Ka Brooklyn
Professeur Agrege en Sexologie
----- Forwarded Message ----- From: Zac Moffat <> To: Friend <> Sent: Monday, July 9, 2012 6:41 PM Subject: Become a MyMitt Member
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The stakes are too high this election to sit idle -- that’s why we’re inviting you to get involved and become a MyMitt member. MyMitt members will make all the difference this election as we take on Obama’s campaign machine. Become a part of Team Romney by signing up for a MyMitt account here As a MyMitt account member, you can find out about campaign events in your area, sign up to volunteer, make calls from home to get out the vote, fundraise online, and so much more. This is a critical election -- and with your help and support, we will be ready to take back the White House. Sign up to join MyMitt today: Thanks. Zac Moffatt Digital Director Romney for President PS: By creating a MyMitt account today, you will receive a coupon to use at our online store.
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