I have never lost faith in humanity in spite of the injustices I have faced in the struggle for justice. Truth is a prerequisite for justice and liberty.
My vision is for a virtuous and free society.
Here is a catalogue of wikitruths. I speak truth to powers as the most effective tool for change since I was blessed with this exra-ordinary gift.Yes, I have infleunced world leaders and millions of lives changed already with wikitruths.
Truth is the greatest force for good
The Concept of Political Power I have a different understanding of Political Power since I am a politic...
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Calling out to willing supporters and sponsorers Fw: Cameroon: I am ready to form a transitional government but the CPDM must pave the way
My fellow Cameroonians and members of the civil society International and United Nations Organization
What will a virtuous and free Cameroon look like in no distant future?
During the last 3 years of our campaign to ensure that Cameroon does not bleed and shed the blood of innocent people, we have resisted all kinds of distractions and continued on the clear path to move Cameroon forward away from mediocrity. The truth is, Mr Paul Biya and his CPDM regime are stuck with lies, manipulation , fraud and shameless show-up of power with no ethical substance with respect to the constitution and universal acceptable principles of human dignity and rules for good governance.
Many of you have been likely overwhelmed by one's endless spirit and act of persistence but every passing day, I am more than convinced that you now understand why I embarked on this noble and sacred mission for Cameroon and all people that dwell there. In case you are reading from me for the first time, below are some concrete sites for you to download and get acquainted with the vision, ideas and ideals that will shape a new Cameroon for all of us.
Therefore, I humbly entreat you to support and work with me to achieve this vision for Cameroon.I believe in Prevention is better than cure. The people -centered vision inspired by God 's plan and promise for a new Cameroon.
When I graduated with a Master of Arts in Ethics of War and Peace under Religion and Theology, I was inspired to think outside of the box of violent revolutionary change. I did not take for granted the fact that I have learned about just and unjust wars to be excited and become a war monger or violent revolutionary warrior. Instead, I explored an alternative approach that will prevent war, genocide and save lives while still effecting the measurable,meaningful and achievable change we are yearning for in Cameroon. Every nation has the right to conceive their own strategy necessary to infleunce systematic change
That is why after being convinced about the possibility of a non-violent change in Cameroon, I began to articulate a clear and consistent vision that came to me for Cameroon.As you know visions encounter obstacles and challenges because they are sacred in nature.This vision has passed its credibility test because it is not about me except for the greatest good of all of us Cameroonians and humanity. So, I ask for your unconditional support and assistance in any form or shape to make this vision come to fruition.
I believe in this vision and I can assure you that we have come a long ways! God has already spoken and it is up to us Cameroonians and people of goodwill to swing into action. I have don't my utmost best since 2007 when I began to raise awareness about the non-violent path to the freedom, liberty and progress for all of us Cameroon. I cannot over belabor the obvious.
The voice and choice of the people is clean and clear everyday and with all your support, we as a people of Cameroon and friends of Cameroon will move pass the feet dragging of the CPDM regime way behind the sweeping socio-economic and political changes we have been experiencing globally. We cannot afford to be left behind or get stuck inside of the mud of mediocrity.
