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Wednesday, July 4, 2012

From independence to freedom:A perspective of truth on the force of lies about Cameroon in response to" why it is misleading to say that there was no legal Reunification" by Dr Susunji


----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Jonathan Awasom <
Sent: Wednesday, July 4, 2012 9:21 PM
Subject: Fw: A perspective of truth on the force of lies about Cameroon Re: Why it is misleading to say that there was no Legal Reunification

A nation  built on lies shall not last unless the lies stop and we start rebuilding again from scratch. Lies appear to be very powerful but has always been a bogus impostor who soon crumbles and through out history liars and lies never make it.

That is why other lies stagger to survive but failed like the lies in South Africa, Germany, United States and the examples are more to reckon with. Slavery was a lie. Apartheid was a lie. Racial segregation  was a lie. Colonization was a fat lie and it remains a fat lie until we are all free and treated with respect and dignity.

That is why we celebrate today as freedom day in America derived from a quest and declaration of some "independence" that later expanded  into full blown freedom. " ... that this nation under God  shall have a new birth of freedom- and  that government of the people, by the people, for the people , shall not perish from the earth..." President Abraham Lincoln, November 19th ,1863 .

This was almost a century after 1776 following the declaration of independence! This means a people and a nation can be independent but still NOT FREE and unless freedom is won, independence has no meaning.

The problem of Cameroon is that Cameroon is still stuck with the notion of "independence" and does not know that it must move pass their pessimism and dependence on independence and stretch themselves beyond independence to embrace  freedom. 

If Cameroon is free from corrupt tyranny and dictatorship that spans across the board from since 1958 till date, the destiny of all and sundry will be marked by a new political philosophy that will dispel all the illusions one has been fed with by all the conflicting and competing schools  of thoughts( The antogonists). 

How does one ever know who is right  and who is wrong when we have no good roads, no good hospitals, no good water system, no electricity for our people abandoned in the peripheries of Cameroon, no programs for sustainable development, no social services and absolutely nothing for our people who are terribly deprived and exploited and lied to by the government and  the false theology of salvation propagated by the missionary churches? 

That  is why I stand  by the force of truth because we cannot trample truth under our feet forever. Truth stares at us right in our faces and  there is no way for anyone to run and hide because it is all over us for what it is, eternal light of truth shines even beyond the darkest manipulations.

Cameroon was a consequence of lies told and told repeatedly for more than 50 years by those who annexed, colonized and neo-colonized together with their counterparts within the territories of Cameroon who made this very possible . Nations and a people are either free or they are not free at all.

Any other argument is absurd because there are no two kinds of freedoms and democracies and even if people are different culturally as the exponents of any untruthful blame game argues,the facts before a new generation of Cameroonians like us convinces me that Cameroon is a  nation that was FOOLED /HOODWINKED by a catalogue of failures as a result of lack of the spirit of building a nation. 

When any nation or people lack the Magna Carta, which I have spelled out being culled from history, an idea that shaped and inspired the greatness of other nations, such a nation may be doomed. That explains why some Cameroonians are acting like they are cursed because they refused to tell or speak or embrace the truth because some of them tell their stories from a very weird perspective, too often their stories are all lies.When a few of them have lied and begin to think and feel that every other Cameroonian must live by their lies, any other person whose perspective is grounded in truth is demonized and rejected! 

Everyday,there is a flagrant mistaken notion that is even far more misleading than the argument for  seeming lies articulated by Dr Susunji and others. Lies have been told and lies have almost prevailed from the very foundation of Cameroon. Cameroon is built on lies, sustained in the interim by lies wherein truth is carefully being manipulated to remain in the grave where it does not belong. Whenever truth has wanted to resurrect, blantant lies, which has almost become a dominant evil force over all others, will yell at truth, don't resurrect, yet!

Lies has become the master of ceremony and chairperson too often deciding whose theory of lies be advanced and propagated because lies survives through dissemination of false stories that seeks to confuse and raise doubts in the minds of people who have  no knowledge to appreciate and understand empirical truth. 

The only untold story of Cameroon is that Cameroon has never been a free country under the two state federation administered separately by both Ahidjo-Pa Foncha--Pa Endeley-Muna-Biya-Ni John Fru Ndi conspiracy  to subjugate and enslave majority of Cameroonians who  since 1958 have been held hostage by a carefully crafted franco-anglophone kleptocracy with Biya and Muna as leading perpetrators of this den of liars and thieves. During their reign of oppression, greed became the hallmark of their corrupt leadership. 

Everything was about themselves and their friends, a few supporters and their families who stole from world bank and IMF and enriched themselves forever while  our people have been used to pay back loans ,which they have never known what they were collected for except to build an army and enrich a selected few. 

When you look at their life styles and their assets since 1958, you have no doubt that neither both Cameroon was up to the expectation of a modern society where good governance and the rule of law would have been center stage in transparency and accountability principles that shape leadership and management.

