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Monday, April 22, 2013

Subject: **The , corrupt-con artists and vicious-minded African people in the USA *****Re: [camnetwork] Re: Senator Menendez Message Confirmation

Derick Jing 

You are now afraid to be proud of your CPDM regime in Cameroon? Go to my blog where you'll discover that I am not joking ! This matter will not end here on camnet. It is forwarded to all my official contacts as well as posted on my blog. What I am doing is called raising awareness and advocating for an investigation.

How did you enter the US? Did you play and win the DV-Lottery or you were sponsored by your CPDM relatives under a fake and bogus bank statement?  What is your current immigration status within the US?Are you still a Cameroonian legally or you are now a US citizen? 

Many of you Cameroonians or Africans as a whole who have become American citizens are rather toxic to this great civilization than useful. When the United States conferred citizenship upon you people based on your request, the idea was for you people to uphold and advance the ideals, values and sound principles upon ,which this nation has been built in recent time! On the contrary, many of you have become a toxic waste by not only distorting , miscontruing or misleading people but have actively been enabling harzardous regimes in Africa. For a while now, some of you have comfortably felt that it is normal to commit perjury and get away with! That was happening because nobody was speaking about your corrupt and fraudulent ways! 

For this reason speak about yourselves and not about Jonathan Awasom. Tell the US officials why some of you are on political asylum from Cameroon and yet re-entering Cameroon clandestinely through Nigeria, Ghana and other countries when you are not supposed to by the immigration laws on political asylum? Has it ever occurred to any of you that you are liable for perjury by lying and intentionally gaming the  immigration system?

My struggles within the United States  are of no importance to you and your families because  you have never seen me in your drive -way asking for water from your refrigerator! Have you? If you played the DV-lottery and came into the United States with a green card and paying taxes as you claim whereas you have not resigned officially from your teaching career in Cameroon, can you honestly recieve a pat on your back? Have you Cameroonians in your thousands officially told the Cameroon government and your employers within the public service that you are no longer resident and working in Cameroon and that they should stop issuing your salaries? 

Do you have an idea about how many children and mothers are dumped into refugees caMPS in Africa for many years now and why that is happening? Since you are living in the free world with your wife and children for free, you have the audacity to question my pure motives and  pure intentions but what is your business if I am walking naked in the streets of America because I want to get the attention of the people and government so bad about the moral decay of African governments? 

As we speak, there  is progress towards the freedom of Africa. Africom is stationed in over 32 countries in West Africa as I speak and I will continue to authorize and empower the United States government, Congress and the Council on Foreign Relations to  help us to uproot dictators and dictatorship, stamp out corrupt governments and prosecute all of you who  are corrupt and hiding within the United States as agents of your corrupt parents and relatives in Africa's kleptocracies. 

The United States will have the legal backing because as a citizen of Cameroon, I have the right to ask for help against the fake sovereignty of Cameroon,which has no respect for the rule of law and the constitution. I will continue to appeal for help because unlike some of you who pretend I know deep down in my heart that without help we cannot succeed to 

I know very well that you won't give up without a fight but Awasom won't bow either this time around. I will put up a fight for the truth. I will mount a crusade for the truth to make sure that the truth is well known and that  by the time it out there, you'll be running and hiding in someone's boat! 

Twisted minds ! The fact that you are living within the US and identifying with a corrupt government in Africa that is responsible for gross human and civil rights violation of Cameroonians, a government that is made up of thieves, embezzlers and twisted minds is enough for you to be ashamed of yourselves but since many of you have a dead conscience, I can understand your desperation to make a point ! I do not seek your explanations nor justification for your mediocrities and absurdities are history.

You Africans living within the United States of America and supporting, aiding and abetting as well as enabling bad governments in Africa because you are corrupt, wicked and vicious due to your twisted minds! Worst still, some of you are now American citizens and per your twisted minds, you now think that Americans offered you citizenship to exploit it as a weapon to fight those of us genuine Africans with a good heart and love for humanity. 

