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Friday, June 10, 2011


--- On Mon, 3/20/06, Jonathan Awasom <> wrote:

From: Jonathan Awasom <>
Subject: An Open Letter to President George W.Bush
To: "Giddy Ticha" <>,
Date: Monday, March 20, 2006, 1:52 PM

The President of the United States of America
His Excellency President George W. Bush
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500
Dear President George W. Bush
In search for justice and peace for Africa in the 21st century
My response to the July 5-6 G-8 Summit, 2005 in Scotland
I have the distinguished pleasure and honor to write to you this letter. I will like to take a moment to thank you for being the President of the United States of America . I thank you very much for the opportunity that God has given you to not only be the President of this great nation but for simultaneously taking responsibility as the leader of the free world. I think it is a very challenging job and I hope that your vision and good intensions come to limelight one day in the midst of the clouds of uncertainty that hover around some burning issues.
I have some concerns, which I am submitting to your office for consideration. In the meantime, I will like to introduce myself. I was born and raised in Cameroon , West Africa . I came into this country in 1999 on mission. I am glad for being hear under political asylum. I am not happy with the fact that I have to put up with it for convenience. I want to live in a world where I am free and not to live in fear. I want people in our continent to be free if this is what God intents for humanity. Your Excellencies, we have suffered for too long in hands of tyrants and dictators. We crave your indulgence, your Excellencies, to use your moral authority and power to support us in our effort to work for justice and peace for the commongood. I know that you and the American people, as well as others have been helping us already. I wanted to go an extra-mile to be more specific about the depth of our problem provoked by my story, which I have also attached with this letter.
Your excellency, today I will like to bring to your attention my concerns in the form of memorandums on a wide range of issues, which might be of interest to you, your friends and colleagues within the G-8 Summit. These mind boggling  issues will focus on injustice  in the continent of Africa and I thank you all for the interest that you have for that continent. It is my prayer and hope that you will consider these memorandums and provide the desired help in collaraboration with your colleagues in this part of the western world to possibly improve and change our societies. I will be much honored to hear from you and have the opportunity to partner with you for the best outcomes. Your excellencies, I could never be more thankful for the inspiration that I have acquired being in the Western Hemisphere . It is so cool, you know and I want to use my energy in a productive manner by working for justice and peace as a voice for Africa .
I thank the American people and our friends in Europe for reaching out to us diplomatically and we continue to crave your full support for our search for freedom and meaning in all that we value and uphold for human dignity. I have also included a case study as material evidence that will help you to have a better understanding of the circumstance. My ultimate goal is to give back to life. I will never have justice or be healed from all my emotional scars in life but it is possible that my story and testimony can help as a catalyst to bring justice and peace to the people that I am spokesman for them. For sure, I have found greater peace and healing from my faith in God from whom all things are made possible. I trust that you will give this matter, your utmost consideration. Your Excellency, I look forward hearing from you at the time of your own choosing.
Thank you all again for your interest and compassion for humanity.
God Bless you all.
Voice of Reason and Conscience
Pastor Jonathan Awasom
635 Prairie Center Dr # 352
Eden Prairie MN 55344
Phone: 952-261-5818
The British Prime Minister:  Tony Blair
The British Foreign Secretary: Rt Hon. Jack Straw, MP.
The United States Secretary of State: Dr Condoleezza Rice
The German Chancellor: Her Excellency Angela Merkel
The German Foreign Minister: Josch Fischer
United States Senators for Minnesota
Senator Mark Dayton of Minnesota , USA
Senator Norm Coleman , Minnesota , USA
The United States Senate Foreign Relations Committee: Chair , Senator Richard Lucar
The United States Subcommittee on African Affairs: Chair, Senator Mel Martinez
The United States Committee on International Relations: Chair, Senator J.Hyde
The United States Subcommittee on Africa , Global Human Rights and International Operations: Chair, Christopher H. Smith
United States Ambassador to Cameroon
The British Ambassador to Cameroon
The German Ambassador to Cameroon


--- On Tue, 12/15/09, Earl Taylor <> wrote:

From: Earl Taylor <>
Subject: RE: The Making of Africa-America : Good Governance and the Rule of Law
To: "'Jonathan Awasom'" <>
Date: Tuesday, December 15, 2009, 2:50 AM

Dear Jonathan,
What a pleasure to read your thoughts and feelings about freedom. Please go to our website and click on the link where we will be having our seminars. It would be wonderful to meet you. You may also enjoy viewing the webinar archives we have there. I would love to work with you as you put together your group and teach them the exciting message of the Founders of America. Perhaps one day even in Cameroon!
Best wishes,
Earl Taylor
From: Jonathan Awasom []
Sent: Monday, December 14, 2009 3:56 PM
Subject: The Making of Cameroon-America : Good Governance and the Rule of Law
37777 W. Juniper Rd                                                             December 14, 2009
Malta, ID 83342
Voicemail: 208-645-2625
Fax: 208-645-2667
Dear Sir
                          Good Governance and the Rule of Law
I am a Cameroonian. I immigrated into the United States as a religious missionary.
After living here for 9 years now I became inspired by the greatness of this country.
As a result I began to explore and investigate through research, reading and learning. These endeavors let me to discover Dr .W.Cleon Skousen’s Book..
“The Making of America: The Substance and Meaning of the Constitution”
I was part of a Young Leaders group, which was grounded on the Education of the Founders and framers of the Constitution. The knowledge I have acquire through the book of Dr Cleon is amazing. What intrigued me about his rationale is when he said “Freedom should be America’s greatest Export”.  What a great vision .
I believe that we are  a reincarnation of President Thomas Jefferson and President Abraham Lincoln because we have captured their spirit and imagination in myriad of ways. I am humble and this is what America is all about. How can one not be inspired by this country? How can one not capture the spirit of the Founders after living here and reading Dr Cleon’s Book? This is not a joke.
There are several ways I am dealing with the exportation of this freedom. One of the ways is through my campaign for our government to tap into the riches of the American Constitution, which has left an indelible mark on the world. This book is a great asset for me now. I read it almost always and only tears of joy trickle down from my eyes. I am very thankful for it and will like to find out how the National Center for Constitutional Studies could be of further assistance with this vision.
 I have enclosed my blog. It speaks volumes about my determination to free my society from dictatorship and corrupt tyranny. I believe that all of you at NCCS and Board Members and Board of Governors will appreciate this vision so as to advise, support and be part of this  advocacy.
In the meantime, I am requesting your sponsorship for an International Forum I am organizing among Cameroonians and the International Community. This International Forum will focus on;
               “Good Governance and the Rule of Law
Cameroon and the International Community in the 21st Century”
It will bring participants from around the world to participate in this Conference in Washington DC. Our Speakers will be people drawn from all walks of life. I am in the process of networking right now and that is why I am contacting your organization to be of any assistance to me.
I have been a Political advocate and activist for Good Governance and the Rule of Law in our societies for years now. I am currently within the United States on political asylum as a result of the persecution I suffered in Cameroon from the government of Cameroon because of my free speech and activism for human and civil rights of the downtrodden. Now, I am using my story, knowledge of what I learned and the inspiration I have acquired within the United States to contribute my own quota toward advancing the common good.
Right now we are working hard to bring about peaceful political change because I am sick and tired of dictatorship and corrupt tyranny in our societies. I am very intentional about involving and engaging the International Community in our endeavors to prevent genocide and civil war in the long run. This initiative is precipitated as part of a democratic effort that could influence public and foreign policy. I will greatly appreciate your support for this grassroots initiative toward making a difference. I look forward to your prompt  response.
Thank you for your interest
Jonathan Awasom
2910 Cavell Ave S
St Louis Park MN 55426
Phone: 952-933-2067( 973-282-6461) 


