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Sunday, August 19, 2012

Cameroon Global Conscience( CGC): A brave New Cameroon culled from " The Brave New World"


  Aldous Huxley observed in his book “The Brave New World” that;

“The greatest triumphs of propaganda have been accomplished, not by doing something, but by refraining from doing. Great is truth, but still greater, from a practical point of view, is silence about truth. By simply not mentioning certain subjects, by lowering what Mr. Churchill calls an “ iron curtain” between the masses and such facts or arguments as the local political bosses regard as undesirable, totalitarian propagandists have influenced opinion much more effectively than they could have done by the most eloquent denunciations, the most compelling of logical rebuttals. If persecution, liquidation and the other symptoms of social friction are to be avoided, the positive sides of propaganda must be made as effective as the negative”    Aldous Huxley 1894-1963

A VIRTUOUS AND FREE WORLD: TO FREE AND CHANGE CAMEROON IN AFRICA (FREECCAM'A)  invites you to become a believer and member of Cameron Global Conscience to support  this humble vision for our country. In the coming days, I will outline  the expectations of CGC under V.FREECCAM'A and Cameroon Empowerment Platform( CEP). 

You have earned the right to be part of either CGC or CEP all geared towards the greatest interest of Cameroon, Africa and humanity because inside Cameroon we have all people from all over the world regardless of race, color, gender, creed or culture. So this call to action by demonstrating love for  your country, continent and world in  word, deed   and effective/positive propaganda to energize, mobilize and fire the imagination   of people as well as capture their enthusiasm to become veritable instruments of liberty,justice and peace is unprecedented as continue to forge ahead since 2009.

This is time for action. If you don’t like this action  then, will you  rather choose the CPDM regime headed by a den of thieves ?  Just talking is not going to solve our problems.We urge you to indicate your interest to be involved. We have to pass the stage of crying like babies who are helpless.This is a Brave New World unfolding before us. We are excited to invite you to join us. A virtuous and free Cameroon is going to happen with your help through CGC and CEP.

V.Freecam  is looking ahead into the future to capture this New Brave World of consideration, compassion and and leadership. We are determined to provide an alternative new and visionary inclusive leadership to Cameroonians with a new mind set. Of course, we are sensitive to the problems we all face in Cameroon and life. Can we solve these problems by being chronic complainers? This is exactly the point we are making. We call on all Cameroonians to become good citizens so that together we will conquer fear and ignorance.

The moral, spiritual and financial support of Cameroonians will only be one dimension of this struggle to free Cameroon . We must stand up for our inalienable and sacred rights as enshrined into the Constitution within Cameroon and the International Community. We are the New Generation. There is time for every generation. It is the natural law. 

30 years from now some of us will have to pave the way for the next generation. Now is our own moment and we are urging the previous generation to retire peacefully and enjoy their retirement so that we continue to build where they have ended. We cannot be tempted by the cynicism and bigotry that exists in this world to indulge in any destructive behavior that has never solved problems.

Patriotism for one’s country is the most we ask of everyone. For this reason we are determined to rally all Cameroonians together to effect change. Instead of being bitter about every initiative, it is smart to be part of the struggle and dialogue to influence change. It is time for us Cameroonians and Africans to bury our swords of antagonism and work for change. Unless we unite together we cannot overcome. What we must avoid is divisions and factions. This is the trick.

We feel the anger, frustration and resentment of millions of Cameroonians who are struggling to find a way out of some of these problems ranging from the question of independence, sovereignty, patriotism and safety. Our goal is to remain focused and proactive in order to inspire and empower one another to the point where we can resolve these problems. We believe that this is imperative because every other serious and reasonable people have chosen the path of non-violence as the only effective means to bring about change.

All these require a new vision and leadership, and that is why this vision for a virtuous and free Cameroon is the new alternative for change all Cameroonians and stakeholders should look up to. This is our time and moment in history. 

We did not ask for it as things have taken a natural turn. However, we have taken advantage of the opportunities and possibilities that this era offers to us to lead and change our country. We urge serious Cameroonians at home to start taking the initiative to be involved because all of us have to come together.

We,  have great respect for all Cameroonians who have suffered because of the problems of Cameroon . We value all their endeavors at the home front for justice and democracy. We cannot also dismiss footprints on the sands of time in as much as we are indignant at the oppression and torture of our people.

History will one day look kindly on those who have labored patriotically in the past to change Cameroon . We are certain about that because we will recognize their lifetime service for humanity. Again we are looking for solutions and not complains again. For decades, people have complained through the long and wide desert of passivity. Now, we call for action. You cannot spend all your life calling people names and not taking some form of action. The time for endless criticisms is over.

We will continue to raise awareness and educate people about our vision and goals. If CPDM Party and regime intimidates or harasses any Cameroonian at home standing shoulder to shoulder with virtue and freedom, please, it will be a gross violation of the Constitution. What we must do is download the Constitution and circulate it to all Cameroonians within the country as well as educate them about their rights. We need help in this area.

We must calm the fears of those who fear and reassure them that we are not people to play games with. We suffered from real persecution, oppression and injustice in Cameroon because of our values, political opinion, background or because we stood up for the powerless and voiceless Cameroonians. 

Therefore, we must become partners in order for us to complete the journey that was started many years ago by our predecessors. We believe that they are tired and now the mantle of leadership is bound to be passed onto us the new generation.

We are releasing this communiqué because we want people who are disgusted by  the State of affairs in Cameroon to confront only CPDM Party and regime. They are responsible for the problems Cameroonians are facing now because they invested into politics of retaliation. We are monitoring the activities of CPDM within Cameroon and the Diaspora especially here in the USA in terms of retaliation against Cameroonians who are Pro-freedom and change.

The CPDM officials must always remember that it is unjust, immoral and cruel for them to send their children, relatives and supporters to the Diaspora while pursuing others back in the country. This is one of the serious civil rights issues that V.freeccam'a  will be addressing within the USA where CPDM is operational.

That is why we have come out with a declaration and resolutions with the hope that it resonates with Cameroonians and stakeholders to enable us prevent civil war or genocide in Cameroon. This will also ensure that there is a peaceful political transition under the Constitution and Rule of Law.

 Rev Dr Martin Luther once said  that the Ultimate Measure of a person is not when he or she stands in moments of comfort and convenience but when they throw their Hearts over the Bar and keep going.  So, we thank you all for your consideration to join CameroonDiaspora for Change to make a difference.

Some people also asked an important question, which is worth addressing about who is a Cameroon Diaspora. A Cameroon Diaspora is any Cameroonian who is not currently resident within Cameroon no matter the circumstance under, which he or she is out of the country. 

If you are in any part of Africa , Asia , Europe and North America you definitely meet our definition of Cameroon Diaspora for Change so long as you are Pro-Change. From now we have to find the Cameroon link, which is to connect and organize people back in Cameroon so that we work together. We are ready to work together with Cameroonians at home who are Pro-Change in order to effect the change we want.

 Jonathan Awasom 
The voice for Cameroon, Africa and the world in the 21st century
The Rally-cry for freedom, justice, peace ,democracy and prosperity for all
Empowering humanity to build a virtuous and free world for the beloved global village

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