"Hello Brother Jonathan Awasom,
Greetings from Washington, DC. Thanks immensely for the consoling words and advice, I shall adhere. Yes, he had already been forgiven. I must tell you this, brother; you are one of my MUST READ on the Internet. Boy!! You all are the most brilliant, razor sharp intelligent Cameroonians I have ever come across". Emmanuel Allotey , Cameroonian
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Jonathan Awasom <camerooncitizensforfreedom@yahoo.com>
To: "camnetwork@yahoogroups.com" <camnetwork@yahoogroups.com>; "FECA-DC@yahoogroups.com" <FECA-DC@yahoogroups.com>; "fako-america@yahoogroups.com" <fako-america@yahoogroups.com>; "lilolaphako@yahoogroups.com" <lilolaphako@yahoogroups.com>; "fakonet@yahoogroups.com" <fakonet@yahoogroups.com>; "wonyanambekefamily@yahoogroups.com" <wonyanambekefamily@yahoogroups.com>; "accdf@yahoogroups.com" <accdf@yahoogroups.com>; "cpdm-usa@yahoogroups.com" <cpdm-usa@yahoogroups.com>; "cameroon_politics@yahoogroups.com" <cameroon_politics@yahoogroups.com>; "jonathan_light2000@yahoo.com" <jonathan_light2000@yahoo.com>
Cc: "emmanuelallotey@aol.com" <emmanuelallotey@aol.com>
Sent: Friday, August 3, 2012 1:38 AM
Subject: Thank you brother Emmanuel Allotey //Re: Sorry Emmanuel Allotey [camnetwork] Re: [FECA-DC] Re:Billy Mukoi - Thank...
From: Jonathan Awasom <camerooncitizensforfreedom@yahoo.com>
To: "camnetwork@yahoogroups.com" <camnetwork@yahoogroups.com>; "FECA-DC@yahoogroups.com" <FECA-DC@yahoogroups.com>; "fako-america@yahoogroups.com" <fako-america@yahoogroups.com>; "lilolaphako@yahoogroups.com" <lilolaphako@yahoogroups.com>; "fakonet@yahoogroups.com" <fakonet@yahoogroups.com>; "wonyanambekefamily@yahoogroups.com" <wonyanambekefamily@yahoogroups.com>; "accdf@yahoogroups.com" <accdf@yahoogroups.com>; "cpdm-usa@yahoogroups.com" <cpdm-usa@yahoogroups.com>; "cameroon_politics@yahoogroups.com" <cameroon_politics@yahoogroups.com>; "jonathan_light2000@yahoo.com" <jonathan_light2000@yahoo.com>
Cc: "emmanuelallotey@aol.com" <emmanuelallotey@aol.com>
Sent: Friday, August 3, 2012 1:38 AM
Subject: Thank you brother Emmanuel Allotey //Re: Sorry Emmanuel Allotey [camnetwork] Re: [FECA-DC] Re:Billy Mukoi - Thank...
My dear brother Emmanuel Allotey
You are a good man with a good heart. Just continue to be true to yourself as you have always been. It does not take long to recognize a good person in the midst of a crowd of cowards. Good people are wise, intelligent, focused, disciplined and respectful. Good people are not free from human errors but they are good anyways because they are always enthusiastic about making a difference with their strengths. I am looking forward to learning more about you, brother Emmanuel.
Thank you for your passionate appeal but most importantly for your loud applause for the truth about the wisdom and knowledge that I have been blessed with in my life. I have no personal issues with those names except that they are a gross distraction . Besides, many of them and if not all are not Cameroonians legally. So, even before I can agree with them on any issue, they MUST disclose their true nationalities like what Brother Gus Gaston has done. That is why I have great respect for brother Gus Pufong. So, it is up to them to come clean and stop hiding like green snakes in a green grass. Most importantly, I am facing the CPDM regime and not them. They must know choose their battles because if they collide with me, they will have themselves to blame and not me.
I pray that one day, the world will discover the truth and that together we will build what we are called upon to build for our children and generations to come. I have University Professors and College Professors, friends and peers acknowledge my scholarship, smartness, ideas and vision for humanity beginning in my own country, Cameroon. I am proactive because I believe in the force of truth. My Professors in Cameroon, parents and peers laid a great foundation for me upon, which I have built my life of excellence and humility as a servant leader. I am forever grateful to them all.
