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Thursday, August 2, 2012

What is the essence of schooling: Sam Esale , is Cameroon GCE the true test of knowledge and academic excellence? Dr Rexon Nting that teaching is unscientific and unrealistic// We can make it or mar it.

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From: Jonathan Awasom <>
To: "" <> 
Cc: "" <> 
Sent: Thursday, August 2, 2012 1:21 PM
Subject: What is the Essence of schooling: Sam Esale,is Cameroon GCE the true test of knowledge and academic excellence ?Re: Dr Rexon Nting, that teaching is unscientific and unrealistic //Re: [camnetwork] Re: [Cameroonpatriots] We can make it or mar it.

Hahahahahahahahah,  CPDM Sam Esale, you have not heard from me lately and you seem bothered. What kind of University did people like Dr Rexon Nting study from for  humanity sake! I have been laughing and rolling on the  carpet because I am very scandalized by the kind of strange way a Ph.D  professional reasons like that! Seriously I am very concerned about the substance of most Cameroonians Ph.D sympathizing with a very oppressive and corrupt regime like the CPDM . 

The CPDM era of brainwashing , manipulation and propaganda  materials that oppress people is over. This an age of extra-ordinary moral, spiritual and educational consciousness that is propelling Cameroonians and my readership towards critical thinking and creative imagination without being misled by junk philosophies once dictated on us by dictators and their cohorts to keep us down! 

This is indeed an age of virtue and freedom . How can the President of a country, sign a Presidential decree appointing Chancellors and Vice Chancellors to Universities and you people are sending motions of support including those who have read and studied William Shakespeare and other writers in the likes of  Wole Soyinka and Bate Besong, Oscar Wild, Henry Fieldings, Jane Austen etc? 

If William Shakespeare was here today, CPDM will be a carricature in his hands because his works when held up as a mirror for reflection, the CPDM saddists are completely x-rayed and exposed as a bunch of witches who are doomed! Shakespeare portrays in his works the tension between good and evil, virtue and vice but at the end of the day, no matter what happens, he shows that VIRTUE AND GOOD ALWAYS TRIUMPH OVER EVIL AND VICE! Does it make sense to you ?

How can someone with a Ph. D bank on an untested theory  without knowing the context in ,which it was said and begin to speak about it to people who have a different experience about life? Sam , when you are studying for a Ph.D, you are given or equipped with tools for research, investigation, analytical and critical thinking  as well the methods of processing information by verifying the author, why, when , to whom he or she wrote ie  his or her audience. You don't just react  or  quote like a High school kid. What difference does it make if someone has a Ph.D like you CPDM people and still appear like dumb people who cannot debunk or unpack concepts and theories?

Sam, so you get up one morning or evening and start shouting at your children " change must first come from within, change must first come from within " , that what have you taught them about why they must change in the first place? How it possible that anyone will be expecting citizens to change when they have never been educated about the standards of right and wrong? If you are up there, citizens are looking up to you as a role model. If you are corrupt, the citizens are likely going to be corrupt especially when CPDM has institutionalized and legalize corruption and fraud as the only means to survive or get things done. So, to state that people should change witout examing the facts and context is a mark of miseducation

We, have to REFORM the Educational system and methods of education in Cameroon because Cameroon students are usually wanting globally because they hardly have been educated properly. So, you should start thinking of how and why we must reform the whole system so that we are giving quality education to our children and not a GCE kind of incomplete half-baked education ! I am hoping that you will defect from CPDM like the Syrian Generals  to join the train for the freedom of Cameroon because you are wasting in that concave ! Dictators can only hold on for so long once they are no longer protected. 

I was intrigued by your declaration that you are a Ph.D candidate in Leadership and Management! That is my background and we could have a lot to share together as well as work together if only you will DROP your blind  allegiance to a system that knows no leadership and management in their corrupt and oppressive ways. Follow the force of truth and freedom , and I will make you , that is empower you as a true leader and manager. 

You are not going to be nurtured within the CPDM System and moreso, if you are a leader, you should not settle for mediocrity. True leaders  dare and always try out new things. You are just waiting to be given positions by a statusquo and that won't be a true test of leadership and management.  Come  on board and let us build a new Cameroon. Crumbs from CPDM won't last but we can build a new Cameroon that will last forever like the United States.

However, I love your smart  reaction  after the GCE results but don't bank too much on public  examinations as it has NEVER been the true test of knowledge in Cameroon.There are other public entrance examinations into professional schools and do you think anybody really makes it through their IQ?  The whole essence of schooling is to overcome ignorance and educate students to grow up as responsible and successful citizens . That is why they are nurtured to reach their full potential as well as pursue their dreams and aspirations with confidence and courage. 

GCE is all about cram work to most students and usually after GCE , students are empty when the time for critical thinking comes.You know what I am talking about.So, those results are just in some aspect psychological ! In the United States and other civilized and free countries, students do not rely on one common public exam like GCE O or A Levels to determine academic excellence or success! They validate courses by doing assignments and participating in class as well as in group studies etc, learning how to use the library, read books and critique them ! 

