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Friday, June 24, 2011



My fellow Cameroonians and Concerned Citizens
The Foundation to the Case
Sincere greetings.
The only solution for Cameroon now is for us to concentrate on establishing the vision for a 24 months transitional government and the Cameroon Truth Commission during,which time we will all come together to rebuild Cameroon beyond President Paul Biya and his CPDM Ministers/officials and Parliamentarians past or present. The problems of Cameroon are very serious to the point where it does not matter what people think about the tribal or regional origins of people. It is easy to whip tribal or regional sentiments as a political ploy to divide and conquer but at the end of the day, we are still condemned to live in the same society. Let us rebuild first. In that way be sure that everyone has a fair chance to seek any public office. In the coming weeks, I will come out with a complete statement on the Cameroon Truth Commission. I know I had promised this but have been dealing with some personal family matters as you know.
We have the question of tribes, regions and people from all walks of life trying to survive under a corrupt tyranny and dictatorship. This is no longer what we should be dealing with in this century. We are bound to restructure Cameroon under a workable Federal Structure and system that will grant greater independence/autonomy to our people and allow them to elect their governors and others. All CPDM people have supported and helped President Paul Biya since he became President to appoint and impose Governors on our people. All CPDM Parliamentarians and Ex-Prime Ministers, Ex-Ministers, Ex-Governors,Ex-Parliamentarians,Ex-Managers, Ex-Ambassadors and Ex-whatever  have contributed to the state of oppression and corruption in Cameroon
We are caught up in a society where all us must figure a way out and that includes white and black people.Everyday, this is absolutely apparent to me because except there is profound lie that is very normal, why did we seek political asylum within the United States of America and why are people campaigning for the Presidency among asylees? How many Cameroonians in Europe and North America, Asia and Africa can vote? You see, we have a lot to change at home and abroad in order to give a voice to every Cameroonian at home and abroad in the development of our country as well as in terms of civic engagement. Until then, all the CPDM people just love the excitement and hysteria of the moment. It is just a waste of time. Oversea votes do not count. We rather be patient and alter the system.
That is I am bound to address this issue of CPDM Cameroonians trying to confuse you, Cameroonians once and for all with the hope that the selected few with a clean conscience who care deeply  about a better Cameroon, a virtuous and free Cameroon society, are not misled or distracted by people who knowingly have taken bribes from President Paul Biya and his CPDM government to challenge him at the ballot box. We know the truth. Why then do they want us to live in denial and just be fooled by this sensation and hysteria of the moment? Nobody is electable under the current electoral process in Cameroon except the CPDM candidates who eventually end up as the majority as a result of  massive disenfranchisement.
The Courage to keep focus
When Paul Tillich wrote " The Courge to Be" , it was not for the sake of it. We live in a world where we constantly need courageous actions in the face of adversities, deceptions, falsehoods and ignorance because with courage, we are sure to move this world forward and Cameroon is not going to be an exception to this rule. Other societies have depended largely on faith and courage, and behold, the birth of an amazing civilization endowed with progress, abundance and prosperity. How can this elude us when many of us are basking under it and enjoying it? How can anyone who claims they were persecuted by the CPDM regime want to stand in the way of change?
Hon Paul Ayah was and is still part of the CPDM system
Every Cameroonian has the right to seek public office. However, I honestly do not think that Hon Paul Ayah has any honest vision for Cameroon on his own. He, Hon Paul Ayah and Mr Akoson Raymond  have been struggling to dabble into a well programed vision, which I launched since 2009 in bid to convince himself that he has truly resigned from the CPDM regime! 
There is no way in Cameroon for us to hold the CPDM regime accountable if out of a sudden somone resigns from the CPDM and begin to claim that he or she can change Cameroon immediately when he has not yet demonstrated a new character. There is absolutely no clarity and sincerity in the lurking conspiracy to manipulate one and betray a genuine and sacred call for a new Cameroon. That is why my vision for a transitional government was appropriate to allow this period  for people to observe and see the  transformation of Cameroonians who have fed from the system. There is too much CPDMNESS inside them, besides them,  around them  and about them.

