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Thursday, October 27, 2011


----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Jonathan Awasom <>
To: ""
Sent: Thursday, October 27, 2011 11:03 AM

Fellow Cameroonians and members of the International Community 
The March for the Freedom of Cameroon from corrupt tyranny and dictatorship must continue beyond the fake Presidential elections on October 9th,2011.This a bloodless revolution of the conscience ,which began since 2006 with a road map to the peace process in Cameroon.
Therefore, I insist that President Paul Biya and his cohorts within the CPDM regime must step down peacefully and spare our country people and the world of any  impending bloodshed.
I will never stop mobilizing, advocating, raising awareness and inciting people to stand up for their civil and human rights but we do not need another genocide or civil war again in Africa as  a result of our ethnic differences compounded by the worst cronyism ever as well as divide and conquer cynism of the CPDM regime.
We will not look back until the humty-dumpties are brought down. We are determined and the world must stand with the oppressed. Pass it on...

Jonathan  Awasom 
From: Jonathan Awasom <>
To: "" <>
 Sent: Saturday, October 22, 2011 4:46 PM

My fellow Cameroonians and members of the International Community
Fellow friends of the global village, where there is no black or white except bridges acrosss barriers!
The march for freedom heralds a new phase in the revolution of the conscience and translates  into a continuous appeal for Camseroonians who are drunk with power to watch out. Here is the voice for the voiceless again as usual. President Paul Bya and CPDM, have been told to leave powerful peacefully and give way to a transitional period so that our generation should  continue rebuilding Cameroon. We did not approve the elections ,which is why there was a massive boycott.Our voices should not be drowned or manipulated by power and political gimmicks through wasteful financial bribery to enhance mediocrity.
Please, do no force or push the people against the wall.Cameroonians are a very special people, a chosen people.The Cameroon promise  for the people must be reached in the absence of a bloody revolution. I pray for my country oh God of freedom so that the light of  truth and liberty will shine unto us all and that as we seek thee in this seemingly dark tunnel of shame and humiliation, as we crawl ahead, let the light at the end of the tunnel approach us faster than we have ever thought of or imagined in our wildest dreams for how long shall we wait? 
I have known in my life time that dictators have their own definition of some English phrases like;
1) President Paul Biya Re-elected in a country where there are no  President Bill Clintons, President George Bushes ,President Ronald Reagans, President Jimmy Carters, President Thomas Jeffersons, President Woodrow Wilsons and only a feeble and ailing long time dictator by name President Paul Biya  at about 80 years the only one good enough to continue dragging us down the drain of stagnation?
2) Landslide Victory under dictatorship and corrupt tyranny that has never known fairness and transparency except lies?
3)  Democracy with 23 Presidential candidates bribed with a lofty sum of about 30 million each  in a country of only 20 million people?
4) Supreme Court justices in a country that the judicial system is dictated by the President for the President and of the President against the people
5) Pesidential candidates who declared to run for President barely two weeks into such charade to show how in some part of West ,Africa called Cameroon, there are some human beings who are foolish enough to be manipulated like anything by a system that has said nay to accountability and transparency? Where on earth could someone win an election in a competitive democracy that is built on the rule of law?
Today, I solemnly take this oath to oncemore distant myself from this kind of very troubling pattern of insanity but simultaneously to continue this march for the freedom of Cameroon.But, I insist that President Paul Biya and the CPDM regime have proven to the world beyond reasonable doubts that they are a well crafted form of dictatorship that could succeed to live in lies.
I am calling on the United Nations and the Supreme Courts of the United States  as well as the ICC  to mount an international probe into the fraudulent Presidential elections in Cameroon with respect to our clarion call for the universal human rights and principles for human dignity to be upheld. This means that this struggle has moved to its new phase because I will never hope for any kind of violence in order to change the CPDM system in Cameroon. They should use their eyes and see. It is time up. I speak as the anointed peaceful one .
Dictator Paul Biya and his CPDM cohorts are clearly on the wrongside of history and should stop forcing themselves against the people through all the facade and false front mounted on October 9th , 2011 through bribery , fraud and lies. We cannot choose  all these over the truth. That nation , Cameroon must be a gift of God to us Cameroonians and humanity. It must not be a private plantation for President Paul Biya and his small group of corrupt Cameroonians and their children at home and abroad.
We will not give up this struggle to ensure that President Paul Biya and his CPDM big wigs are not above the rule of law.
When the rule of law is absent in any society, the effects are very damaging to any sense of good governance as well as promotion of human rights and civil rights.
It  is totally unacceptable for people to taunt our commonsense and reason with cynicism at a time in history when we all should be on the same wavelength singing songs of liberty and dancing to the music of freedom, which have all preceded us. I mean  in this age when the world hassd experienced , yet a remarkable and triumphant progress with the towering realizations and achievements of post-modern, who really wants to be stuck with a 17th century primitive mentality and governments?
Continue to read on and pass it on .
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Jonathan Awasom <>
To:Sent: Thursday, October 20, 2011 8:03 PM
Subject: Telegram on the blog :Supreme Court of Cameroon cancel Presidential elections
Please, Stand with the Oppressed.Help us free Cameroon from the Oppressors
 Urgent Telegram to the Supreme Justices of Cameroon and US Supreme Justices now on  the virtuous and free blog. Click below

Jonathan Awasom


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