This is how we educate and train citizens and not through dumping down a public exam as the sole measuring rod for excellence. It is not and that is why I believe that it is not the true test of knowledge as the method of testing is very limited and does not actually challenged the student to unravel their full academic abilities through critical thinking. In short Exam pressures do not bring out the best and our goal  for our country should be to prepare the best and not to discourage our citizens who usually think that schooling is waste of time because it is too burdensome .

What I will advice is some of you should learn how to educate children when they become students. Only pupils in grade one to 5 are taught.So, don't lament a lot! Besides, you are decrying the Educational system that has affected your students but that was the fault of CPDM government., which has no programs to prepare students for public  examination

Sam Esale, that is why people like Job Steve , Bill Gates, President Abraham Lincoln never passed anything like GCE but  are some of the most wise, intelligent and smart people around ! Why do  you think so? My parents had no GCE but were some of the greatest thinkers I have ever met in my life. They were creative, imaginative and their brains were at work as they explored and figured out ways through, which to raise us and make a living while educating us their children. 

My father was a small business owner, a gardener and farmer as well as a builder and ask anyone who knows him, he was one of the best professionals around. You see the society in , which my parents were born and raised was itself a major barrier to who they became because this thing about GCE introduced and imposed by the government as the only means to employment and recognition has killed geniuses and deprived our country of great men and women who are not noticed. 

They are called unsong heroes and heroines.So, I will advice you people to think. Someone can abandon Cameroon GCE and come to USA and start all over again! We have to make  schooling and education worthwhile and not some sort of a crime or punishment to people. 

My father had to stop working for the government because he was always being by-passed for promotion by his foreman because he had no London Certificate of education  whereas it was not his fault. PLEASE, YOU PEOPLE SHOULD THINK DIFFERENTLY AND OPPEN YOUR EYES TO THE CHANGING FORTUNES OF SOCIETY AND THE WORLD. 

I am  not saying that they are not important or that certificates , or high school diplomas are not useful and important but when a high school drop out is very successful afterwards than those who proceeded to UNIVERSITY with Ph.d  we are supposed to explore and begin to investigate  since  no condition is permanent

Rev Jonathan Awasom

The force of truth is at the center of my faith in God and love for humanity 
I am a Cameroonian citizen for freedom of Cameroon from corrupt tyranny and dictatorship.

Click on his blog and download 150 articles, a trail blazer of speaking truth to power,  a fearless advocacy and persistent activism that is shaping African policies in 21st century 

From: SAM ESALE <>
Sent: Thursday, August 2, 2012 12:02 PM
Subject: Re: Dr Rexon Nting, that teaching is unscientific and unrealistic //Re: [camnetwork] Re: [Cameroonpatriots] We can make it or mar it.

I'm sure you have  heard of this expression; "Brevity is the soul of wit".
You talk too much and almost all of what you say is nonsense. I mean complete BS...
"A word to a wise is sufficient.............."
On Thu, Aug 2, 2012 at 8:34 AM, Jonathan Awasom <> wrote:

Dr Rexon Nting

We have  religious or Christian education , Civics and wisesayings from our grandparents because people MUST be educated and taught on how to behave in society with one another. Unless they are taught and educated, you cannot tell them to change their ways. What should they change to what if they don't know the difference?

Again, you got it all wrong with your line of thinking ! This is a weird philosophy that defends corrupt and morally rotten people against powerless and oppressed people.You people like to buy into any kind of wishy-washy  philosophy that is preached without TESTING them based on practical human nature and experience in their environment.Let me ask you guys a simple question about this thing about change must first come from within!How do you expect change to come from within  if people do not know what they need to change from within individually? 

Leaders are in society have the profound moral obligation to ensure that those they lead beginning from babies to adults are well educated and informed about the standards of right and wrong, which are approved and certified by that society. If these leaders have failed woefully and are failing as they get more and more confused , they must be asked to leave! Don't say that change should come from within whereas those leaders are the ones who are causing all the problems with their bad manners, immorality, corruption, fraud , feyman, embezzlement and all kinds of stuff! People copy from leaders and that is why we must  hold leaders accountable because of their position of power and  influence .

There are a lot invariables when we are dealing with a complex human society and human nature.
That is why we have a family , mother, father, older brothers and sisters, mentors,  teachers, leaders etc
Morality is taught from childhood and moral values are inculcated into people. People were never born into this world  to KNOW without their intuitive senses being aroused and inspired a sense of moral rectitude. Virtue  is cultivated. Manners are learned. Respect is cultivated etc

A code of conduct is established in the work place because people are people .

The church and school has rules and laws.Government and country has the constitution and what do you think makes up the constitution?When children are born into this world, their parents and caretakers/baby sitters, I guess teach them manners, morality and conduct in theory and practice.Their examples teach  babies and children about what ought to be the proper conduct
How we dress, speak and act shape the way others are raised.