--- On Tue, 1/11/11, Jonathan Awasom <> wrote:

My dear Cameroonians, supporters and friends of Cameroon

This new year ,2011 marks another dramatic turn in our unceasing political advocacy to bring to your attention the fact that peace can only reign in every State where there is Truth, Justice and freedom.This is what a Virtuous,Free  Cameroon society  in Africa( V.FREECCAMA) stands for.

Truth and Justice in this case of Cameroon means that we must uphold the rule of law according to Cameroon's Constitution. The violation of this Constitution caused our political asylum and demise here within the United States of America. Therefore, all the citizens and people of the United States have a moral obligation to ensure that my concerns are all taken into consideration. One way to go about it is for everyone to contact their elected officials, immigration,ICE and legal channels to support this peaceful campaign to change Cameroon.

As a citizen of Cameroon , it is my sacred and inalienable right like every other Cameroonian and American at home and abroad, to know and understand the facts about our Constitution as well as ensure that it is enforced accordingly. Where the gross violation of our human and civil rights have been caused by the deliberate violation of article 66, we must resist the manipulation of the government of President Paul Biya to avoid it.

In the past two weeks ,I have been making this case to the United States officials and citizens.This is because it is my duty to enlighten , and in some cases educate people about why I believe they have a part to play in our struggle to bring about a freedom and change in Cameroon. I argued vehemently that all Americans and other citizens cannot steer clear of the problems of Cameroon because America is present in Cameroon.

Therefore, today, it is oncemore very exciting for me to release a full copy of the Cameroon constitution with emphases on article 66 here below. You may download the full copy and please pass it on.

"Law No.96-06 of 18 January 1996 to amend the Constitution of 2 June 1972

The National Assembly has deliberated and adopted;

The President of the Republic hereby enacts the law set out below:

The Constitution of the Republic of Cameroon


We, the people of Cameroon

Resolved to harness our natural resources in order to ensure the well-being of every citizen without discrimination,by raising living standards,proclaim our right to development as well as our determination to devote all our efforts to that end and declare our readiness to co-operate with all States desrious of participating in this national endeavor with due respect for our sovereignty and the independence of the Cameroon State"

                                                      Article 66
"The President of the Republic, the Prime Minister, Members of Government and persons ranking as such, the President and Members of the Bureau of the National Assembly, the President and Members of the bureau of the Senate, Members of Parliament, Senators, all holders of an elective office, Secretaries-General of Ministries and persons ranking as such, Directors of the Central Administration, General Managers of public and semi-public enterprises, Judicial and Legal Officers, administrative personnel in-charge of the tax. base, collection and handling of public funds, all managers of public votes and property, shall declare their assets and property at the beginning and at the end of their tenure of office.The other categories of persons to whom the provisions of this article shall apply and the conditions of implementation thereof shall be determined by laW"

My dear Cameroonians and supporters of our cause for freedom and change, Article 66 of our Constitution is very clean and clear. All the Cameroon officials who hold such public offices as declared by this particular article were compelled by this law to declare their assets. The person who was supposed to take the lead was the President himself who signed this Constitution into law. Therefore, it is no longer our fault if they failed to honor and respect the rule of law.

This law must be enforced and the sovereignty of Cameroon can be obsolete if by sovereignty it means our country should be governed by men and women who have no regards for our laws. We are calling upon the President and his government to include all those mentioned above to bow to the TRUTH.They must take full responsibility for their violation of our laws and cooperate with our peaceful approach to enable form a transitional government.

By the same token all other people who are resident within Cameroon whether as missionaries, diplomats, business professionals or consultants regardless of their race or national origin doing business with the corrupt government of President Paul Biya are entreated under this law to cooperate with us fully during this transitional period in this history of Cameroon.The citizens and governments of Canada, France, Germany, Great Britain and the United States of America shall support in full measure this unprecedented effort to bring about change in Cameroon that will lead to good governance and the rule of law.
Their cooperation and support has been solicited under necessity because the President and government of Cameroon are dysfunctional and are loosing their sense of entitlement to the sovereignty of Cameroon.All Cameroonians were born free and entitled to be protected by the Constitution of the country as "a common denominator" must be binding on everyone especially those who hold public office per article 66.

God Bless you in this Momentous New Year,2011

Jonathan Awasom
Presidential for the 24 Months Peaceful Transitional Government of Cameroon



  Dear Cameroonians and friends of Cameroon

It is essential that I wish you all a hopeful and prosperous new year, 2011. This is a very defining moment for Africa and we must be resolute and determined to navigate the complex hallways of corrupt tyranny to good governance and the rule of law.