Anyhow you look at it, these catalogue of virtues have always been absent from Cameroon and when I became of age when some of the so called Southern Cameroon leaders were still living, I witnessed first hand their greed and wickedness against our people.

Whether it is  Susungi or Ntemfac Ofege or Debussi Tande or whoever is right or wrong, the bitterness amongst all you does not answer the question as to why the roads in West Cameroon were so bad under the leadership of those some of you want us to adore as Southern Cameroon leaders? Where was royal electricification and waterfication of Southern Cameroon under them?

Where was basic health care that was within reach because besides some of the ancient health care hospitals that we know today, until the passing away of such Anglophones who championed corrupt tyranny and dictatorship, I can't remember any major development project that has lasted.

The few others who saw the greed of their predecessors and mentors and copied came from behind and only further compounded our problems and plight.The Ni John Fru Ndi, Hon Simon Achidi Achu, Hon Musonge, Hon Inoni Ephraim, Hon Ayang Luc etc. 

You have to convince me otherwise that all of you are right because to me, none of you are saying anything that is right and can stand the test of time. Let me just remind all of you that no lies have ever lasted as you can agree with me that all other nations built on lies have been debunked by the force of truth.

The only reason  why some people in this union have had an undue advantage over the other is because Cameroon was, first and foremost, not founded upon the same values and principles of other free and democractic societies. Therefore, it continues to shock me how up till today free nations and free people are  apparently very comfortable in a society that we know both francophones and anglophones leaders are good enough to be sentenced to life  imprisonment without the possibility of a parole.

Tell  me when was the last time in Cameroon that any leader was accountable for what they do including the gross violation of human rights and crimes against humanity? The rich oppressors are powerful and richer everyday while the poor oppressed are powerless and perishing everyday as I speak! Who is a fool enough to be fooled by all useless arguments and philosophies that have no moral and spiritual essence?

Today , the United States celebrates their birth day , the day they proclaimed  their independence from Great Britain and while somehow this independence has expanded to become interdependence, it does seem to me that interdependence of nations in a new global village is  the new normal. After all the celebration of history is only a reminder about  from where we come from and how far we have come. Which nation is truly independent these days? Independent from who, what, where, when ,how and why? 

Let God's people be free from dependence on tyrants and dictators. This is  the story that be told from shore to shore and from continent to continent because I have no idea about what you're talking about when you claim Independence! Can human beings whom God the creator created be independent, indeed and was it ever God's intentions to make us inclined to independence?

My answer is just watch at the world and see how many us are interdependent and dependent on one another. The word independence  has lost its meaning because it should not have existed in the first place when describing nations and people who have the propensity to depend on another for survival whether it through crook or noble means. 

 In short, when I seek the freedom of Cameroon what I am doing is making sure that another set and generation of people who are born free must be free from what they are not free from and I don't mind if they must be free from Francophones or Anglophones, France or Germany or Britain or whoever because that is what we are entitled to right from birth. Let our people be free and live in their own society and world where they , too can freely attain their full potential by pursuing their common dreams and aspirations with all the promises and gifts they have been abundantly blessed with.

Jonathan Awasom 
The voice for the force of truth
The voice for Cameroon, Africa and the world in the 21st century
The Rally-cry for freedom, justice, peace ,democracy and prosperity for all
Empowering humanity to build a virtuous and free world for the beloved global village

From: Dibussi Tande <>
Cc: "" <>; "" <>; 
Sent: Wednesday, July 4, 2012 4:04 PM
Subject: [camnetwork] Re: [cameroon_politics] Why it is misleading to say that there was no Legal Reunification

Hi Nfor Susungi, 

I think, you're giving this particular document much more importance than it deserves. This was never a binding agreement much less an international treaty. It was a working document, and at best, a road map. In fact, this is just one of the many resolutions and communiques signed by Southern Cameroons leaders and Ahidjo during the period in question. Contrary to what you claim, the British were very well aware of the October 1960 conference which was convened at their behest. As Julius Ngoh points out clearly in his book, The Untold Story of the Cameroon Reunification: "In the opinion of the British government, a clear statement had to be made on the form of reunification, and when and how it would be implemented. In this connection, Ahidjo and Foncha held a series of meetings in Yaounde on 10, 11 and 13 October 1960..." Ngoh goes on to explain why the document signed after the conference "was a mere piece of paper," and why "Ahidjo had taken them [i.e., the KNDP delegation comprising Foncha, Muna Jua and Effiom] for a ride."

It is worth pointing out that the resolution in questions was just one of three documents that came out of the meeting. To demonstrate how little value these documents had in the grander scheme of things, one of these documents clearly stated that “the implementation of reunification cannot be automatic but gradual,” with Jua talking of a separate existence of “at least five years.” (see Malcolm Milne's No Telephone to Heaven for details). Well, we all know how well this resolution was implemented.

