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Saturday, May 28, 2011


--- On Fri, 2/11/11, Jonathan Awasom <> wrote:

From: Jonathan Awasom <>
To: "Nico RVan Dijck" <>
Date: Friday, February 11, 2011, 1:19 AM

Dear Mr Nico
Thank you for taking my phone call and for emailing me your contact. The first document you will read from me is the vision for the exportation of freedom to Africa. This is very important because I want everybody to have a good picture of where I have been coming from all these years.Most importantly ,why I have been resilient.
Herewith are evidence of my longtime political advocacy and activism  for the Exportation of freedom to Africa. In many ways I used Cameroon, my country as  a base for this vision.
This was a very special training that I recieved in 2006 and it lasted for two years. During this period I was exploring my vision for the freedom of Africa ,which started with an open letter I wrote to President Bush in 2006.
My letter to the White House was accompanied with a Blueprint on how to end poverty and injustice in Africa following the G-8 summit in Gleneagles Scotland in  2005. The State Department also have copies of every memorandum I dispatched to the White House and Religious Leaders in this country involved in mission work in Africa.
Every detail of this incredible journey will be brought to your attention in the next emails..."    

--- <> wrote: On Thu, 6/17/10, Jonathan Awasom
From: Jonathan Awasom <>
Date: Thursday, June 17, 2010, 4:20 PM
An Open Letter to Canadians  and United States Political,Religious and Business Leaders and Citizens of the Free World INVOLVED IN AFRICA.

My Fellow Patriotic and Concerned Citizens


In additions to all I have said to you, I am very excited to inform you about this vision I conceived since in 2007 and was constantly exploring ways to acquaint you with it. My longing for freedom for the oppressed in Africa is no longer a secret and our demands for the freedom of political prisoners, stop human rights violation and end corrupt tyranny and dictatorship are not foreign to the history of free people. I am deeply rooted into God -centered Principles and values that shaped the making of the Constitution of the United States of America.

As a researcher, consultant and visionary leader, I am introducing this platform  to enable me work with all of you to realize my vision for Freedom for Cameroon and Africa. I am looking for  MEMBERS TO SUPPORT ME WITH MY VISION. Take a moment to explore the case I am making as well as visit my blog  in order to learn more about me and my vision. I am driven and determined for this mission.

I have developed different creative strategies through, which the vision to free Cameroon and Africa will materialize.To this effect, I am calling on all of you to help me to start the Founding Fathers Freedom Institute International( F.F.FREEDOM INSTITUTE INTERNATIONAL. This vision has been around since 2007 and I believe that we should not postpone it again.
Why should America Export Freedom to Cameroon and Africa in the 21st century?

I love Canada and the United States of America .  I am patriotic. I am an honest beggar. I don't beat about the bush. I go for what I know has value and meaning. I crave for that,which inspires. I have only one  pain in my life, which is righteous anger transformed into no-nonsense political advocacy and activism to change, alter and abolish the unjust systems in our societies,which have hurt me and millions of innocent people also known as the oppressed.

There is always a motivation ,inspiration and vision,which drives someone in life. I have learned about this from successful American Patriots who led successful revolutions and changed the world forever beginning from the 17 th century through the 20th century. The 21st century is bearing the fruits of the labors of the 20th century and these fruits should be enjoyed by everybody born into this world and who are entitled to be free

If the History of Canada and United States of America are true, if the Constitution is correct, if the vision of the Founders incredibly brought about this freedom and prosperity for humankind in ways beyond my grasps, if political and religious persecution are indicative of any corrupt political system out there that President Thomas Jefferson and the Founders opposed and absconded from them, if the Holy Bible and Holy Trinity are true and if the Founders were empowered by their faith in God and reliance on the wisdom of the Holy Bible,  then I believe that I am also right today as a descendant. I have to focus on the vision God has deposited inside me for the people. My responsibility as a visionary person is to reach out  to everyone regardless of race and politics to support us.

