Look at the date and year I used the words "Time" --- On Mon, 12/21/09, Jonathan Awasom <jonathanawasom@yahoo.com> wrote: Part One Birthing of a New Cameroon Consciousness and Political Leadership The time has come for us to lead. Join the new generation of like minds and make a difference.The time for a new Cameroon has come and this means a new direction under a new set of leaders with a new vision and new ideas that will champion the cause for a new meaning and civilization for all people that dwell within Cameroon. When I say all people what I mean is all stakeholders.Pass on the message to free the mind and spirit from denial and ignorance. I do not by any stretch of my imagination claim to know as much as any other person who has opined or may opine on this.However , by delving into this issue intoto my hope is that all of us will seek to develop ourselves as others( Founding Fathers of other free and civilized societies) have done in similar circumstances. In that way become an addition to what is already existing as opposed to trying to eradicate a tradition that has empowered some people for decades. For how long shall some of us handle the hypocrisy of some Cameroonians and Africans who have benefitted from their so called colonization and often trying to recruit us to become cry-babies? No, we are ready to move on and lead our societies to become part of the happiness and prosperity that is shaping other great societies.Why should Cameroon be an exception? The issue at stake is simple. The CPDM political Party and regime have violated the Constitution in its entirety. There is no point for them to prove tough or try to distract us. President Paul Biya and his government should step down peacefully and hand over to the new generation of Cameroonians. All we want to do is build a new Cameroon society for all people including but not ,limited to their own generations. When people have failed to deliver to us they some sort always want to manipulate us by introducing subjects,which have no basis for an argument.The task for nation building is neither for one man nor two people. It must be all us working together to solve these problems. A new Cameroon is very possible. I used to doubt but I am very confident now than ever before because we have made a perfect diagnosis of our problems.We have simply overcome fear and replaced it with courage and faith.Cameroon Politicians cannot fool us again because we have known their tricks for a long time. They prey on the ignorance of the people in order to always change the subject of utmost importance, which is accountability. That is why I took time to make sure that people see the connection of CPDM political Party with Niccolo Machiavelli 's work the Prince. In order to understand the case I am making for the unfolding new vision for our country, please click this link and download the article; How Niccolo Machiavelli infleunced the CPDM Political Party and System against humanity. What I continue to insist among my fellow country people is we have a Constitution, which should be respected accordingly. All Cameroonians regardless of their region, tribe or colonial nationality( Francophone or Anglophone) are expected to comply with article 66 of the Cameroon Constitution. The CPDM political Party and regime have not declared their assets since they came to power in 1985. Even if we were to disregard the previous years during, which many of them served under President Ahidjo the facts before us point to gross violation of the rule of law. Neither Francophone nor Anglophone within the current CPDM political establishment should manipulate us to think that the Constitution or rule of law is of no importance. The only way to confirm the moral and spiritual decadence of the Cameroon society is to hold all people to the same standard of accountability. In the meantime that standard of accountability is the Constitution of Cameroon. We must start exploring the problems of Cameroon from where it all began through the lens of the Constitution and colonization. When both the President, his government and Parliament have failed to be accountable , why should they expect the rest of the people to be accountable when as leaders they do not exemplify good behavior? They are not able to hold the civil society accountable enough because they are first and foremost unaccountable themselves. Can anyone be surprised about the chaos and rampant corruption that has plagued Cameroon for so long? The problems of Cameroonians could be overwhelming regardless of how what perceives them. The reasons could be attributed to the fact that the context and culture in which we wrestle with these problems have created the kind of unnecessary polemics and distractions we constantly have to deal with. I notice that in the distant past and even presently we might be dwelling on stereotypes more than finding our voice and developing what I call a Cameroon Consciousness and political Leadership, which are lacking. Why because some of our fellow Francophones and Anglophones on both sides of the isle who have failed us in the past continue to think that we are bound to them as our seniors. I think that Anglophones within the CPDM political system could join the campaign to enable everyone declare their assets before we proceed in Cameroon. I do not doubt the excellence of Anglophone in the former west Cameroon and I am yearning for the glorious past! However, we have to deal with the truth and reality today. If the Constitution states that all public servants must declare their assets I think it will be unfair for Anglophones within the system to start distracting us by making us feel that they should be given a free pass because of a former West Cameroon. I was born after 1967. Concomitantly , if other societies have sustained Federalism as one of the smart ways to resolve and deal with their complex cultural differences, I think it is also unfair for Francophone Cameroon to reject this notion, which is working in other societies. The dignity of the Anglophone Cameroonian regardless of their tribe has been compromised politically as a result of the dissolution of a former Federal structure.It is hard to say if the falling moral standards of the anglophone is as a result of association with the Francophone. I make this comment because if the former West Cameroon society was almost perfect granted the high degree of accountability then what could have happen that things felt apart? Why was the Federal Structure dissolved when Federalism is very much alive in Switzerland and the United States? Why was the one in Cameroon a problem to the majority Francophones? This is the one million dollar question I want to be answered by the those who championed the abolition of a federal system. I love the Federal System and all people must read and study the Federal Papers,which inspired this fine American Government. The fact is both Franco- Cameroonians and Anglo-Cameroonians who could be traced as residents of the United States make this case for a federal system very compelling. We are still different and complex. It does not matter if the French or British colonized us because without the French and British, Cameroon is one kind of a society that is rooted in tribes and ethnicities. If we subtract those who we blame for colonization we would be fighting everyday and killing each other because of our tribal affiliations. Jonathan F Awasom FREECCAM'A PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE ADVOCATING FOR A PEACEFUL TRANSITIONAL GOVERNMENT FOR CAMEROON TO LAST FOR 24 MONTHS |
I have never lost faith in humanity in spite of the injustices I have faced in the struggle for justice. Truth is a prerequisite for justice and liberty. My vision is for a virtuous and free society. Here is a catalogue of wikitruths. I speak truth to powers as the most effective tool for change since I was blessed with this exra-ordinary gift.Yes, I have infleunced world leaders and millions of lives changed already with wikitruths. Truth is the greatest force for good
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