So my advice is that we should read and interpret this and other pre-1961 documents with a certain amount of circumspection or else we will inadvertently or deliberately engage in revisionism.

You also state that the Southern Cameroons House of Assembly adopted the draft Federal Constitution on 18.9.1961. A reading of the motion that was submitted to the house tells a different story. Let's read some more from Julius Ngoh:

".. what the SCHC and SCHA adopted on 5th and 18th September 1961 respectively was the motion to the "brotherly" atmosphere in what finally became the Federal constitution. It was not the adoption and/or ratification of the Federal Constitution per se. The motion which was tabled by S.T. Muna did not request for the adoption and/or ratification of the constitution but rather for the approval of the "action of the leaders" of both Southern Cameroons and the Republic of Cameroon and the "brotherly manner in which they... conducted the negotiations." 

In short, what the Southern Cameroons House of Assembly adopted in September 1961 was a mere "motion of support", to use today's political lingo...

The reason for this "omission" is a very simple one; as the Southern Cameroons Attorney General explained to Jua during the Yaounde Tripartite Talks, "by virtue of the terms put at the plebiscite, whatever Constitution is accepted by East Cameroon, West Cameroon is bound to accept it..." - the price that Southern Cameroons paid for not negotiating and finalizing the federal constitution BEFORE the plebiscite.


On Fri, Jun 29, 2012 at 6:43 AM, Nfor N Susungi <> wrote:

Why it is misleading to say that there was no legal Reunification.
By Dr. Nfor N Susungi
1. My attention was drawn to a recent interview by Hon. Ayah Paul Abine in which he stated that “there was no legal document on reunification”.  This was further stated on his Facebook page.  I am prompted to react because Hon Ayah Paul lends to this statement his status of a man of law.  Any kind of clarification on reunification must be based on a dispassionate review of the facts (in the legal sense of the word). What are the facts as we know them?..The starting point for discovering what really happened on October 1, 1961 is to look at a document which was signed in Yaoundé by President Ahidjo and Prime Minister John Ngu Foncha on 14.10.60 innocuously entitled:  Joint Communique.  In this document, the Cameroun Republic, represented by President Ahmadou Ahidjo and Prime Minister Charles Assale and the British Southern Cameroons represented by John Ngu Foncha agreed on the terms and conditions for merging the two territories to form a federal union, in the event that the people of the British Southern Cameroons vote in favor of joining the Cameroun Republic in the UN plebiscite that was scheduled for February 11, 1961...The term Joint Communique was a misnomer because, in reality, it was an agreement between two sovereign states as attested by signatories to the document...The key question is whether the Joint Communique which Ahidjo, Assale and Foncha signed in Yaoundé on 14th October 1960 can be construed as a legally binding union agreement between the British Southern Cameroons and the French Cameroun Republic.  The simple answer is that it was not intended to be that.  It is now clear that it was merely a conditional agreement which would only become operable in the event that the people of the British Southern Cameroons voted for the 2nd option in the plebiscite of 11th February 1961.  If the people had voted for the 1st option of integration into the Nigerian Federation, the Joint Memorandum would automatically become useless...We are told elsewhere that Foncha was keen on concluding a deal with Ahidjo simply because he needed a document which he can show the British Government during a future Conference in the UK that he was serious about pursuing the 2nd option with Ahidjo...Foncha and the KNDP never really wanted to join Cameroun Republic.  According to classified documents, it is Dr. Endeley whoinsisted that the 2nd option should be to join Cameroun Republic because he thought that the prospect would frighten people to vote to remain in Nigeria.  Foncha’s party wanted total independence as the 2nd option; but this option was ruled out at the UN in 1959 when John Ngu Foncha, N.N Mbile, and Ndeh Ntumazah all testified before the UN 4th Committee in October 1959 that the British Southern Cameroons could not stand on its own...At the Lancaster House Conference of 1957, the Delegation for the Southern Cameroons governing party (KNC) consisted of:  Dr. Endeley (Premier), John Takinang Ndze, HRH Fon Galega II, P.A Aiyuk and Victor Mukete (Adviser).  Meanwhile the KNDP was represented by John Ngu Foncha and Augustine Ngom Jua (Adviser) and the KPP was represented by P.M Kale and N.N Mbile (Adviser). Mr JO Field and the British Government felt that, having participated at the 1957 Conference, Foncha and Jua would have understood that constitution making, in the Lancaster House tradition, must always be an all parties affair.  Foncha, Muna, Jua, Kemcha and Effiom ignored this tradition and went on to sign a document which has since locked the Southern Cameroons into a weak position vis-à-vis the Cameroun Republic. But they came back from Yaoundé believing that they had done a fantastic job...If the outcome of the plebiscite was that the people of the Southern Cameroons had voted for integration into Nigeria, the Yaoundé Agreement would have automatically become useless.  However, when the outcome of the plebiscite favored reunion with Cameroun Republic, the Yaoundé Agreement  (Joint Communique ) became a legally binding agreement between two states, whose terms and conditions had to be executed as required by  UN General Assembly resolution 1608 (XV).   But it was too late to expand the boundaries of that vague agreement...Curiously the Administering authority simply went along with it and in so doing, the implicitly ratified the Yaoundé Agreement by acquiescence.   The British Government still had full sovereign authority to step in and correct any deficiencies in the Yaoundé Agreement; but they did not do anything.   It is at this stage that legal scholars can opine whether, having scaled through the obstacle of the plebiscite result, the Yaoundé Agreement had now been automatically transformed into a binding Union Agreement between the British Southern Cameroons and the Cameroun Republic.  It is extremely difficult to argue that, under international law, this is not so...Southern Cameroonian leaders including FonchaMbile and Ntumazah sold the Southern Cameroons short at the 4th Committee of  UN in October 1959 when they all said that Southern Cameroons cannot stand on its own.  Their self-proclaimed doubts to some extent, betrayedthe Southern Cameroons...In the light of all of the above, was the reunification of 1st October 1961 a legally valid sovereign merger under international law?  Did the Federal Republic of Cameroon which came into being on 1st October 1961 meet all the conditions for being considered a properly constituted sovereign entity under international law?  Was UNGA Resolution 1608 (XV) completely and satisfactorily implemented? The answer to all these questions, in my view, is YES because the process which I have examined does not contain any legal deficiencies or imperfections, under international law, which will lead me to question the constitutional validity of the sovereign entity which came into being on 1st October 1961 known as ‘The Federal Republic of Cameroon”. 
31.  In a nutshell, legal reunification did take place on 1st October 1961.
 © Copyright July 2011, Nfor N. Susungi