Our plight has been further comfounded by the sheer fact that Hon Paul Ayah was part of the CPDM regime even when we were being harrassed, intimidated and threatened right here in the United States by the likes of CPDM-USA under Joe Mbu, Seagol Jude Okafor, Jackson Nanje etc Up till now Cameroonians have lost their lives and continue to suffer from violation of their human rights because of the CPDM regime, government and Parliamentarians. CPDM Parliamentarians were mute when the CPDM regime persecuted and prosecuted me and many Cameroonians for seeking social justice reforms in the Church. Where was Hon Paul Ayah who now claims he can change the CPDM system?
The Constitutional approach to assets Declarations

There is a constitutional method against, which backdrop every CPDM Parliamentarian, Opposition Parliamentarians and Government officials are expected to declare their assets.I do not think that an individual on his or her own can singlehandedly report to the Cameroon people that they have declared their assets. This is very manipulative given that we have learned that President Paul Biya does not care about people who have not stolen a lot of money! 
But even if Hon Paul Ayah has  not stolen enough still upon all the time that he was loyal to the system before becoming a Parliamentarian, so far he has indirectly stolen from the people by collecting money from the CPDM regime with an unrealistic expectation and anticipation to DEFEAT HIS BOSS AT THE BOLLOT BOX. Did he collect any money from the system to run for elections that are based on a corrupt electoral process?
I mean his boss dictator Paul Biya whom he served until about October 2010 when he resigned and announced he would compete against him. How funny.When shall we ever get serious with life? This struggle is about the Constitution of Cameroon and it is clear to me that Hon Paul Ayah does not yet realize that Cameroon is for the future and not in the days of Ahidjo.
Plagiarism, copyright and intellectual dishonesty
While it is proper for Hon Paul Ayah to express his liberty for public office, I am personally very convinced now that Hon Paul Ayah and his strategic team championed by Mr Akoson Raymond have plagiarized and copy-righted my works and trying to make them like theirs.I am deeply concerned and just want to make sure that Mr Akoson Raymond and Hon Paul Ayah take note of this public notice as this matter will be cross-examined accordingly. We just want to be sure we are on the same wavelength when it comes to transparency and intellectual honesty. I have raised this issue over and over again. I stand corrected.
Long before, Hon Paul Ayah declared that he was running for President by the end of 2010, the vision for a new Cameroon under Cameroon Truth Commission had existed and well articulated by me ,which is publicly acknowledged by Mr Akoson in many of his communications with me by email and even phone calls. When Hon Paul Ayah first announced his candidacy, he subscribed to the vision for a 24 months transitional government but refused to acknowledge publicly that he was resonating with the person who had articulated this vision even before he announced his candidacy.

By the same token, Hon Paul Ayah is now talking about truth and reconciliation ,which are the ideas and vision that were never commenced by him. In short, Hon Paul Ayah and Mr Akoson Raymond must come clean about their intellectual dishonesty, plagiarism and copyright because if we have to change Paul Biya and the system , then those who are pandering to the public must come to equity with clean hands. 
A campaign that is evasive and manipulative