When I was in form three in Pss Mankon, one of my English Literature Teachers identified a gift in me and wrote a comment on my literature paper that " You are a Prolific writer" ! I am humble that people from all walks of life do recognize my capacity for truth and knowledge ,which is not given freely unless you pursue it with an open mind and spirit. Knowledge comes from God and it helps us to know the truth ,which is tested and proven empirically.
I have worked hard for my intelligence by reading and studying widely as well as being very thoughtful and sensitive to my environment. I do not just consume any stuff without making sure that it is in good order. You see, I am always friendly to the ideas of others and do acknowledge when I quote or paraphrase from a book or author. This kind of generous and honest spirit has instead open the floodgates to knowledge for me because I must satisfy my curiousity all the time. I was a very curious and inquisitive person. When I came to the US, I was curious about a lot of things and that curiousity is what has catapulted or embolden me . This is important to let people know.
Quite apart of my Master of Arts Degree in Religion and Theology focusing on Ethics of War and Peace as well as on Global Justice( Social justice, Human Rights and Civil Rights) , I have been self-taught in the principles of Leadership and Management, Political Science and comparative Politics.
I am also trained as a Global Career Development Facilitator( GCDF) ,which is about training and preparing people to find work, developing jobs and also empowering people to pursue a new Career in their lives. I have been trained in grassroots political canvassing as well as in strategic planning and capacity building in organizational leadership and vision implementation under the SWOT analysis! Right now while writing and advocating for freedom of Cameroon, I am also exploring Civil Rights and Constitutinal law since I am already a human and civil rights campaigner.I will soon release my personal library to the public so that those of you are interested in my progress and development intellectually and otherwise may desire some of my books.
When I was in Cameroon, I never could cram successfully because I always knew that I must read and understand to the extent, which schooling to me was more than just passing the public Examination known as GCE! I went to school and school passed through me . My faith in God and commitment in my personal relationship and walk with Jesus Christ has also been a great support for me. I was not this way but I believe that God has prepared me for a greater mission in my life through my own personal struggles and drama. There has certainly been painful trials and tribulations in my journey and quest for virtue , truth, freedom and justice but all these comes with the territory! To God be the Glory
Let me make an observation with respect to your appeal about those names you have mentioned.
First and foremost, we are fighting for the freedom of Cameroon from corrupt tyranny and dictatorship under a terrorist CPDM Party and regime. I have said this many times to anybody anywhere without fear or favor Our advocacy and activism is obvious as we are not joking.
I am talking about our country , Cameroon and as a citizen who left the country because of persecution , harrassement, intimidation, threats, assaults and all forms of mental and emotional torture because of free speech, I have acted with a good conscience by standing up to the CPDM regime and the PCC Synod officials who conspired and violated/persecuted me and other Cameroonians. Being a voice for the voiceless in a tough society like Cameroon has been tough, anyways but very rewarding and fulfilling to me.
There is a moral obligation here. In fact , there is no way that I could ever ignore or neglect or abandon people who I know are indeed looking up to me! No amount of spinning and manipulations from all these guys will tamper with my conviction and believe about putting an end to the CPDM regime. I have taken this up to God and God won't let us down.No evil like that CPDM regime be allowed to prevail on this earth.
To God be the Glory and keep the good faith
Rev Jonathan Awasom
The force of truth is at the center of my faith in God and love for humanity
I am a Cameroonian citizen for freedom of Cameroon from corrupt tyranny and dictatorship.
Click on his blog and download 150 articles, a trail blazer of speaking truth to power, a fearless advocacy and persistent activism that is shaping African policies in 21st century
To: camnetwork@yahoogroups.com; FECA-DC@yahoogroups.com; fako-america@yahoogroups.com; lilolaphako@yahoogroups.com; fakonet@yahoogroups.com; wonyanambekefamily@yahoogroups.com; accdf@yahoogroups.com; cpdm-usa@yahoogroups.com; cameroon_politics@yahoogroups.com; camerooncitizensforfreedom@yahoo.com; jonathan_light2000@yahoo.com
Sent: Thursday, August 2, 2012 9:47 AM
Subject: Re: Sorry Emmanuel Allotey [camnetwork] Re: [FECA-DC] Re:Billy Mukoi - Thank...