So, for you to keep talking like someone who has never been to school makes me worried
Dr Rexon Nting , before any of us were born, this problem was long resolved . So, you are far behind the changing times.Humankind had determined that no matter how good people may appear to be, still they must have checks and balances without, which the propensity to do wrong is too embedded into human nature even when they are taught .

If you have not taught a child that taking something that does not belong to him or her is wrong and punishable as well as actually demonstrate what happens when they go against the moral instruction, then you cannot tell that child 20 years after that he or she should change from within!We have the Magna Carta, Bill of Rights, Bible and right  now as I am speaking, you have rules and policies posted at your work place! 

Why do you think we have all these if we are totally responsible for ourselves in life? 

Rev Jonathan Awasom

The force of truth is at the center of my faith in God and love for humanity 

From: rexon nting <>
To: cameroon politics <
Sent: Thursday, August 2, 2012 10:37 AM
Subject: [camnetwork] Re: [Cameroonpatriots] We can make it or mar it.

Njousi Abang aka Venus Sourakata,

Your ideas are very fine. I have been preaching them here for quite a while now. We cant preach what we are not. Change must start from within and not from without.


--- On Thu, 8/2/12, Njousi Abang <> wrote:

From: Njousi Abang <>
Subject: [Cameroonpatriots] We can make it or mar it.
Cc: "afoakom kom village" <>,, "Akoson Raymond" <>,, "tazifor john" <>,, "Linus Patem" <>,, "Sama Hassan" <>, "Howard Njeck" <>, "Kweminyi Humphrey" <>,
Date: Thursday, August 2, 2012, 9:54 AM

We can re-brand Cameroon if we put our hands together. Rather than curse the darkness, lets light a candle. There is nothing wrong with Cameroon that cannot be put right by what is right in Cameroon. Dr Abdul Kalam says, "when evil minds combine, good minds must work together to combat". Similarly, I will like to bring back this powerful input by one of us. It is a Great article to read and share: 

"It covers most of the shortcomings of the African system of Government and points out what we can do to right the wrongs. These are shortcomings that the African people of this generation --and generations to come-- must overcome by imagining a better way of governing themselves. Enumerated are some guidelines:
1- Build a system of Government based on shared values such as: Equality, Freedom, Justice, Fairness, Rule of law, Common aspiration, Love for country etc and NOT tribes, ethnic groups or any other human attribute that does not speak to our common aspirations as a people.
2- Build a system with personal responsibility at accountability at its core. People must be held responsible for their actions and be held accountable. (No excuses allowed). Always remember this: the Universe is ran by the Law of Cause and Effect. --You rip what you sow--.
3- Power must be shared and distributed amongst the branches of Government. Never give unlimited powers to any one man. Power without accountability will --overtime-- corrupt the human mind. There must be a statute of limitation to any power. There must be a counter power to every power.
4- The African people must learn to see their Leaders --Chiefs, Fons, NIs, Lamidos, Kings and Presidents-- as human beings and not demi-gods. While we must respect and honor our Leaders, we must understand that they are humans and therefore not perfect, and that they are mortal. Never surrender your own humanity, your own respect, your own dignity to another human being. And never try to undermine the respect and dignity of others.
5- The African people must learn to stand up and fight for what they believe is right. Society or Government may not change for the better --on its own-- if we do nothing. If we don't stand up for what is right, we will be caused to stumble and fall by the wrongs of others. We are all interconnected, whether you know it, accept it or not.
6- The African people must learn to dedicate themselves to something bigger and larger than themselves such as promoting Freedom, teaching our people what is right, sharing knowledge with people.
Dedicate part of your time to do something that will help humanity, something that will make the world a better place, something that can change somebody's life for the better.
Don't spend all your time drinking beer, dancing Makossa, and entertaining the pleasures of the physical senses.
Spend sometime reading, researching, expanding your mind and the scope of your knowledge. Knowledge is power. Knowledge can create a synergy which has the capacity to transform you, your surrounding and your country. Don't under estimate the power of your imagination. You are the change you have been waiting for. Keep expanding your knowledge, challenge and teach your people how to solve problems that can --positively-- impact their lives and the lives of others.
7- Emancipate yourself from mental slavery. Free your mind --or yourself--  from hate, bias, jealousy, tribalism, etc.. Learn to forgive and move on with life. Don't always compare yourself with others. Human beings are all gifted with different gifts. Work on yourself to overcome your weaknesses and solidify your strength. Learn to collaborate, to work with others to accomplish a common goal. Control your ego, control your emotions, and control your temper especially when you face a challenge of any kind. Limit discussions to ideas only and not persons.
8- Always remember, the Universe is not about you. You are just a small blip that is here today and will be gone tomorrow. What you do during your brief stay on earth matters, because the Cosmic forces of the Universe bid on your participation to fulfill its purpose which is to promote and enhance God's creation. You do so by working selflessly to leave a country and the world, a better place than you met it.

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