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Friday, June 10, 2011


--- On Tue, 12/15/09, Earl Taylor <> wrote:

From: Earl Taylor <>
Subject: RE: The Making of Africa-America : Good Governance and the Rule of Law
To: "'Jonathan Awasom'" <>
Date: Tuesday, December 15, 2009, 2:50 AM

Dear Jonathan,
What a pleasure to read your thoughts and feelings about freedom. Please go to our website and click on the link where we will be having our seminars. It would be wonderful to meet you. You may also enjoy viewing the webinar archives we have there. I would love to work with you as you put together your group and teach them the exciting message of the Founders of America. Perhaps one day even in Cameroon!
Best wishes,
Earl Taylor
From: Jonathan Awasom []
Sent: Monday, December 14, 2009 3:56 PM
Subject: The Making of Cameroon-America : Good Governance and the Rule of Law
37777 W. Juniper Rd                                                             December 14, 2009
Malta, ID 83342
Voicemail: 208-645-2625
Fax: 208-645-2667
Dear Sir
                          Good Governance and the Rule of Law
I am a Cameroonian. I immigrated into the United States as a religious missionary.
After living here for 9 years now I became inspired by the greatness of this country.
As a result I began to explore and investigate through research, reading and learning. These endeavors let me to discover Dr .W.Cleon Skousen’s Book..
“The Making of America: The Substance and Meaning of the Constitution”
I was part of a Young Leaders group, which was grounded on the Education of the Founders and framers of the Constitution. The knowledge I have acquire through the book of Dr Cleon is amazing. What intrigued me about his rationale is when he said “Freedom should be America’s greatest Export”.  What a great vision .
I believe that we are  a reincarnation of President Thomas Jefferson and President Abraham Lincoln because we have captured their spirit and imagination in myriad of ways. I am humble and this is what America is all about. How can one not be inspired by this country? How can one not capture the spirit of the Founders after living here and reading Dr Cleon’s Book? This is not a joke.
There are several ways I am dealing with the exportation of this freedom. One of the ways is through my campaign for our government to tap into the riches of the American Constitution, which has left an indelible mark on the world. This book is a great asset for me now. I read it almost always and only tears of joy trickle down from my eyes. I am very thankful for it and will like to find out how the National Center for Constitutional Studies could be of further assistance with this vision.
 I have enclosed my blog. It speaks volumes about my determination to free my society from dictatorship and corrupt tyranny. I believe that all of you at NCCS and Board Members and Board of Governors will appreciate this vision so as to advise, support and be part of this  advocacy.
In the meantime, I am requesting your sponsorship for an International Forum I am organizing among Cameroonians and the International Community. This International Forum will focus on;
               “Good Governance and the Rule of Law
Cameroon and the International Community in the 21st Century”
It will bring participants from around the world to participate in this Conference in Washington DC. Our Speakers will be people drawn from all walks of life. I am in the process of networking right now and that is why I am contacting your organization to be of any assistance to me.
I have been a Political advocate and activist for Good Governance and the Rule of Law in our societies for years now. I am currently within the United States on political asylum as a result of the persecution I suffered in Cameroon from the government of Cameroon because of my free speech and activism for human and civil rights of the downtrodden. Now, I am using my story, knowledge of what I learned and the inspiration I have acquired within the United States to contribute my own quota toward advancing the common good.
Right now we are working hard to bring about peaceful political change because I am sick and tired of dictatorship and corrupt tyranny in our societies. I am very intentional about involving and engaging the International Community in our endeavors to prevent genocide and civil war in the long run. This initiative is precipitated as part of a democratic effort that could influence public and foreign policy. I will greatly appreciate your support for this grassroots initiative toward making a difference. I look forward to your prompt  response.
Thank you for your interest
Jonathan Awasom
2910 Cavell Ave S
St Louis Park MN 55426
Phone: 952-933-2067( 973-282-6461) 

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