No, to the best of my knowledge, your mediocrities and absurdities have been around for a very long time because of your distortions and misconception of the whole essence of being awarded American citizenship. Since some of you have taken it granted it was about time for the truth to be told.

How many American Presidents have changed or tampered with the Constitution of the United States in order to stay in power for more than 30 years and for life like your primitive Cameroon dictator Paul Biya? Yet , some of you living within the USA have been sponsoring corrupt, fake and fraudulent political activities ,which play to the advantage of the dictator with his desires to stay in power for life! Some of you hide behind United States officials thinking that they endorse your mediocrities and absurdities! I tell you what, they are not informed because  some of you have not changed your twisted minds.

What kind of conversation does any of you want to have with people like us who do not belong to your mediocrities and absurdities? Listen, I did not come to the United States for personal pursuit and self-aggrandisement. I came here in pursuit of the common good, to speak on behalf of our people who are trapped under primitive , twisted minds and crooked people! I was not desperate to LIE like some of you in order to game the American system for survival. All I  have done is to stand up for my people and I enjoy it so much that there is nothing you can do to take this away from me ! 

The only way for us to build "a brave new world" is to stay focus on the truth and what it takes is to fight all the twisted minds and wasted souls amongst us Africans because we cannot afford to jeopardize the progress that humanity has made in the last century ,which must continue in this century! We will mobilize all of our educational and legal resources to go after anyone who stands in the way of our own determination to be free and become civilized! Don't  you people get it? 

Slavery and slave trade started in Africa and amongst Africans who were trading in their own people! The White people did copy a bad practice but eventually gave it up! You primitive Africans are still stuck and  clinging unto your old primitive ways even though civilization and the age of freedom had come knocking at your door steps asnd you refused to open the door of your hearts to reformation! 

Look at the various civilizations present in your societies from Europe and North America teaching you people by their examples to abandon your old ways and yet you are still adamant and stubborn to change ! You cannot run a government and you can run a church! You cannot run a non-profit. You cannot manage anything effectively with good results! You lack inspiration. you lack motivation and you lack a vision except to look for any means to dupe and steal from foreign donors! 

Have you told the truth to Americans that some of you corrupt and greedy Africans especially Cameroonians are receiving pension from Cameroon treasury and also pension( Social Security) from the United States treasury even though you  are no longer Cameroonian citizens by law? Have you informed the United States Treasury that many of you are Con Artist, feymen and feywomen who have fake documents and fake academic degrees as a result of doctored diplomas?  Many of you from Cameroon condemned the Cameroon government to the United States immigration but are still on the pay roll of that same government eventhough you are no longer employed physically except that you have not legally terminated your employment since you have exploited the weaknesses of the system.

When you stood before the United Judge and raised your hand before the witness therein of a Judge and God ,and swore to the uphold the united States constitution and laws as new American citizens, did you ever take a moment thereafter to study and understand your oath of citizenship ?  Many of you went for it for the wrong reasons with your twisted minds and twisted agendas in order to abuse it and either hurt innocent American citizens with your corrupt and dysfunctional ways or enable bad governments in Africa to continue hurting innocent citizens. 

Some of you Africans in this blessed and free nation are as dangerous as the Boston Bombers whose agenda was to destroy Americans physically while twisted minds from Africa with their twisted mentalities are poised to destroy the moral supremacy of America! 

When I was in Cameroon 12 years ago, I expected some of you Cameroonians and Africans who had been living within the United States before I came to tell the truth to the American people so that we might be liberated through their compassion for humanity. You simply did not tell the truth to them because you either knew the truth and chose to look the other way  or because of your twisted minds infested with greed  or because you did not know the truth at due tolack of proper education. 

Either way,many of you are caught red -handed because I have been spilling the beans and this will not stop anytime soon until some of you will be obliged to testify to the truth by the fact that upon all places on this earth, your last hope and best alternative has been the United States.