President Paul Biya and his government are expected in all fairplay to wrap up his reign of corrupt tyranny on Cameroonians by December 30th,2011 to hand over to the transitional government all things being equal to the rules and enforcement of our laws.

The unfolding political upheaval in Ivory Coast is a reminder that any complex society that is founded on the rule of law will never see its leaders fighting over power. A free and better political system that reflects the reality of the people in terms of ethnicities and regions will gurantee appropriate procedures for entrance to power and exit from power.

Therefore, those who contributed to inject bad governance into the Africans societies with the complicity of its gatekeepers must also shoulder the responsibility to prevent conflicts from escalating. We are sick and tired of two elephants fighting while the grass is trampled and crushed.

The Ivorian and Cameroon governments must respect the law because this is our time for opportunity and prosperity. If someone comes to power in good faith, they should be willing to leave in good faith, too. This is pure and simple.

10 years ago, I became a political refugee and prisoner within the USA because of the corrupt and cruel CPDM regime. When President Paul Biya delivers his final New Year Speech to Cameroonians and the world, it will be up to him to embrace the peace plan to enable a smooth transition of power but the CPDM government cannot fool us again. Article 66 is the law and there is no dispute over this.

We are undertaking a very powerful underground move, yet to ensure that the world understands our position against money laundary, fraud, corruption and gross violation of the rule of law by any member of the CPDM government. Make no mistake about this.The world will continue to witness the powerful tornado of truth in exposing the corrupt tyranny and dictatorship of the CPDM government with a compelling argument to be chronicled as wikitruth.

Then during the past 4 years within the USA, our quest for the freedom of Cameroon has taken an unprecedented dimension forcing the CPDM regime to hit the USA based ABC News Media for propaganda. Concomittantly, the " Motions of Support to the head of state" by a group of CPDM youths in Yaounde is outmoded and unconstitutional. There is a practical way of holding public servants accountable and article 66 provides a good clue to this.

I have made a very practical request to the Congress of the United States to allow all of us under political asylum or as refugees to have the opportunity to testify. This is because some pro-government Cameroonians have been very sneaky by cutting ahead of us to misrepresent us. I have insisted to the Congress that they cannot speak on our behalf.

I also want to take a moment to reiterate to all of you that we will never ever compromise our advocacy and fight to free and change the political system of Cameroon. The CPDM regime must respect our human rights and dignity by complying with article 66 of the constitution.

It is clear that we want change very badly after the last Presidential elections in 2004 was yet another fiasco, which retained Mr Paul Biya as President of Caameroon.Now again he has began his usual tricks by stretching their tentacles of corruption and tyranny all over the world to cajole people for motion of support! .

Unfortunately, the world is no longer what they have always conceived in their egocentric political mind set.We are on rampage. This is the fact about life.We understand our plight and know exactly how to solve our problems under the canopy of our constitution. The fact that Mr Paul Biya signed the Constitution into law does not mean that the signer should undermine its sanity and sacredness.

We must be bear in mind that each of us with a good conscience have stakes in the future of Cameroon as a young nation that deserves to grow up. The proposition for a transitional government, which I opted for since 2009 as President for the transitional government continues to shape the political discourse among Cameroonians and anxious onlookers.

The manifesto for the freedom and change of Cameroon has been particularly defined by the spirit and wisdom of the founders of America. The clarity and conviction of FREECCAM'A's stance on the destiny of Cameroon in terms of political methodology drawn from the parable of the sower speaks volume about Jesus Christ's and Socrates' unmatched wisdom, which inspired the founders of America. It is amazing how, we, too are inspired by the same principles and ideals toward rebuilding Cameroon

While Free and Change Cameroon, Africa ( FREECCAM'A) has trapped the head of CPDM government with article 66 of the Cameroon constitution, it is now very clear that the Social Democratic Front Party( SDF) is also consciously clinging unto its tail with the unconstitutional ELECAM. You need to know something about this powerful home and domestic political strategy that will strangulate the CPDM government and pave the way for a new life for us all.

We cannot afford to miss this kind of political opportunity reasons for ,which all Cameroonians who have been vigilant and celebrating our advocacy and activism for a very long time now must begin to have great hope and a sense of greater involvement and commitment.We cannot always agree with the SDF party on everything but we can find common grounds and unite to free and change our society.This has been my plea and you will see more of this happening as we connect all the dots in the days ahead.

Our goal is to forge a proactive partnership that will galvanize and unite the civil society within and without around our common dreams and aspirations to ensure that good governance and the rule of law begins to manifest within the Cameroon new political system.ELECAM is crucial to the SDF Party, which is right on the home front and have a proper understanding of the electoral fraudulent system from the experience of being hurt in the process.

Meanwhile Article 66 is crucial to FREECCAM'A. FREECCAM'A is preoccupied with the principal subject of a republic, which is the rule of law ( The Constitution).Most importantly, very soon, the document on " The Nation of Thieves" will be released explaining why our nation's thieves must be held accountable, which means all their assets and monies overseas and at home must be confiscated and frozen pending a complete investigation into their ill-gotten and stolen wealth.

The recent Political Romance sought by Mr. Paul Biya with his incompatible partner Mr. Ni John Fru Ndi must have been triggered by the scary best man article 66 of the Cameroon constitution, which calls for Mr. Paul Biya and his CPDM government to declare their assets to mark a new beginning in our struggle for freedom and change of the Political system in Cameroon. The political cynicism of the CPDM government which can only be compared with that of Machiavelli as a ploy to avoid article 66 will never work.

