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Monday, July 25, 2011


Dear Prof  Emmanuel Konde
" The authors of the First Amendment knew that novel and unconventional ideas might disturb the complacent,but they chose to encourage a freedom which they believed  would be essential if vigorous enlightenment was ever to truimp over slothful ignorance..."   Justice Hugo Black
Thanks but no thanks  for all your sweat and blood analyses explaining the CPDM  GOVERNMENT'S ELECTORAL VICTORIES IN CAMEROON in this very eloquent preamble of yours;
"Why the CPDM Will Emerge Victorious in the 2011 Presidential Election
By Emmanuel Konde
"Personally, my support for the Cameroon People’s Democratic Movement (CPDM) in the upcoming presidential election is strictly based on pragmatic considerations.  I am not an ideologue, therefore, concrete empirical facts, not abstract ideals, guide my orientation to politics. Empirically demonstrable evidence shows that at this particular juncture in the political history of the Republic of Cameroon, only one political party has what it takes to win elections and to govern.  And that’s the CPDM. Alongside CPDM’s tried and tested cadre of strategists, the party has something that the more than 200 or so legal opposition political parties in Cameroon do not have.  That something is a “system of organization.”  What is a system of organization? Prof Emmanuel Konde
But never expect anything good from a system of  corrupt tyranny and dictatorship( system of organization).This kind of "system of organization" is never defeated at the ballot box because it was never designed to contest elections.Therefore there is nothing like" why CPDM will emerge victorious  in the 2011 Presidential election" because only ignorant people contest with a system of organized crime like corrupt tyranny and dictatorship.
As a Professor of history, I suppose you know that neither Thomas Jefferson, nor John Adams and James Madison ever thought in their wildest imagination before becoming Presidents  that they could compete with  the King of England at the ballot box, right? How come you seem to display total lack of understanding that it is sheer waste of time to compete with any system of organized  tyranny and dictatorship on this earth?
Victory is earned through appropriate cause of action under prescribed principles.It is not induced or forced upon someone or a political party that has no sense of competition like the CPDM Party.
What we see in Cameroon is a facade and that makes it even more worrisome because Mr Paul Biya does very little and most Cameroonians get to like him and are just so used to him because he is surrounded by a clique of opportunistic vultures who prey on Cameroonians and at the sametime, decieve them with very little favors and gifts under the CPDM "system of organization". This is exactly the mediocrity you are applauding without so much ease and excitement.
Corrupt Tyranny and dictatorship are a function of  systematic Organization.
So, I do not know what you mean by Systematic Organization by trying to justify injustice and oppression?The truth is any system of organization can be evil or good depending on what principles and values such a system is built on. In the case of Cameroon, the system of organization is driven by  corruption, greed and totalitarianism.Do you therefore credit this kind of system as authentic because it is capable to do whatever it likes to keep the statusquo? 
In a small country of only 19 million people, the legalization of over 200 political parties is intentionally circumvented in order to disorganize, confuse, mislead and continue to oppress the civil society. How can you explain the fact that the United States,which has over 300million people does not have up to five political parties whereas Cameroon with only 19 million citizens has over 200 Political Parties? Is it normal Prof. Konde and will you be bold again to associate with such a system of mediocrity ?  In what age are we to have people justifying  slothful ignorance in lieu of vigorous enlightenment even including university Professors?
What do you make of a country where people have dreams for a better future in another country? The European and American dreams  is/are what drives everyday Cameroonian including the children of Paul Biya's top ranking officials from all walks of life. Who really cares about Cameroon? May be a mere plantation where slaves are dumped there to labor and toiled day and night while the owners reap it apart and give very little to the people.