Can you tell the truth to the White people and African -Americans why you people could not make in Cameroon or Africa and had to leave and come to the USA?  Can you tell the truth to these American citizens at all levels that  African people are proned to genocide and civil wars , bad and wicked governments because they are still PRIMITIVE? Why is it difficult and hard for you people to simply call a spade a spade? Many of you are out of a primitive society held hostage by primitive leaders into a civilized, enlightened and free society where leaders are accountable. True or false ? So, why did you not speak the truth? 

  • Have you told these good people of the United States how you people established fake bank statements in order to secure a visas to enter the USA whereas you had no such bogus amoounts of money on your bank statements and tarvelers check? 
  • Have you told the American people how you bribed the Bank Managers with a certain sum of money to help you create bogus financial figures into a bank account for you guys whereas it was not available
  • Have you told the American people about the corruption, greed, abuse and slavery that your leaders in Cameroon and Africa are perpetrating in  their societies against their own people and yet only pointing fingers at the White people? 
  • Have you told the truth about how some of you take advantage of children and enslave them in your homes in Cameroon because there is no rule of law to hold people accountable for child abuse?
  • Have you told them how some of you primitive Cameroonians have many girls and women you have impregnanted and abandoned in your societies and pretending here in America with one wife whereas you have other women  you have abused, exploited and abandoned with children?
  • Have you told them that you work the American dollars to bribe the corrupt judges and State officials in Cameroon to seize land from the powerless citizens to give to some of you who don't want to pay for the real value?
  • Have you told them that you have children out of wedlock in Cameroon and have refused to trake responsibility and pay child support because there is nobody to hold you people accountable?
  • Have you told them that you LIED to the immigration in order to change your status and benefit from the American system but at the sametime you have been corrupting and frauding your way into Cameroon through other countries like Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya etc even though you said Cameroon was not safe for you?
  • Have you told these American citizens of all your immigration fraud and bogus asylum claims, money laundry, trafficking of your relatives and hiding them at the basement of your homes to work for you for free without compensation ?
  • Have you been honest about your lies, corrupt and fraudulent ways?
  • Have you ever for oncer stated the truth about the origin of slavery and how up till date you Africans are still keeping slaves in your homes and societies?

For over 50 years, most of you DISHONEST Cameroonians and Africans have been dishonestly and viciously witholding the truth about the primitive-evil-minded-selfish leaders of Africa who kill, murder, poison, arbitrarily arrest, steal and exploit,retaliate and enslave their own people using the military and the crooked legal system to go after the powerless and unarmed citizens! 

I had always thought that at some point in life  some of you would wake up from slumber but I watched all of you deliberately lying, manipulating and misleading people in this country for far too long and I have declared that  it is over!Only twisted minds will run away from your country of birth and will pretend in another country as if they had it all !

Who do you call "We, Americans"?  Aren't you ashamed that you left Cameroon and Africa and relocated to the United States  because of ECONOMIC HARDSHIP?What happened that your Cameroon economy was and is not up to date with other economics like the United States? 

Aldous Huxley observed in his book "The Brave New World" that;
"The greatest triumphs of propaganda have been accomplished, not by doing something, but by refraining from doing. Great is truth, but still greater, from a practical point of view, is silence about truth. By simply not mentioning certain subjects, by lowering what Mr. Churchill calls an " iron curtain" between the masses and such facts or arguments as the local political bosses regard as undesirable, totalitarian propagandists have influenced opinion much more effectively than they could have done by the most eloquent denunciations, the most compelling of logical rebuttals. If persecution, liquidation and the other symptoms of social friction are to be avoided, the positive sides of propaganda must be made as effective as the negative "  Adous Huxley

Rev Jonathan Awasom


Sent: Sunday, April 21, 2013 10:18 AM
Subject: Re: ***Awasom : You need 300 years of make -up learning to catch up and possible brain transplant to archive what Ni Ben has accomplished *** Re: [camnetwork] Re: Senator Menendez Message Confirmation