Hon Paul Ayah claims that he wants to connect with Cameroonian in the Diapora! He wants to connect with CPDM -USA and not with Cameroonians in the Diaspora. We are not the same group of people. Majority of Cameroonians within the United States are CPDM people who are here on fake and fraudulent political asylums. They believe that it is wrong to hold them accountable.But since the Ex-CPDM Parliamentarian joined the Cameroon Diaspora , he has never answered any questions nor explained to anyone the concerns brought to his attention and his National Strategic Team. He has been very evasive just like his Boss President Paul Biya and the CPDM fanatics until Wikileaks revealed some secrets lately,which we did not know about.
Did Hon Paul Ayah and his National Strategic Team collect Money from the corrupt Government of Cameroon to run for President?
May be he did not steal a lot just like his former Anglophone boss Prime Minister Inoni Ephraim , which is why he is  not under scrutiny. However, for us Cameroonians glamouring for genuine change, all CPDM officials and Parliamentarians have to declare their assets according to article 66. This is the law, which was enacted by Parliament and signed  by President Paul Biya. I know I did question him on this ,which forced him to kind of  create the impression that he has declared his assets but  by trying to cut ahead of us to participate in fraudulent and corrupt elections, Hon Paul Ayah and the likes are trying to deny us the historic opportunity to change our country under the appropriate conditions for the good of everyone. Did Hon Paul Ayah collect money from the CPDM regime to run for President? If he did , then how can you collect money from the government that is corrupt and expect to defeat them?
Why did Hon Paul Ayah precipitate his resignation from the CPDM Parliament only when I called for assets declarations according to article 66 as well as for a transitional government? 
We know all the tricks and the perpetartors know I am bold enough to expose them.Why did Hon Paul Ayah precipitate his resignation from the CPDM Parliament only after I called on Cameroon Parliament to hold the President accountable?  Besides, has the Cameroon Parliamentarians and officials acknowledged his resignation letter per the law? Where is a copy of his resignation memo if that is so important? There are all kinds of well calculated moves by anglophone CPDM members in and out of Cameroon to distort and derail the train for the freedom of Cameroon but we must stay the course. This has been the game plan of those who just want the leopard to change spots.
Has the same Electoral Process through, which Hon Paul Ayah was elected into CPDM Parliament changed  by any stretch of our imagination and experience?
The same electoral system and process that brought the likes of Hon Paul Ayah to Parliament are still in place. Nothing has changed and how are they going to defeat their boss at the ballot boss? Who is blind enough not to realize that all these is driven by a desire to keep us under the york of injustice for another 10 years? How did  CPDM Parliamentarians get into Parliament? Has that fraudulent electoral process changed since Hon Paul Ayah was last elected into CPDM majority Parliament?
Was it not proper for him to first of all change the electoral process while a Parliamentarian before he could even contest elections against his  boss he has served very well during his tenure? Can the Cameroon Parliament publish the file of Hon Paul Ayah to the public so that we get to know first hand what has been his activities in Parliament since? This hear-say without verification and confirmation is not what we need in an era where we want to hold government and public servant accountable.Where is evidence to support the allegation that he has been persecuted by the CPDM Parliament and CPDM regime?
The Truth about Hon Paul Ayah's refusal of a Ministerial Post during the reign of President Ahidjo

Whether or not he refused a Ministerial post in the days of Ahidjo is besides the point. It is like talking about Hon Foncha and Hon St Muna all the time. We are in the future. Sorry.The truth is he accepted a Parliamentary post under President Paul Biya and the CPDM regime, which was just an extension of the previous corrupt tyranny and dictatorship. So, how is this kind of argument supposed to become a litmust test for his credibility and moral authority  for change? People never resigned from systems.They stayed the course until they changed it. Hon Paul Ayah escaped from the CPDM because he could not take the heat. How can he possibly defeat his Boss? He resigned and simultaneously believes he can win his boss through the same fraudulent and corrupt system? Can people be so emotional in politics that they tend to ignore or forget facts? 
The realistic argument for collective responsibility together with stakeholders of Cameroon
Even though some pretend that Cameroon is only  for Cameroonians, their huge presence inside Cameroon is eloquent testimony that in order to move forward, everyone, I mean  stakholders must be willing to cooperate with us  for a new Cameroon society. The question all along has been , who is capable to stir the ship of a transition and avoid Mr Paul Biya and his CPDM regime from recycling members of his government, and Party into government? We cannot ptomote good governance and the rule  in Cameroon without holding each other accountable.
All CPDM -USA within the United States who lied to the US officials that were persecuted by the CPDM regime whereas they are still loyal to the CPDM government and their Parliamentarians like Hon Paul Ayah cannot stop the spirit for change. Oh, yes we want to change Paul Biya but at the sametime your attitudes are not different from the Paul Biya you want to change. So, what  they are doing in broad day light is intentionally making the education, knowledge and experience we have acquired over the years a laughing stalk to the world. 
Jesus Christs' incident with sinners and a corrupt CPDM Parliamentarian 's incident with people who have been part of the problems of injustice, corruption and gross violation of human rights of Cameroonians

Hmmmm, it is now really troubling to hear people claim that all of us have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God as a justification of the visit of a Presidential aspirant at Kondengui! The same people who think that they can change Paul Biya ought then to state as well that Paul Biya has sinned and is short of God's Glory.For this reason, there is no need to change him and the system that he embodies! Hon Paul Ayah, a CPDM member who has contributed to the  illegal imprisonments of many of my fellow Cameroonians languishing in jail is yet another great distractor. He did not visit political prisoners and also failed woefully to reiterate our call for all political prisoners to be freed.

