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Thursday, June 9, 2011



 --- On Thu, 11/12/09, Awasom Jonathan <> wrote:

From: Awasom Jonathan <>
Subject: [UB_Alumni] The Constitution of Cameroon and Article 66 / Presidential Candidate: Jonathan Awasom for a Transitional Government
Date: Thursday, November 12, 2009, 6:41 PM

Dear Cameroonians and Well- Wishers
The Constitution and Article 66 on this site: ( you may not find it on this site again because it was posted since 2009 as you can see.However, the same argument I made against the violation of our constitution by the CPDM government stands. The PM is invoking an unconstitutional matter in the name of MOTION OF SUPPORT FOR MR PAUL BIYA. HE IS NOT ELIGIBLE TO RUN FOR PRESIDENT OF CAMEROON PER THIS SAME COMPELLING LEGAL ARGUMENT.

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Law No. 96-06 of 18 January 1996 to amend the Constitution of 2 June 1972 The National Assembly has deliberated and adopted; The President of the Republic hereby enacts the ...
Sincere greetings.  It is the law. The CPDM Party, system and public officials have broken the law. I believe in the rule of law as the foundation of democracy and human dignity for all people who constitute a nation or sovereign State. Where the laws are not respected, we the people have the right  to take back our country and put it back on track to be governed by reasonable and wise people who must cherish and respect the laws of our nation.
 This site will lead you to a copy of the Constitution of Cameroon. It will be advisable for all of you to download it and study. There is a principal rule embedded into the Constitution of Cameroon known as Article 66. When you are done reading, you'll understand why there is a leadership vacuum in Cameroon warranting a period for transition.
How can CPDM system be allowed to conduct Presidential Elections in Cameroon when they have not respected Article 66? Article 66 will determine the eligibility of the CPDM Party and their candidate for President of Cameroon. Why has the Party and system violated the law?   
We must stay the course. The Political Freedom of Cameroon is the only
 CONDITION SINE QUO NUN for a democratic Society to prevail where all people are treated equal under the rule of Law. If one of our critical laws are violated, we must stand up for change.
For more than 27 years now the CPDM Party/System and CPDM Officials have violated this law. So, how can we allow the CPDM System to conduct any Presidential Elections in Cameroon? First things first. Respect and fulfill Article 66 according to the law. Only a transitional Government can handle this exercise.
The only way forward for humanity is for us all to live by principles. If we keep manipulating one another against the very principle/principles we once agreed upon, then our future gets darker and darker. A brighter tomorrow and future rests solely on our common resolve and political will to live by the rules, which were designed to guarantee the natural rights of all people. These rules have been dishonored by the CPDM system, to the extent, which anything short of Transitional Government to correct past and present abuses, will continue to jeopardize our destiny.
Jonathan Awasom

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