I don't know why you are wasting your time trying to convince anyone that CPDM regime and CPDM Party( system of organization)  have a better organizatioal structure and all that stuff. What did you expect from organized crime? It is just like saying that terrorists organizations are well organized systems. Of course criminal organizations are usually sophisticatedly organized because if they are not organized, they won't achieve their objectives. So, now you know that not everything that is systematically  organized is good for humankind. History was alarmed how slavery was well organized and executed.So, too was apartheid, racial segregation and colonization. Right now neo-colonization is taking a huge toll on us because it is transmitted this time around through corrupt tyranny and dictatorship.All these vices as defined by history have been systematically organized but there are not friendly to humanity at all. Are you morally awake now, Prof Emmanuel Konde?
I wonder if you really know the modus operandi of corrupt tyranny? Cameroonians who were born in 1982 have grown up to know only  President Paul Biya as President. Many Cameroonians have learned along the way that if they want to have a comfortable life inside Cameroon and sometimes even outside of Cameroon, they must be loyal to President Paul Biya and the CPDM  system of organization  whether they like it or not. This is the number one cause of corruption because it is ordained as a way of life.
Sometimes we blame those who are struggling to change the system of injustice without really understanding the dynamics of resistance and how complicated it is. Please, corrupt tyranny is constituted moral evil,which has been endorsed by foreigners who live happily in our country. Their presence and charitable gifts to Cameroonians as well as the frequent issuance of visas to people to travel to their countries in search for better standards has thrown the Cameroon cause into a very difficult confusion intentionally  because Cameroonians are being nourished with a false sense of hope by the presence of foreigners who live off of our people.Yet, we are very happy with them in deprivation and with a begging bowl for charity or visas to leave the country. Then when some have come here, they are denied asylums !
How to handle all these is not a child's play. I am speaking from experience. See, very well, many Cameroonians who were excited to join the SDF later learned from bitter experience that their loyalty to SDF was instead hurting them. Not that they hate SDF but because clearly CPDM meant business after Cameroonians. Either you belong to them and support Paul Biya or you lose your job or have no promotion or recruitment in any public service.Many have wanted to see change but had their hopes dashed against the rock because the very stakeholders in Cameroon who ought to support genuine endeavors either would back up or simply turn a blind eye claiming that Cameroon is a sovereign nation.This time while here I have pursued them until some of them have become angry and doing just the opposite of what I asked of them!
Most Cameroonians in the Diaspora are CPDM supporters due to the nature of corruption in Cameroon. Some of them are still on the pay roll of the government since leaving Cameroon. There are even some Cameroonians who have passed on but their names are still on the pay roll and family members are collecting these money through some very corrupt means. What I  am saying is it is hard to infleunce Cameroonians with this kind of mentality and corrupt behavior.The only way forward is to end corrupt tyranny and dictatorship. Now, the problem is how do we end the humpty-dumpty?
This is not to say that your analyses and insights aren't relevant. They are quite debatable and some of the points all of you are raising are useful. However, Jesus Christ lived more than 2000 years ago and had this to say about the sower. If you plant a good seed on a bad soil, never anticipate a good harvest because the bad soil will shatter the dreams of the good seeds to grow and bear much fruits that will last. CPDM is just everywhere inside Cameroon. It has entered the blood streams and veins of Cameroon like lies. Worst still Western propaganda,charity and favors to many of us to travel and seek opportunities outside of Cameroon where dreams can come true has been a serious impediment to making Cameroon a better country.
Corrupt tyranny and dictatorship are evil. I don't see anyone winning an election in a political system like that unless the rest of us agree that we must first of all stop and take a hard look at the current system so as to make required changes, don't expect this buffoonery to stop. I am very saddened that people within the United States, who are supposed to know their history of political freedom from corrupt tyranny and dictatorship have been friends of Paul Biya for so long and are determined to see him become life President. It is pitiful and unfortunate but this is what I see now although I am not discouraged to continue fighting.
Where is there is no vision, the people perish and since 1982 that Paul Biya became President, I know that he has ruled Cameroon through motions of support and decrees.