We are very observant. We do not need emergency institutions to be created by decrees, with the hope to cajole and mislead people. A free and organized political system won’t have to wait for so long to be granted Universities and Hospitals. These institutions will only have a meaningful impact on the lives of Cameroonians if the political system is free and transparent with high regards and respect for human rights of all citizens especially University Professors who live under fear

There cloud of fear over the refusal of CPDM party officials and public servants to declare their assets as public servants in order to set the stage for good governance and the rule of law is only being deepened as Article 66 sharpens our teeth for freedom and change.They have every reason to be afraid because they never listened to the voice of God when they were advised from several fronts to stop corruption and foster good governance and transparency

It is important for Mr Ni John Fru Ndi and SDF party to understand that 20 years after, we Cameroonians seeking the freedom and change of the political system as well as individuals who embody that system will never be blind folded by any strange political window dressing. If a stretch of handshakes do not represent the dreams and aspirations of the Cameroon people as dictated by the constitution and the new world order, then we must say “thanks but no thanks for the handshake, please, Mr President, declare your assets”

It is true that Ni John Fru Ndi is serious about transparent elections reasons for ,which he constantly alludes to ELECAM as a farce. But ELECAM is not embedded into the constitution like article 66. ELECAM was a creation by Mr. Paul Biya and CPDM regime to suit them. It can be scrapped off just as he signed a decree and established it but Article 66 is the law.

By all account the rule of law must be enforced accordingly. This is the case we are making to the human race at this awesome moment in history because we shall never go to sleep until Mr Paul Biya and his government understand that they should never have taken us for granted as if they were and are anymore entitled to this life than any of us. We, the people were born free and entitled to know how they have managed the country following article 66.

Thank you oncemore and have a great New Year Celebration

Advocate for the Freedom and change of Cameroon
President for Transitional Government of Cameroon


Dear Cameroonians and friends of Cameroon

It is essential that I wish you all a hopeful and prosperous new year, 2011. This is a very defining moment for Africa and we must be resolute and determined to navigate the complex hallways of corrupt tyranny to good governance and the rule of law.

President Paul Biya and his government are expected in all fairplay to wrap up his reign of corrupt tyranny on Cameroonians by December 30th,2011 to hand over to the transitional government all things being equal to the rules and enforcement of our laws.

The unfolding political upheaval in Ivory Coast is a reminder that any complex society that is founded on the rule of law will never see its leaders fighting over power. A free and better political system that reflects the reality of the people in terms of ethnicities and regions will gurantee appropriate procedures for entrance to power and exit from power.

Therefore, those who contributed to inject bad governance into the Africans societies with the complicity of its gatekeepers must also shoulder the responsibility to prevent conflicts from escalating. We are sick and tired of two elephants fighting while the grass is trampled and crushed.

The Ivorian and Cameroon governments must respect the law because this is our time for opportunity and prosperity. If someone comes to power in good faith, they should be willing to leave in good faith, too. This is pure and simple.

10 years ago, I became a political refugee and prisoner within the USA because of the corrupt and cruel CPDM regime. When President Paul Biya delivers his final New Year Speech to Cameroonians and the world, it will be up to him to embrace the peace plan to enable a smooth transition of power but the CPDM government cannot fool us again. Article 66 is the law and there is no dispute over this.

We are undertaking a very powerful underground move, yet to ensure that the world understands our position against money laundary, fraud, corruption and gross violation of the rule of law by any member of the CPDM government. Make no mistake about this.The world will continue to witness the powerful tornado of truth in exposing the corrupt tyranny and dictatorship of the CPDM government with a compelling argument to be chronicled as wikitruth.

Then during the past 4 years within the USA, our quest for the freedom of Cameroon has taken an unprecedented dimension forcing the CPDM regime to hit the USA based ABC News Media for propaganda. Concomittantly, the " Motions of Support to the head of state" by a group of CPDM youths in Yaounde is outmoded and unconstitutional. There is a practical way of holding public servants accountable and article 66 provides a good clue to this.

I have made a very practical request to the Congress of the United States to allow all of us under political asylum or as refugees to have the opportunity to testify. This is because some pro-government Cameroonians have been very sneaky by cutting ahead of us to misrepresent us. I have insisted to the Congress that they cannot speak on our behalf.

I also want to take a moment to reiterate to all of you that we will never ever compromise our advocacy and fight to free and change the political system of Cameroon. The CPDM regime must respect our human rights and dignity by complying with article 66 of the constitution.

It is clear that we want change very badly after the last Presidential elections in 2004 was yet another fiasco, which retained Mr Paul Biya as President of Caameroon.Now again he has began his usual tricks by stretching their tentacles of corruption and tyranny all over the world to cajole people for motion of support! .

Unfortunately, the world is no longer what they have always conceived in their egocentric political mind set.We are on rampage. This is the fact about life.We understand our plight and know exactly how to solve our problems under the canopy of our constitution. The fact that Mr Paul Biya signed the Constitution into law does not mean that the signer should undermine its sanity and sacredness.

We must be bear in mind that each of us with a good conscience have stakes in the future of Cameroon as a young nation that deserves to grow up. The proposition for a transitional government, which I opted for since 2009 as President for the transitional government continues to shape the political discourse among Cameroonians and anxious onlookers.

The manifesto for the freedom and change of Cameroon has been particularly defined by the spirit and wisdom of the founders of America. The clarity and conviction of FREECCAM'A's stance on the destiny of Cameroon in terms of political methodology drawn from the parable of the sower speaks volume about Jesus Christ's and Socrates' unmatched wisdom, which inspired the founders of America. It is amazing how, we, too are inspired by the same principles and ideals toward rebuilding Cameroon

While Free and Change Cameroon, Africa ( FREECCAM'A) has trapped the head of CPDM government with article 66 of the Cameroon constitution, it is now very clear that the Social Democratic Front Party( SDF) is also consciously clinging unto its tail with the unconstitutional ELECAM. You need to know something about this powerful home and domestic political strategy that will strangulate the CPDM government and pave the way for a new life for us all.

We cannot afford to miss this kind of political opportunity reasons for ,which all Cameroonians who have been vigilant and celebrating our advocacy and activism for a very long time now must begin to have great hope and a sense of greater involvement and commitment.We cannot always agree with the SDF party on everything but we can find common grounds and unite to free and change our society.This has been my plea and you will see more of this happening as we connect all the dots in the days ahead.