My constant seeking, asking and knocking makes some people uncomfortable. It is not my desire to incite anyone to be angry at me. All I had wanted to do is point you to the positive energy that is flowing and circulating only within  this part of the world. I want to tap into this energy and export it to Africa . If you want me to stop bothering you then all you need to do is give me what we are entitled to, which is FREEDOM. William B Benet observed in the Book of Virtue that Americans should be grateful for the political freedom, which was bequeathed to them by the Founding Fathers. This gratefulness calls for its preservation, sustenance, maintenance and most importantly its exportation to other parts of the world that are underdeveloped.
After successfully being trained for 40 days in the wilderness with the Political History and Education of the Founding Fathers of North America( Canada and United States of America)  and thereafter following 2 years of intensive and extensive research through reading, mentorship and experience, I began to realize the urgency to export the Founding Father's brand of Freedom to some parts of  Africa, which are NOT FREE.

Considering the fact that Africa is a vast continent, I decided to narrow down this vision to Cameroon. Over the years , I have been terribly devastated by the civil war in Goma-Congo,Liberia,Sierra Leone etc  which has taken a huge toll on the lives of innocent children and women. I know that these civil wars, conflicts and genocides are destructive rebellious activities ,which hardly  result in nation building if not checked and stopped as soon as possible.

It was reported that about 45.000 people were killed every month and my no-nonsense political activism under the guidance of the Holy Trinity galvanized the City of Edina, Churches and concerned Citizens of Edina to stand up for Goma-Congo led by  Christ Presbyterian Church of Edina where I was a member.
By the same token, my vision to reform the Church in Cameroon,which led us to a rare   constructive revolution that shock the church system   in 1999, also mobilized Westminster Presbyterian Church Down Town Minneapolis and PC(USA) to begin changing their missionary approach in Cameroon b y being more open and accountable.After discovering the truth through my research, reading and experience, I also became self-conscious of the corrupt tyrannical and totalitarian political system in Cameroon. This is unlike the political freedom of Canada and the United States . As a consequence, I knew immediately that the time to Export this political Freedom to Cameroon and Africa  had come.