Hello Brother Jonathan Awasom,
Greetings from Washington, DC. Thanks immensely for the consoling words and advice, I shall adhere. Yes, he had already been forgiven.
I must tell you this, brother; you are one of my MUST READ on the Internet. Boy!! You all are the most brilliant, razor sharp intelligent Cameroonians I have ever come across. I have followed through with this argument within the network, I believe that the issue here is a misunderstanding. Trust me, if this misunderstanding is cleared, we would have the best Cameroon Government ever assembled in the Diaspora. We have you, brother Jonathan Awasom, Mishe Fon, Pamela Khumbah, Billy Mukoi The Anomahs, DJ Eric, Dr. Emmanuel Konde, Dr. Peter Igwacho, Dr. Louis Mbua, Dr. Rexton Nting, Dr. Boniface Wewe, Ma Rosemary Lum, Kenneth Ndeh, Edwan Mafor, Mary Nabila, Asonganyi, Ms Joe, Dr. Evaristus Enongene, Jacob Nguni, Johnny Mor, Kate Atabong, Mot'a Bema, Dr. Vankuta, Ben Fokum, Pa Boniface Chungong, Ivy Tasong, Jackson Nanje, Celestine Fonge, Etanyi, Gaston Poufong, Ndi Nkem, Jim Rodny-Njotsa, Eno Ebai, Atakyen, Patrice Nganang, Albert Nguni, Albert Nguidjol, Emil Epanti, just to mention a few.
I will like to move a motion to set-up a Teleconference call meeting where we all shall dial In and try to reconcile this differences. Before I sign off, I must give this to Ms Evelyn Joe and Mary Nabila when they worked out their differences, it was not a sign of weakness but maturity and understanding.
Brother-man, please, take care of your self and have a wonderful day.
Sango Mot'a Muenya
Washington, DC
In a message dated 8/2/2012 8:07:12 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, camerooncitizensforfreedom@yahoo.com writes:
Sorry, Emmanuel that this happened to you especially as a father! I hope you move on and forgive him!I have been through this , too when Jacob Nguni, Mishe Fon , Mukoi Elkanah conspired and called the University Library on me and I had to deal with the Police but when they came they found nothing against me contrary to all the LIES they were told by them! If I had wanted to waste my time pursuing the issue, it would backfire against all of them but I had to choose my battles and let God fight the rest! Can you imagine how embarrassed I was to learn that they actually called the police on me whereas they were the ones insulting me?Earlier on another Cameroonian here in New Jersey was advised by the same DC gangsters to drag me to court and he was spitiing fire here and finally when he went to court, things turned against him until I had pity on him and let go!All I can say is, people have to be extremely careful with how they deal with people who are HYPER ! But most importantly , we must all guard against breaking the law because a small issue like this is costly and time consuming and there are people who are very impatient like you have seen. They can go to any length to get even with those they percieve as enemiesI deal with these kinds of people 24/7 and sometimes prayers, too help. I hope you are a man of prayers. Rev Jonathan Awasom
From: "emmanuelallotey@aol.com" <emmanuelallotey@aol.com>
To: FECA-DC@yahoogroups.com; camnetwork@yahoogroups.com; feca-dc@yahoogroups.com; fako-america@yahoogroups.com; lilolaphako@yahoogroups.com; fakonet@yahoogroups.com; wonyanambekefamily@yahoogroups.com; accdf@yahoogroups.com; cpdm-usa@yahoogroups.com; cameroon_politics@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thursday, August 2, 2012 12:48 AM
Subject: [camnetwork] Re: [FECA-DC] Re:Billy Mukoi - Thank God oh my Moyo!!!!A Victory For Mot'a Mu...
Correction: And my last born, 11 year old in junior high school.