Our goal is to forge a proactive partnership that will galvanize and unite the civil society within and without around our common dreams and aspirations to ensure that good governance and the rule of law begins to manifest within the Cameroon new political system.ELECAM is crucial to the SDF Party, which is right on the home front and have a proper understanding of the electoral fraudulent system from the experience of being hurt in the process.

Meanwhile Article 66 is crucial to FREECCAM'A. FREECCAM'A is preoccupied with the principal subject of a republic, which is the rule of law ( The Constitution).Most importantly, very soon, the document on " The Nation of Thieves" will be released explaining why our nation's thieves must be held accountable, which means all their assets and monies overseas and at home must be confiscated and frozen pending a complete investigation into their ill-gotten and stolen wealth.

The recent Political Romance sought by Mr. Paul Biya with his incompatible partner Mr. Ni John Fru Ndi must have been triggered by the scary best man article 66 of the Cameroon constitution, which calls for Mr. Paul Biya and his CPDM government to declare their assets to mark a new beginning in our struggle for freedom and change of the Political system in Cameroon. The political cynicism of the CPDM government which can only be compared with that of Machiavelli as a ploy to avoid article 66 will never work.

We are very observant. We do not need emergency institutions to be created by decrees, with the hope to cajole and mislead people. A free and organized political system won’t have to wait for so long to be granted Universities and Hospitals. These institutions will only have a meaningful impact on the lives of Cameroonians if the political system is free and transparent with high regards and respect for human rights of all citizens especially University Professors who live under fear

There cloud of fear over the refusal of CPDM party officials and public servants to declare their assets as public servants in order to set the stage for good governance and the rule of law is only being deepened as Article 66 sharpens our teeth for freedom and change.They have every reason to be afraid because they never listened to the voice of God when they were advised from several fronts to stop corruption and foster good governance and transparency

It is important for Mr Ni John Fru Ndi and SDF party to understand that 20 years after, we Cameroonians seeking the freedom and change of the political system as well as individuals who embody that system will never be blind folded by any strange political window dressing. If a stretch of handshakes do not represent the dreams and aspirations of the Cameroon people as dictated by the constitution and the new world order, then we must say “thanks but no thanks for the handshake, please, Mr President, declare your assets”

It is true that Ni John Fru Ndi is serious about transparent elections reasons for ,which he constantly alludes to ELECAM as a farce. But ELECAM is not embedded into the constitution like article 66. ELECAM was a creation by Mr. Paul Biya and CPDM regime to suit them. It can be scrapped off just as he signed a decree and established it but Article 66 is the law.

By all account the rule of law must be enforced accordingly. This is the case we are making to the human race at this awesome moment in history because we shall never go to sleep until Mr Paul Biya and his government understand that they should never have taken us for granted as if they were and are anymore entitled to this life than any of us. We, the people were born free and entitled to know how they have managed the country following article 66.

Thank you oncemore and have a great New Year Celebration

Jonathan Fru Awasom
Advocate for the Freedom and change of Cameroon
Political Refugee and Prisoner
President for Transitional Government of Cameroon

Dear Cameroonians and friends of Cameroon

It is essential that I wish you all a hopeful and prosperous new year, 2011. This is a very defining moment for Africa and we must be resolute and determined to navigate the complex hallways of corrupt tyranny to good governance and the rule of law.

President Paul Biya and his government are expected in all fairplay to wrap up his reign of corrupt tyranny on Cameroonians by December 30th,2011 to hand over to the transitional government all things being equal to the rules and enforcement of our laws.

The unfolding political upheaval in Ivory Coast is a reminder that any complex society that is founded on the rule of law will never see its leaders fighting over power. A free and better political system that reflects the reality of the people in terms of ethnicities and regions will gurantee appropriate procedures for entrance to power and exit from power.

Therefore, those who contributed to inject bad governance into the Africans societies with the complicity of its gatekeepers must also shoulder the responsibility to prevent conflicts from escalating. We are sick and tired of two elephants fighting while the grass is trampled and crushed.

The Ivorian and Cameroon governments must respect the law because this is our time for opportunity and prosperity. If someone comes to power in good faith, they should be willing to leave in good faith, too. This is pure and simple.

10 years ago, I became a political refugee and prisoner within the USA because of the corrupt and cruel CPDM regime. When President Paul Biya delivers his final New Year Speech to Cameroonians and the world, it will be up to him to embrace the peace plan to enable a smooth transition of power but the CPDM government cannot fool us again. Article 66 is the law and there is no dispute over this.

We are undertaking a very powerful underground move, yet to ensure that the world understands our position against money laundary, fraud, corruption and gross violation of the rule of law by any member of the CPDM government. Make no mistake about this.The world will continue to witness the powerful tornado of truth in exposing the corrupt tyranny and dictatorship of the CPDM government with a compelling argument to be chronicled as wikitruth.

Then during the past 4 years within the USA, our quest for the freedom of Cameroon has taken an unprecedented dimension forcing the CPDM regime to hit the USA based ABC News Media for propaganda. Concomittantly, the " Motions of Support to the head of state" by a group of CPDM youths in Yaounde is outmoded and unconstitutional. There is a practical way of holding public servants accountable and article 66 provides a good clue to this.

I have made a very practical request to the Congress of the United States to allow all of us under political asylum or as refugees to have the opportunity to testify. This is because some pro-government Cameroonians have been very sneaky by cutting ahead of us to misrepresent us. I have insisted to the Congress that they cannot speak on our behalf.

I also want to take a moment to reiterate to all of you that we will never ever compromise our advocacy and fight to free and change the political system of Cameroon. The CPDM regime must respect our human rights and dignity by complying with article 66 of the constitution.

It is clear that we want change very badly after the last Presidential elections in 2004 was yet another fiasco, which retained Mr Paul Biya as President of Caameroon.Now again he has began his usual tricks by stretching their tentacles of corruption and tyranny all over the world to cajole people for motion of support! .

Unfortunately, the world is no longer what they have always conceived in their egocentric political mind set.We are on rampage. This is the fact about life.We understand our plight and know exactly how to solve our problems under the canopy of our constitution. The fact that Mr Paul Biya signed the Constitution into law does not mean that the signer should undermine its sanity and sacredness.