--- On Fri, 6/29/12, Akoson Raymond <> wrote:

From: Akoson Raymond <
Subject: [cameroon_politics] REUNIFICATION: CLARIFICATION NOTE
To: " 
Date: Friday, June 29, 2012, 3:19 AM



Sometime in 2009, the Cameroun's Minister of Communication and Government's spokesman granted an interview in which he said the only documents in the Secretariat General of the United Nations on the independence of Cameroun were the ones relative to the indpendence of January 1, 1961. In his end-of-year address to the nation on December 31, 2009, the President of the Republic confirmed this in almost identical terms.

That led to Ayah Paul Abine writing the widely read article that the Government  of Cameroun had "agreed with SCNC". The article was published by Eden newspaper, and  the paper sold out. It would appear
that the sales even necessitated a second impression of the paper. I have maintained my position publicly since then that there is no document on the any legal reunification in several write-ups, radio interviews, and television interviews. The Government of Cameroun is still to challenge, let alone, contradict me by brandishing any such
document; or even merely referring to its existence. It is a fact too tangible to be controvertible that the United Nations prescribed tripartite talks between Southern Cameroons, the Republic of Camroun and the Kingdom of Great Britain between February and September 30, 1961, to set out the terms of the federation between
Southern Cameroons and the Republic of Cameroun; methinks, under the auspices of the United Nations. The tripartite meeting never held and has never held. It is the documents evidencing the terms of the
federation that had to be deposited with the Secretariat General of the United Nations. No such document exists! How does anyone deposit something tangible that does not exist?

Suggesting that in its celebrated corruption, Cameroun may have influenced the Secretariat General of the United Nations to accept some fictitious documents is dishonourable for the world body; for then we are equating the august international body to corrupt Cameroun. I would be extremely reluctant even just to apply my mind to
such possibility! The way forward then is for Southern Cameroons to sit at the table with the Republic of Cameroun under the auspices of the United Nations and agree or disagree on the possibility federating. That is all the
more probable because time has not given proof to the flimsy argument then that Southern Cameroons was not viable enough economically to stand on its own feet. Nor does the fact that there were not enough educated Southern Cameroonians hold sway today.

Anyone inimical to this peaceful way forward will take responsibility should Southern Cameroonians today or tomorrow abandon the peaceful option. That message should not be whittled down by pessimism much
less betrayal against thirty pieces of silver!

The National Strategic Team,
People's Action Party, PAP
National Working Secretariat,
Buea, South West Region,

SLOGAN: A New People A New Cameroon

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"I profoundly believe all Cameroonians will some day speak the same
language, sing the same songs, dance to the same rhythm, dine and wine at
the same table. When the rich shall cater for the poor and the strong shall
help the weak, the law shall be supreme, justice and peace shall forever
reign, if we are honest and believe we can get there. God bless
Cameroon."Hon. Paul AYAH Abine, Cameroon 2011 Presidential aspirant

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