Therefore, pass on these words to all your friends, communities, and organizations because " we, the people" remain the center of this vision and oncemore history asks us to make a difference so that this present and the next coming generation will know that a people once lived on this earth with a good conscience and love for humanity beyond their own selfish interests. Thank you for all your continuous prayers and support
To God be the Glory
Jonathan Awasom's vision For a virtuous and free Cameroon
Free from violent bloodshed and retaliation Free from human and civil rights violations Free from bribery and corruption Free from torture, arbitrary arrest and illegal imprisonment Free from police and military crack down on civilians Free from stereotypes and prejudices based on class origin, tribe or region Free from fraudulent bank statements and fraudulent documents and degrees Free from political persecution of people because of their free speech Free from imprisonment without legal representation and trial Free from dictating Governors and Delegates on the people Free from centralization of the political system Free from overtaxing the poor and sparing the corrupt elite Free from lack of financial aid to students to pursue College and higher education Free from scientific research stagnation and lack of inquiry Free from lack of incentives and subsidies to indigenous farmers in agricultural zones Free from lack of transparency and accountability in the public service Free from organized crime as in armed robbery, banditary,robbery Free from fear of self-expression and creative writing and publication Free from a policy of divide and conquer ,which tears communities apart Free from lack of respect for our constitution and gross violation of the rule of law Free from Ministers and Governors who serve at the pleasure of the dictator for life Free from lack of commitment to heath care education and development of hospitals and community clinics and health care centers Free from lack of rural electrification and waterfication Free from lack of high way expansion with multiple lanes through out the regions Free from lack social services for the disable, senior citizens, elderly and single parents Free from lack of consolidation of civil society towards social cohesion and viability Free from lack of small business initiatives and loans/subsidies Free from lack of meritocracy and free from mediocrity Free from cronyism and favoritism Free from lack of prosecution of sexual harrassment Free from lack prosecution of domestic violence Free from lack of equality of all people;gender, creed and origin under law Free from non-involvement in the free market economic under the present global economic and cultural trends Free from lack of "made in Cameroon" products for export Free from sustainable development initiatives to empower citizens within every tribe and community Free from lazy children of public officials who depend on the ill-gotten wealth of their parents and hardly industrious and productive Free from CPDM regime and militants Free from Mr Paul Biya and his cohorts Free from Ni John Fru Ndi and his cohorts Free from ignorance and illiteracy Free from ......
--- On Fri, 9/16/11, Jonathan Fru <jonathan_light2000@yahoo.com> wrote:
From: Jonathan Fru <jonathan_light2000@yahoo.com> Subject: Cameroon: I am ready to form a transitional governme
nt but the CPDM must pave the way To: "camnetwork@yahoogroups.com" <camnetwork@yahoogroups.com> Date: Friday, September 16, 2011, 1:49 PM
Dear Citizens of the World
Click on what you will like to read.It begins with the 21 points, Blueprint, which captures the vision and plan to rebuild Cameroon by navigating away from corrupt tyranny and dictatorship through a possible two years/24 months transitional government. The 6 points reinforces the ineligibility of the CPDM system to either stand for any elections or organize any elections in Cameroon because all of them have broken the supreme laws of our nation especially article 66. The Diaspora legal advisers have noted that ELECAM is unconstitutional, to begin with. We are reiterating that the CPDM Party must give way for me to form a transitional government for a way forward.
President Paul Biya has ruled Cameroon for over 30 years and all I need is only two years to serve my country, preserve civilization,uphold achievements and restore the lost sacred values and principles of a constitutional liberal federalism to empower the 10 regions of Cameroon to elect their governors under an independent system of government.Right now , all the 10 governors of Cameroon were dictated against ,"we the people"by Dictator, President Paul Biya. Consequently, there is no way that elections will ever be free and fair. I thank you all for your cooperation. Cameroon will remain one nation under one, God,one love,one people, one Africa and one world
Aug 20, 2011 – A VIRTUOUS AND FREE WORLD: TO FREE AND CHANGE CAMEROON IN AFRICA (FREECCAM'A). I have never lost faith in who we are in spite of the ...
Jun 7, 2011 – As I struggle with you for a virtuous and free society in Cameroon, Africa I feel strongly that we must continue to identify ourselves and ...
Jun 14, 2011 – The foundational case for the freedom of Cameroon rests with the ability for us to employ the power of the constitution, which has been ...
Jul 29, 2011 – That to me is what anyone with foresight and/or vision will deem “Virtuous and Free Cameroon.”For instance the US government is in disarray ...
Aug 24, 2011 – Empowering humanity to build a virtuous and free world for the beloved global village. Blog: http://virtuousandfreecameroon.blogspot.com/ ...
Jul 1, 2011 – I am very certain about a virtuous and free Cameroon under a Federal System because the international civil society has dealt with truth ...
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