We must be bear in mind that each of us with a good conscience have stakes in the future of Cameroon as a young nation that deserves to grow up. The proposition for a transitional government, which I opted for since 2009 as President for the transitional government continues to shape the political discourse among Cameroonians and anxious onlookers.

The manifesto for the freedom and change of Cameroon has been particularly defined by the spirit and wisdom of the founders of America. The clarity and conviction of FREECCAM'A's stance on the destiny of Cameroon in terms of political methodology drawn from the parable of the sower speaks volume about Jesus Christ's and Socrates' unmatched wisdom, which inspired the founders of America. It is amazing how, we, too are inspired by the same principles and ideals toward rebuilding Cameroon

While Free and Change Cameroon, Africa ( FREECCAM'A) has trapped the head of CPDM government with article 66 of the Cameroon constitution, it is now very clear that the Social Democratic Front Party( SDF) is also consciously clinging unto its tail with the unconstitutional ELECAM. You need to know something about this powerful home and domestic political strategy that will strangulate the CPDM government and pave the way for a new life for us all.

We cannot afford to miss this kind of political opportunity reasons for ,which all Cameroonians who have been vigilant and celebrating our advocacy and activism for a very long time now must begin to have great hope and a sense of greater involvement and commitment.We cannot always agree with the SDF party on everything but we can find common grounds and unite to free and change our society.This has been my plea and you will see more of this happening as we connect all the dots in the days ahead.

Our goal is to forge a proactive partnership that will galvanize and unite the civil society within and without around our common dreams and aspirations to ensure that good governance and the rule of law begins to manifest within the Cameroon new political system.ELECAM is crucial to the SDF Party, which is right on the home front and have a proper understanding of the electoral fraudulent system from the experience of being hurt in the process.

Meanwhile Article 66 is crucial to FREECCAM'A. FREECCAM'A is preoccupied with the principal subject of a republic, which is the rule of law ( The Constitution).Most importantly, very soon, the document on " The Nation of Thieves" will be released explaining why our nation's thieves must be held accountable, which means all their assets and monies overseas and at home must be confiscated and frozen pending a complete investigation into their ill-gotten and stolen wealth.

The recent Political Romance sought by Mr. Paul Biya with his incompatible partner Mr. Ni John Fru Ndi must have been triggered by the scary best man article 66 of the Cameroon constitution, which calls for Mr. Paul Biya and his CPDM government to declare their assets to mark a new beginning in our struggle for freedom and change of the Political system in Cameroon. The political cynicism of the CPDM government which can only be compared with that of Machiavelli as a ploy to avoid article 66 will never work.

We are very observant. We do not need emergency institutions to be created by decrees, with the hope to cajole and mislead people. A free and organized political system won’t have to wait for so long to be granted Universities and Hospitals. These institutions will only have a meaningful impact on the lives of Cameroonians if the political system is free and transparent with high regards and respect for human rights of all citizens especially University Professors who live under fear

There cloud of fear over the refusal of CPDM party officials and public servants to declare their assets as public servants in order to set the stage for good governance and the rule of law is only being deepened as Article 66 sharpens our teeth for freedom and change.They have every reason to be afraid because they never listened to the voice of God when they were advised from several fronts to stop corruption and foster good governance and transparency

It is important for Mr Ni John Fru Ndi and SDF party to understand that 20 years after, we Cameroonians seeking the freedom and change of the political system as well as individuals who embody that system will never be blind folded by any strange political window dressing. If a stretch of handshakes do not represent the dreams and aspirations of the Cameroon people as dictated by the constitution and the new world order, then we must say “thanks but no thanks for the handshake, please, Mr President, declare your assets”

It is true that Ni John Fru Ndi is serious about transparent elections reasons for ,which he constantly alludes to ELECAM as a farce. But ELECAM is not embedded into the constitution like article 66. ELECAM was a creation by Mr. Paul Biya and CPDM regime to suit them. It can be scrapped off just as he signed a decree and established it but Article 66 is the law.

By all account the rule of law must be enforced accordingly. This is the case we are making to the human race at this awesome moment in history because we shall never go to sleep until Mr Paul Biya and his government understand that they should never have taken us for granted as if they were and are anymore entitled to this life than any of us. We, the people were born free and entitled to know how they have managed the country following article 66.

Thank you oncemore and have a great New Year Celebration

Jonathan Fru Awasom
Advocate for the Freedom and change of Cameroon
Political Refugee and Prisoner
President for Transitional Government of Cameroon

Dear Cameroonians and friends of Cameroon

It is essential that I wish you all a hopeful and prosperous new year, 2011. This is a very defining moment for Africa and we must be resolute and determined to navigate the complex hallways of corrupt tyranny to good governance and the rule of law.

President Paul Biya and his government are expected in all fairplay to wrap up his reign of corrupt tyranny on Cameroonians by December 30th,2011 to hand over to the transitional government all things being equal to the rules and enforcement of our laws.

The unfolding political upheaval in Ivory Coast is a reminder that any complex society that is founded on the rule of law will never see its leaders fighting over power. A free and better political system that reflects the reality of the people in terms of ethnicities and regions will gurantee appropriate procedures for entrance to power and exit from power.

Therefore, those who contributed to inject bad governance into the Africans societies with the complicity of its gatekeepers must also shoulder the responsibility to prevent conflicts from escalating. We are sick and tired of two elephants fighting while the grass is trampled and crushed.

The Ivorian and Cameroon governments must respect the law because this is our time for opportunity and prosperity. If someone comes to power in good faith, they should be willing to leave in good faith, too. This is pure and simple.

10 years ago, I became a political refugee and prisoner within the USA because of the corrupt and cruel CPDM regime. When President Paul Biya delivers his final New Year Speech to Cameroonians and the world, it will be up to him to embrace the peace plan to enable a smooth transition of power but the CPDM government cannot fool us again. Article 66 is the law and there is no dispute over this.