I am yet to sensitize the Cities of the USA in order to mobilize, Westminster Presbyterian Church, Bethlehem Baptist Church and Grace Church  to stand up for Africa just as Edina is standing up for Goma-Congo following the revolution of the conscience I led. I operate from a very realistic standpoint, which is every stakeholder in Goma-Congo and Cameroon, and  Africa as a whole  automatically are partners with us to Free these countries and help us to build it like Canada and the United States of America and Europe . I am making concrete plans to contact the officials  involved.
This is no easy task for me articulating my vision and seeking to market it to my fellow patriotic Canadian and American leaders and citizens. I am sure many of you have read my works and feel the passion, enthusiasm and spirit.You can tell that I hear voices from beyond echoing through my non-violent  no-nonsense practical advocacy and activism in a bid to enlighten and educate people about freedom, democracy and human rights of all people born into the continent of Africa.
 -The Founding Fathers Freedom Institute    (F.F.FREEDOM INSTITUTE)
“In the immediate future, carefully trained Americans should commence exporting the Founders’ great success formula. The world is waiting for it… we must regain our footing, reexamine our game plan, and then begin exporting our formula for freedom, prosperity and peace to the rest of the world. It is fundamental to the progress, happiness and self-realization of all mankind (humankind). It is what the founders expected of us”
W.Cleon Skoussen, National Center for Constitutional Studies (NCCS) in his Book, “ The Making of America, the Meaning and Substance of the Constitution”
The Founding parents of America (men and their wives) thought deeply about the success formula for America and others. None of the States in America were accomplished in a single day. Unpacking their independence after 1776, they realized that they were not yet free and that is why they began charting the path to freedom after the Declaration of Independence.
Freedom is a critical need in life because people can be independent and yet not free. This is the case with Cameroon. Even though we gained independence in 1960 and 1961, we are still not free. I believe I have the moral duty to fulfill the wishes of the founding fathers after I discovered the truth. “Where there is a will there is a way”.
Why am I advocating for freedom?
I am a surviving victim of colonization, dictatorship and slavery. Today, I see myself more like a resilient moral agent for change and not as a victim again. Therefore, I resonate with W. Cleon Skoussen who writes in his Book that “Freedom should be America’s Greatest Export”.
This is the more reason why we have to discuss with the American people how this freedom should be exported to The United Tribes of Cameroon (UTC) or Federated Provinces of Cameroon (FPC). But before we get Americans involved, we have to train them.
My vision from this point will be for us to connect with all Americans who are involved in one business or the other in Cameroon so that we explore how this freedom should be exported. Americans involved in Cameroon include; mission churches and missionaries, Peace Corps, diplomats, tourists, professionals and other volunteer Americans who believe in the freedom of this country. Let me share with you very honestly that preventive measure against any possible civil war or genocide in Cameroon at this time in history is crucial.The Founding Fathers Freedom Institute (F.F.FI). This institute will be a research and training center for Americans interested in exporting this freedom to Cameroon and Africa. “American citizens” refers to all people who currently have this status whether by birth or naturalization regardless of their political or religious affiliation.
My desire is that this center will attract admirers from all over to expose themselves to resources and training programs about this mission. In the meantime, Cameroon is my preoccupation now because my goal is to work for a peaceful transition after more than 50 years of dictatorship and corrupt tyranny.
Our population is only about 19 million and about 85% of Cameroonians are unemployed. This is a clear recipe for civil war. We are also a nation of complex tribes, which in the midst of dictatorship, oppression, corruption and injustice could culminate in genocide. We have the moral duty to prevent any unforeseen situation.
If you will like to learn more about these ideas, please feel free to contact me. I thought I throw this out and hear what your thoughts are because I will be asking for your support and help.
-Jesus Christ and the abolition of slavery on African Colonies”
-The audacity for freedom: Why US should export freedom to Cameroon ” 
These are my two manuscripts awaiting publication for the FFFREEDOM INSTITUTE. I have also drawn from the life of William Wilberforce, President Thomas Jefferson and President Abraham Lincoln, Dietritch Bonhoeffer and Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King in a bid to explain how their moral Leadership was shaped by their faith in God. All of them were passionate followers of Christ and believed in the love of God and the beloved community.
They did not compromise with evil or negative forces that infringed upon the human dignity. Yet, after they labored in love, unfortunately under very tragic circumstances with the exception of William Wilberforce and President Thomas Jefferson, I owe them a lot.
They made a huge difference no doubt and the world changed forever. For me, I humbly stand on their shoulder blades because while growing up and learning about them one after the other, I have come to the highest level of inspiration. I now believe that it is time for me to tell the story from experience, testimony and research.
Call for action
Before I ask for your support and help, I am deeply convicted about what I stand for in terms of freedom, liberty, justice and peace, which are some of the essential ingredients for human dignity. For Seven years that I have been in America and following my research, I will be doing disservice to humanity if I fail to educate and enlighten humankind about the state of affairs in my country.
Today, I am delighted because at last I am able to figure out what we can do together. As you know I am a visionary person and after conceiving this, now I need your expertise, moral, physical or your financial support to translate this vision into reality. So, if you know others who might be interested in my vision, ideas and passions, please share with them.
Sometime toward the end of summer or fall, I will like us to launch the Founding Fathers Freedom Institute. I will endeavor to identify and contact all missions, diplomats, professionals and others involved in Cameroon with this letter, too. I am desperate to prevent civil war or genocide in Cameroon and I trust that you will join me with your passion and gifts to step up to this responsibility.
How can you be involved and who am I looking for? What, When, How, Why?
-         Experts to help shape my vision so that it can be translated
-         Scholars and visiting Fellows for the Founding Fathers Freedom Institute (Trainers)
-         Volunteers and advocates
-         Fund raisers
-         An administrative assistant  
-         Board members and advisers for the Founding Fathers Institute  ETC
Thanks in advance for being a Freedom Exporter. 
This is who I have always been according to my faith in God.
  Jonathan Awasom  ( Reverend)
Political Advocate for the Exportation of America’s Freedom to Africa
Political refugee within the US from Cameroon, West Africa
Pastor and Missionary to the USA
Career Development Facilitator
Reformer and Nation Builder
Civil Rights leader and Community Organizer
Political Advocate and Canvasser
Voice for the Voiceless
Voice of Conscience
Mobilizing and Organizing and empowering Cameroonians, Africans, friends of Africa and concerned citizens of the world ; Missionaries, Peace Corps, Diplomats and the International Community to free and change Cameroon from corrupt  tyranny, and dictatorship under the CPDM regime
For more information about what what I stand for, visit this  
Cellular Phone: 973-282-6461

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