How can we at this age of  40 and above continue to engage the CPDM regime to the extent of talking about democracy with men and women who have no conscience, no soul and seem to be living like some wild beast in the forest? Look at all the opportunistic vultures who are supposed to declare their assets according to article 66 making impossible financial donations to bribe Paul Biya to remain life President. Now that money will be used to corrupt their registered militants who will vote for Paul Biya,who else can match them in campaign money?
CPDM will register the highest number of voters because of their ability to bribe people with a lot of money. We know that this is unacceptable but those Cameroonians are accepting the bribes and singing the CPDM anthem because the about 195 of the other political parties have also aligned with them. That is CPDM will make huge pay outs to these mushroom parties to register their members to vote for CPDM regime. It is well organized and  is done in such a manner that any betrayal is met with tough sanctions without media attention. CPDM regime smiles in broad day light but behind close doors, they have succeeded in injecting fear into Cameroonians through threats, intimidation and realistic retaliation against families knowing fully well that very few will get the attention of the justice system.
In a state of mediocrity where we lack the means to circulate information as well as communicate effectively granted that the CPDM controls all major communication network as far as buying the consciences of some newspapers who ought to be neutral, truth be told, we are then left in the hands of fate. How will the CPDM end? Like CNU ? I don't know but while we call for God's intervention in our nation Cameroon, we should never give up. God's time is the best and we must continue to be proactive and less retroactive. Those who dare say that we should ignore outside corrupt influence into Cameroon's affairs may be too naive because they must realize that they, too are part of the problem and if we are afraid to confront them then we are very mistaken.What do you really make of this kind of greed? Have these folks respected article 66 of the constitution,which calls for all public servants to declare their assets?  This is a typical example of what the CPDM systematic organization has the capacity to do. Does this fit into your private definition of System of organization?
 "Northwest CPDM Supporters Beef Biya's Canpaign Funds To 400M".
Jonathan Awasom

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Emmanuel Konde <>
To: Cameroon Network <>
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Sent: Thursday, July 14, 2011 9:04 PM

Why the CPDM Will Emerge Victorious in the 2011 Presidential Election
By Emmanuel Konde
Personally, my support for the Cameroon People’s Democratic Movement (CPDM) in the upcoming presidential election is strictly based on pragmatic considerations.  I am not an ideologue, therefore, concrete empirical facts, not abstract ideals, guide my orientation to politics. Empirically demonstrable evidence shows that at this particular juncture in the political history of the Republic of Cameroon, only one political party has what it takes to win elections and to govern.  And that’s the CPDM. Alongside CPDM’s tried and tested cadre of strategists, the party has something that the more than 200 or so legal opposition political parties in Cameroon do not have.  That something is a “system of organization.”  
What is a system of organization?
By system of organization I do not mean a hierarchy of officials charged with the responsibility of performing different functions.  System of organization as used here refers to the configuration of the structures of an organization, in this case the CPDM, which includes a cohesive hierarchy of officials who constitute the leadership; strategists, who generate ideas and articulate policy options; activists, who mobilize citizens to vote during elections; a method of leveraging resources; and a system for spreading ideas and dividing and delivering goods and services.  This is the required infrastructure that any political party must have in place if it prospects to win elections.  A cursory glance at the wobbly structures of all the political parties of opposition candidates reveals a paucity of any viable system of organization.
Symptomatic of the opposition parties in Cameroon is their reliance on demagoguery rather than on organization.  No sooner a date is announced for the next presidential election than a slew of ill-qualified individuals begin to scramble to make their presence felt and their voices heard, albeit without a system of organization. Many in the opposition desire quick fixes to intractable problems, which only a well organized political party can aspire to tackle. In view of the fact that the various opposition groups wallow in disorganized ignominy, one cannot but conclude that the CPDM presents Cameroon at this time with the best possibilities for developing a truly democratic political culture.  A brief review of the politics of the early-1990s when the opposition had an opportunity to defeat the CPDM but squandered it because of disorganization would reveal why the CPDM wins elections.