We are undertaking a very powerful underground move, yet to ensure that the world understands our position against money laundary, fraud, corruption and gross violation of the rule of law by any member of the CPDM government. Make no mistake about this.The world will continue to witness the powerful tornado of truth in exposing the corrupt tyranny and dictatorship of the CPDM government with a compelling argument to be chronicled as wikitruth.

Then during the past 4 years within the USA, our quest for the freedom of Cameroon has taken an unprecedented dimension forcing the CPDM regime to hit the USA based ABC News Media for propaganda. Concomittantly, the " Motions of Support to the head of state" by a group of CPDM youths in Yaounde is outmoded and unconstitutional. There is a practical way of holding public servants accountable and article 66 provides a good clue to this.

I have made a very practical request to the Congress of the United States to allow all of us under political asylum or as refugees to have the opportunity to testify. This is because some pro-government Cameroonians have been very sneaky by cutting ahead of us to misrepresent us. I have insisted to the Congress that they cannot speak on our behalf.

I also want to take a moment to reiterate to all of you that we will never ever compromise our advocacy and fight to free and change the political system of Cameroon. The CPDM regime must respect our human rights and dignity by complying with article 66 of the constitution.

It is clear that we want change very badly after the last Presidential elections in 2004 was yet another fiasco, which retained Mr Paul Biya as President of Caameroon.Now again he has began his usual tricks by stretching their tentacles of corruption and tyranny all over the world to cajole people for motion of support! .

Unfortunately, the world is no longer what they have always conceived in their egocentric political mind set.We are on rampage. This is the fact about life.We understand our plight and know exactly how to solve our problems under the canopy of our constitution. The fact that Mr Paul Biya signed the Constitution into law does not mean that the signer should undermine its sanity and sacredness.

We must be bear in mind that each of us with a good conscience have stakes in the future of Cameroon as a young nation that deserves to grow up. The proposition for a transitional government, which I opted for since 2009 as President for the transitional government continues to shape the political discourse among Cameroonians and anxious onlookers.

The manifesto for the freedom and change of Cameroon has been particularly defined by the spirit and wisdom of the founders of America. The clarity and conviction of FREECCAM'A's stance on the destiny of Cameroon in terms of political methodology drawn from the parable of the sower speaks volume about Jesus Christ's and Socrates' unmatched wisdom, which inspired the founders of America. It is amazing how, we, too are inspired by the same principles and ideals toward rebuilding Cameroon

While Free and Change Cameroon, Africa ( FREECCAM'A) has trapped the head of CPDM government with article 66 of the Cameroon constitution, it is now very clear that the Social Democratic Front Party( SDF) is also consciously clinging unto its tail with the unconstitutional ELECAM. You need to know something about this powerful home and domestic political strategy that will strangulate the CPDM government and pave the way for a new life for us all.

We cannot afford to miss this kind of political opportunity reasons for ,which all Cameroonians who have been vigilant and celebrating our advocacy and activism for a very long time now must begin to have great hope and a sense of greater involvement and commitment.We cannot always agree with the SDF party on everything but we can find common grounds and unite to free and change our society.This has been my plea and you will see more of this happening as we connect all the dots in the days ahead.

Our goal is to forge a proactive partnership that will galvanize and unite the civil society within and without around our common dreams and aspirations to ensure that good governance and the rule of law begins to manifest within the Cameroon new political system.ELECAM is crucial to the SDF Party, which is right on the home front and have a proper understanding of the electoral fraudulent system from the experience of being hurt in the process.

Meanwhile Article 66 is crucial to FREECCAM'A. FREECCAM'A is preoccupied with the principal subject of a republic, which is the rule of law ( The Constitution).Most importantly, very soon, the document on " The Nation of Thieves" will be released explaining why our nation's thieves must be held accountable, which means all their assets and monies overseas and at home must be confiscated and frozen pending a complete investigation into their ill-gotten and stolen wealth.

The recent Political Romance sought by Mr. Paul Biya with his incompatible partner Mr. Ni John Fru Ndi must have been triggered by the scary best man article 66 of the Cameroon constitution, which calls for Mr. Paul Biya and his CPDM government to declare their assets to mark a new beginning in our struggle for freedom and change of the Political system in Cameroon. The political cynicism of the CPDM government which can only be compared with that of Machiavelli as a ploy to avoid article 66 will never work.

We are very observant. We do not need emergency institutions to be created by decrees, with the hope to cajole and mislead people. A free and organized political system won’t have to wait for so long to be granted Universities and Hospitals. These institutions will only have a meaningful impact on the lives of Cameroonians if the political system is free and transparent with high regards and respect for human rights of all citizens especially University Professors who live under fear

There cloud of fear over the refusal of CPDM party officials and public servants to declare their assets as public servants in order to set the stage for good governance and the rule of law is only being deepened as Article 66 sharpens our teeth for freedom and change.They have every reason to be afraid because they never listened to the voice of God when they were advised from several fronts to stop corruption and foster good governance and transparency

It is important for Mr Ni John Fru Ndi and SDF party to understand that 20 years after, we Cameroonians seeking the freedom and change of the political system as well as individuals who embody that system will never be blind folded by any strange political window dressing. If a stretch of handshakes do not represent the dreams and aspirations of the Cameroon people as dictated by the constitution and the new world order, then we must say “thanks but no thanks for the handshake, please, Mr President, declare your assets”

It is true that Ni John Fru Ndi is serious about transparent elections reasons for ,which he constantly alludes to ELECAM as a farce. But ELECAM is not embedded into the constitution like article 66. ELECAM was a creation by Mr. Paul Biya and CPDM regime to suit them. It can be scrapped off just as he signed a decree and established it but Article 66 is the law.

By all account the rule of law must be enforced accordingly. This is the case we are making to the human race at this awesome moment in history because we shall never go to sleep until Mr Paul Biya and his government understand that they should never have taken us for granted as if they were and are anymore entitled to this life than any of us. We, the people were born free and entitled to know how they have managed the country following article 66.