No, he went to Kondengui to  show up claiming that they were locked up arbitrarily without due process! Hmmm! Who contributed to shape and retain the arbitrary system that illegally incarcerated people without due process? Is it not Hon CPDM Parliamentarian Paul Ayah who was a Judge and Parliamentarian?Can Hon Paul Ayah show us one instance where he fought against the arbitrary and illegal imprisonment of Cameroonians? How many bills did he table before Parliament to stop the arbitrary arrests and imprinsonment of Cameroonians?
Does Hon Paul Ayah who has served the CPDM regime comfortably and convenient have any evidence that the CPDM persecuted him? 
What struggle or persecution has he been involved in ,which shows that he was indeed a true patriot other than peacefully resign from his own CPDM Party as a well calculated attempt to fool himself and us? How can this staunch CPDM Parliamentarian who has failed to hold the CPDM government accountable while in Parliament suddenly claim he can do so now? If President Paul Biya has been getting away with a lot of stuff, it is because Parliamentarians failed to bite. Hon Paul Ayah was amongst all the other Parliamentarians like himself who up till now cannot account to us how Cameroon is governed constitutionally. He has not joined the call to ask Paul Biya to step down ,which is constitutionally motivated. No, he wants to compete with his Boss at the polls. The same man who made him to be CPDM Parliamentarian. How did he get into Parliament?
The Struggle must continue . The crowd of corrupt CPDM people may continue. We are few but never underestimate what we are capable of.

The struggle for the freedom of Cameroon from corrupt tyranny and dictatorship must continue regardless of those CPDM tricksters who are wasting our time to delay this process in order to help  Mr Paul Biya become life President. All Cameroonians  who have studied and understood the concept of good governance and the rule of law know that neither Paul Biya nor any of his CPDM cohorts, past or present including but not limited to Hon EX-CPDM Parliamentarian Paul Ayah are eligible to organize or even run for public office in Cameroon.

These are people who have pilotted injustice, abuse of human rights ,arbitrary arrests and torture of innocent Cameroonian citizens leading to many prisoners of conscience and other horrible human rights abuses of our time. I have suffered under pontius Pilate( Hon Paul Ayah) in Cameroon while the CPDM corrupt Judges aided and abetted the PCC Synod to persecute and falsely prosecute innocent women who stood up for social justice with me. Where was Hon Paul Ayah when all these saga was going on in Cameroon?

Hon Paul Ayah resigned from the CPDM only towards the end of  2010 because he wanted to seek the Presidency and not because he was indeed a man who wanted the best for Cameroon and Cameroon. We cannot afford to compromise a struggle for the redemption and freedom of Cameroon by blindly believing in a man who has stakes in the CPDM political system and has fatten himself and his cohorts since he joined the system. While it is true that we all need each other in order to change Cameroon , there are some people who should  take a deep look at themselves. In fact, if Cameroon must undergo some moral surgery, call it transformation, then we must never make the ERROR of believing that any person who has served comfortably and conveniently under the CPDM regime as far as being a Parliamentarian is capable of changing the same system that they have been part of for decades.

Cameroon is ripe for a transitional government and the Cameroon Truth Commission. This is what I stand for and have called upon all Cameroonians to keep aside emotions and appeal to their conscience and commonsense. Those who are dying to seek public office in any capacity can wait until we rebuild that country in  a way that will represent our common dreams and aspirations regardless of tribe, region or race. After all is said and done, then those who are ambitious and overzealots can then throw their hearts and minds to run for public office. I stand corrected before all of you with respects to the same issues that I have discussed and shared with all Cameroonians and sundry. We cannot afford another primitive action again at this time in history because it is now abundantly clear to me that we are not in the 17 th century but rightfully have inherited the 21st century with all its benefits and blessings. Why then are some people still acting like the lost sheep?

To God Be the Glory for the dawn of a new era in Cameroon

Rev Jonathan Awasom
Senior Community Organizer and Consultant
Nation Builder on political asylum within the USA
Presidential Aspirant for a 24 Transitional Government for Cameroon
Upholds the vision for a virtuous and free Society
Desires to lead a transitional government and keep his neutrality from seeking public office
in order to ensure that the transition is transparent and well accomplish

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