Political demagoguery
There is every indication that when people yearn for change they are often driven by some irrational impulses to support demagogues who have no track record of leadership.  Barely two decades ago the Cameroonian people were taken on a joy ride, a sentimental excursion of sorts, into the realm of nothingness via the instrument of “political demagoguery”.  Promises of “power to the people,”  an empty slogan, as this lofty promise turned out to be, was nothing but a captivating utterance designed to rally the people to a cause that had neither direction nor a system of organization to deliver the desired end of “power to the people”.  This was the case in those euphoric and deceptively exhilarating “Ghost Town” days when a novice who could churn and dish out empty slogans suddenly caught the imagination of many a gullible Cameroonian.
The early 1990s presented Cameroonians with a great learning experience in politics.  It taught many that in politics what you see is not always what you get.  On the fertile ground of sloganeering arose a “messiah” who preached a new dawn in Cameroon politics.  Unschooled and inexperienced in practical politics, the herald was suddenly thrust into the limelight of national politics. The public adulation showered on him across the land was rather overwhelming and confounding to him, so much that his message was configured around his campaign slogan and no more.  Some two decades after, the messiah is remembered today solely on his repeated pronouncement of the catchphrase: “Power to the People”. What his adherents failed to realize was that the messiah could not deliver on his promises because he lacked the necessary infrastructure through which his lofty slogan could be translated from a mere appealing idea into reality.  
I am here referring to the advent of the Social Democratic Front (SDF), headed by Ni John Fru Ndi.  Still in is embryonic stage in the early-1990s, neither the SDF nor its leadership knew what they wanted, let alone how to get it.   Indeed, those Cameroon Diaspora elements who have sought to compare the 2007-2008 campaign of then candidate Senator Barack Obama with Paul Ayah and Kah Walla’s quest for the presidency of Cameroon should look no farther than to what I have suggested above as absent in the campaign strategy of  Ni John Fru Ndi’s SDF: a system of organization, that is, the political vehicle for mobilizing and delivering votes.
CPDM electoral victories
In this elaborate system of organization, not sentimentalism and wishful thinking, lies the success of the CPDM in Cameroon politics.  The CPDM has won election after election since the introduction of multiparty competitive elections in Cameroon principally because it is the best organized party in the country.  From the Cell, Branch, Sub-Section, Section, Central Committee to Political Bureau, the CPDM is the only party in Cameroon that can boast of a system of organization that is durable, operates as designed, and actually does work.
There is little doubt that many outside forces will either converge in Cameroon in October or attentively monitor the 2011 Presidential Elections from afar. Whatever they elect to do, political pundits and election observers from around the world should be aware of the political realities in Cameroon.  Victory at the polls for the CPDM has always resulted from the party’s ability to effectively mobilize its system of organization and not from vote rigging as some disgruntled elements would have us believe. 
Politics deals with what people do, action, that is, and not what they say.  Consequently, the disjuncture between what people say publicly and what they do privately when alone in a polling booth casting the ballot, should by now be apparent to all.  Cameroonians are not by nature risk takers.  Thus, even though they sing praises for opposition candidates whom they cannot deliver on promises, when it comes to voting they invariably cast their votes for person or party they know can govern.
Cameroonian voters are pragmatists. They understand that politics involves who gets what, when, and how much.  And that the end of politics is to provide a better quality of life for citizens. Cameroonians also understand that it is difficult, if not impossible, to get anything at anytime and in any amount if there is no delivery system to facilitate the movement and distribution of what is to be had, when it is needed, and in the appropriate amount or quantity.  The science of practical politics, above everything else,  consists of the study of two things: (1) how political parties and politicians canvass for, gain, and deliver the votes of their constituents during elections; and (2) when in office, how they  divide and distribute goods and services to their constituents.    
"The problem of power is how to get men of power to live for the public rather than off the public." Robert F. Kennedy

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