In a message dated 8/2/2012 12:42:54 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, emmanuelallotey@aol.com writes:
Billy Mukoi, Dr. Peter Igwacho, Mafor Edwan, Anomah & The Entire Internet Family,I am sorry for my late reply, I was in down town Washington, DC, celebrating with true friends. Billy, a very good question. The # 1 Charge was VIOLATION OF A PEACE which makes it a criminal offense and if guilty one may serve time in jail. We are members of the FECA-DC/Fako-America Organizations, we had some disagreements that led to WAR OF WORDS via the Internet. Then, BOOM BOOM, someone took me to Court that I threatened to kill him/them with my 9 mm hand gun and for insults. Well, we went to Court and a PEACE ORDER was granted from December 21, 2011 through June 21, 2012. As if enough was not enough, this same person went back to Court in May of this 2012 and said I had VIOLATED the PEACE ORDER, HOW? he submitted bogus evidence but that did not sell. Too bad, it was a Frivolous Lawsuits/Bogus; PERIOD. MA4, Moyo, yes, GOD is great.I am a professional with a License, six children, four in various Universities, one in high school 12th grade and the last my child 11 year old in junior high school. Just IMAGINE. The disturbing thing of all, on the initial day of the VIOLATION OF THE PEACE ORDER hearing on June 6, 2012, the Judge asked him "Sir, what would you want me to do with Sango Mo'ta Muenya if he has really violated the PEACE ORDER, replied the petitioner 'I want him INCACERATED' Ok, the case is set for July 18, 2012." the Judge said. The case was later moved to July 11, 2012 but I did not get the notice, at which time, it was re-scheduled for today. My advice to all my fellow Cameroonians, be very careful out there. Ok, that is my story. The case is over with, than God. Let's move on to bigger and better things. I can not go any further.Gud*nite allSango Mot'a MuenyaWashington, DC
To: ACCDF@yahoogroups.com; feca-dc@yahoogroups.com; fako-america@yahoogroups.com; fakonet@yahoogroups.com; lilolaphako@yahoogroups.com; camnetwork@yahoogroups.com; cameroon_politics@yahoogroups.com; CPDM-USA@yahoogroups.com; bamune@aol.com; Angie.Elam@dla.mil; wasamba@yahoo.co.ukFrom: edwanfon@yahoo.com Date: Wed, 1 Aug 2012 17:58:43 -0700 Subject: [camnetwork] Thank God oh my Moyo!!!!A Victory For Mot'a Muenya Aquitted Of All Charges. We thank God oh Papa!It is well my dearest Moyo!You are indeed Mot'a Muenya like Ekambi Brillaint sings oh!Mafor EdwanFrom: "emmanuelallotey@aol.com" <emmanuelallotey@aol.com>
To: feca-dc@yahoogroups.com; fako-america@yahoogroups.com; fakonet@yahoogroups.com; lilolaphako@yahoogroups.com; accdf@yahoogroups.com; camnetwork@yahoogroups.com; cameroon_politics@yahoogroups.com; CPDM-USA@yahoogroups.com; bamune@aol.com; Angie.Elam@dla.mil; wasamba@yahoo.co.uk
Sent: Wednesday, August 1, 2012 7:07 PM
Subject: In Court Today - A Victory For Mot'a Muenya Aquitted Of All Charges. Family, a Victory for Sango Mot'a Muenya is a Victory for the Fako People, a Victory for BLCC, a Victory for street lights in Buea, Limbe, Bimbia, Limbola. A Victory for All the Mbambas & Children.VERDICT=> NOT GUILTY: PEACE ORDER QUASHED, CASE DISMISSED. HOW SWEET IT IS???Scroll down first then click here=>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7z__duSxu4ENJOY VICTOIRE/VICTORY BY KOFFI OLOMIDESango Mot'a Muenya Leaving The Court House After Being Acquitted Of All ChargesEven By Standers Were Happy For Vive Bandolo. "You Can't Keep A Good Man Down"Vive Bandolo The Flamboyant Nature Boy. You Just "You Can't Keep A Good Man Down"Sango Mot'a Muenya Vive Bandolo Allotey Leaving The UnderGround Parking LotThe Flamboyant Nature Boy Saying Good Bye To His High Powered LawyerAfter The Victory, Returned Home And Told My Wife How Much I Love HerMola Dr. Lyombe Eko Told The Fako People: Mot'a Muenya = Important Man In DoualaCamnetters, ACCDF, Cameroon-Politics, CPDM-USA Family, Bear With Me. It's a long StorySango Mot'a Muenya Vive Bandolo ~ Just Wanna Catch Up With The OlympicsMishe Fon, Mukoi, DJ Eric, Konde, Lum, Mbua, Kenneth, Awasom, Ma4, Nabila, Ms. Joe, Ngonyama,Some Wanted The Flamboyant Nature Boy In Jail. That's What I am Thinking. For Real??Dr.
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