Thank you oncemore and have a great New Year Celebration

Jonathan Fru Awasom
Advocate for the Freedom and change of Cameroon
Political Refugee and Prisoner
President for Transitional Government of Cameroon

Thursday, June 9, 2011


Dear Cameroonians,Stakeholders and friends of Cameroon
There are some serious points to consider ever since the vision for a 24 months transitional government was first announced in 2009 following the declaration  to lead Cameroon into the 21st century.Who can doubt this vision again? Even those who want to compete with Mr Paul Biya know that they can't make it. This hour in history is no longer about trial and luck.
If a people cannot stand up to pursue their dreams and capture the vision that will empower  them, such a people risk being completely extinct by opportunistic vultures regardless of their color and origin. Through out history, no dictatorship or corrupt tyranny has ever yielded to principles of democracy through free and fair elections.
The founders of the United States were quite aware of this and stood their grounds till the downfall of dictatorship and corrupt tyranny. Those who are excited about participating in the democratic process in  any society could be patient until that condusive moment when that is possible. It is meaningless to engage a dictator and tyrant because any good seed planted on bad soil will perish sooner or later. This vision was inspired by  the parable of the sower or better still no lipstick on a nose of a pig.So, let us see where we are in spite of all the odds.
1) This has a been a steady,consistent  and thoughtful political strategy for nation-building because it will create a patriotic and compassionate environment where all people from all walks of life whether white or black will come together to rebuild Cameroon tapping from an elaborate peace plan ,which opens the floodgates for honest dialogue, justice, peace, unity and reconciliation
2) The notion was not only well articulated but was and is backed by some 21 points ,which  encapsulates an ambitious and realistic set of measurable goals within time and space to enable the political system to kick off on a good footing.
3) The 24 months transitional government is also an exponent of 33 councils of a vast array of leadership and management opportunities for Cameroonians to invest their time , energy and talents towards nation-building. This idea was compartible with the principle of visionary and inclusive leadership for empowerment of a new generation of enterprising and productive citizens of Cameroon at home and abroad.
4) In the wake of this divine plan for freedom, restoration and redemption of Cameroon, there is no doubt that all our stakeholders and concerned citizens of the world have been well informed about this awesome moment in history. We have been very clear with a set of 7 and 8 demands, which summaries the reasons why we must change the CPDM government as well as stop President Paul Biya from becoming President for life. Among these issues, the violation of article 66 is key to bring down the CPDM government. We have taken the rule of law  and good governance seriously because all Cameroonians have sacred and inalienable rights. These rights are enshrined into the constitution of Cameroon and are binding on everyone especially public servants and other government officials who ought to honor article 66 by declaring their assets.
Most importantly, I have so much disrespect for abusers at times when they are  consciously  aiding and abetting( enabling) abuse.
It is encumbent upon me to rebuke or reprimand them for the sake of those they abuse or whose enabling conduct result in the oppression and affliction of powerless and vulnerable people. For instance any person enabling the abusive behavior of Mr Paul Biya and CPDM government against my fellow Cameroonians should sparingly expect to be treated with respect dignity.
I value the dignity of all people including abusers and the abused but there are times when we must not compromise and create the impression as though it is Ok to abuse or be abused.
The fact is abuse is wrong and whether you are a man or woman perpetrating abuse or victimized by abused in any form manner or shape, abuse is a criminal manner.
We shall address all these problems druing the transitional period in Cameroon.
A leader must be firm and be clear about where he or she stands on any subject that afflicts pain and suffering on the human race.
We are talking about abuse but also SPEAKING OUT AGAINST ABUSE.
Jonathan Awasom



 --- On Thu, 11/12/09, Awasom Jonathan <> wrote:

From: Awasom Jonathan <>
Subject: [UB_Alumni] The Constitution of Cameroon and Article 66 / Presidential Candidate: Jonathan Awasom for a Transitional Government
Date: Thursday, November 12, 2009, 6:41 PM

Dear Cameroonians and Well- Wishers
The Constitution and Article 66 on this site: ( you may not find it on this site again because it was posted since 2009 as you can see.However, the same argument I made against the violation of our constitution by the CPDM government stands. The PM is invoking an unconstitutional matter in the name of MOTION OF SUPPORT FOR MR PAUL BIYA. HE IS NOT ELIGIBLE TO RUN FOR PRESIDENT OF CAMEROON PER THIS SAME COMPELLING LEGAL ARGUMENT.

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Law No. 96-06 of 18 January 1996 to amend the Constitution of 2 June 1972 The National Assembly has deliberated and adopted; The President of the Republic hereby enacts the ...
Sincere greetings.  It is the law. The CPDM Party, system and public officials have broken the law. I believe in the rule of law as the foundation of democracy and human dignity for all people who constitute a nation or sovereign State. Where the laws are not respected, we the people have the right  to take back our country and put it back on track to be governed by reasonable and wise people who must cherish and respect the laws of our nation.
 This site will lead you to a copy of the Constitution of Cameroon. It will be advisable for all of you to download it and study. There is a principal rule embedded into the Constitution of Cameroon known as Article 66. When you are done reading, you'll understand why there is a leadership vacuum in Cameroon warranting a period for transition.
How can CPDM system be allowed to conduct Presidential Elections in Cameroon when they have not respected Article 66? Article 66 will determine the eligibility of the CPDM Party and their candidate for President of Cameroon. Why has the Party and system violated the law?   
We must stay the course. The Political Freedom of Cameroon is the only
 CONDITION SINE QUO NUN for a democratic Society to prevail where all people are treated equal under the rule of Law. If one of our critical laws are violated, we must stand up for change.
For more than 27 years now the CPDM Party/System and CPDM Officials have violated this law. So, how can we allow the CPDM System to conduct any Presidential Elections in Cameroon? First things first. Respect and fulfill Article 66 according to the law. Only a transitional Government can handle this exercise.
The only way forward for humanity is for us all to live by principles. If we keep manipulating one another against the very principle/principles we once agreed upon, then our future gets darker and darker. A brighter tomorrow and future rests solely on our common resolve and political will to live by the rules, which were designed to guarantee the natural rights of all people. These rules have been dishonored by the CPDM system, to the extent, which anything short of Transitional Government to correct past and present abuses, will continue to jeopardize our destiny.
Jonathan Awasom