  Forgive me Rev for i have sin. Did you finally complete your investigation on Ni Ben,trying to collect Cameroonians money to enrich himself or you fail short of stopping accomplishments,beyond your mosquito like,brain. 
   With much respect Rev ,you have difficulties enlisting your own accomplishments to your self, in other words you can't even look at your image in the mirror and be proud of it. You can curse all you want,but until you change your status from an American Consumer to American producer, the difference will always be wide and clear. You can show how Rev you are from line one to infinity, Rejects have never become the brand name of any product. 
  I understand how you have tried so hard to have a break through, but you have to pray, pray for God to release you from this bondage. Mary Nabila will help us in this situation, am begging for her intervention in your life,when will you have a break through. How can a grown up write from first to thirty first,being bitter to his soul. In jesus name i pray for your release. 
   I have ask you simple questions 
_ Are you living in America or hiding from Presbyterian church?
_ Are we Americans giving you the best for free or you like to return to your homeland and receive protection away from your church? 
_ Is the medical benefits enough? 
_Is the housing benefits enough? 
_Is the grocery vouchers enough?
As a back sliding CPDM ,or CPDM at night what do you hope to accomplish. 
I share with all Cameroonians the hope for better tomorrow. Encourage industrious ideas like what many are doing and recently Ni Ben ,to help his people. Cameroonian Americans are doing a lot to help those who are back home and paying enough taxes to keep those under Asylum. For those who are permanent Asylum status ,to continue receiving benefits from head to toe,should advanced to basic status. a man not a life time child,stop crying what it could have been,copy from pa  Fru..A car dealer,computer teacher,sales person,real estate investors, community activist, freedom fighter, hard working man ,pays lots of taxes. ..thanks to him more asylum are given. As a mentor to Awasom we hope for something better, he will help you mentally, socially and above spiritually, keep God first place in your heart. 
I have seen pa Fru untwist twisted minds,psychopath, schizophrenic,epileptic minds. ma Mary has kept the devils on their heels with a touch, ask Billy today for testimony. .no more rashes, ask Bali mind for testimony. .no more jesus name. You will be helped sir,you will be assisted in anyway possible. 
Your brain surgeon.
On Apr 20, 2013 3:12 PM, "Jonathan Awasom" <> wrote:

Derick Jing

I am not interested in you ! I think you are a little bit too excited ! 

Go away because your mind is TOO TWISTED for me to be wasting my precious time trying to fix it!
You are doomed to mediocrity and that is your way of life ! 

Choosed your battles carefully. I have no business with twisted minds and wasted souls on earth ! 

I am here to help our people under oppression and I don't think it is any of  your desires. So, stop seeking my notice because you are not fit to understand what is happening. It will take you another 200 years of make up learning before you can even begin to reason outside of your darkness to see the light ! 

I know how primitive Africans like some of you get excited with the opportunities you find in this free country after being deprived in your primitive and corrupt Cameroon
 society. Funny how you get all confused and deranged instead of recognizing the truth !

But I am not here for you and do not make this about yourselves except you want to continue to expose your callousness and shortsightedness

Rev Jonathan Awasom

Sent: Friday, April 19, 2013 12:28 PM
Subject: Re: [camnetwork] Re: Senator Menendez Message Confirmation

If am CPDM why should i even seek asylum? ....
   Hard work is a problem for free bees.
We will keep sheltering you. Thanks yo all Cameroonians paying taxes so we can support you. Will visit your village next month, 
On Apr 19, 2013 8:04 AM, "Jonathan Awasom" <> wrote:

Derick Jing

I know, since you entered the USA and was begging immigration to help you change your status to become an American citizen whereas you were born in Cameroon as a Cameroonian citizen  you have eaten from food stamps, free housing, free tuition and free clothing, which is why you know first hand how the US system shelters black African immigrants, majority whom LIE to immigration in order to benefit from the services that they offer to all immigrants. Even some of you whose parents are the thieves and embezzlers have lived off the American system, gaming and duping the system! All that is about to come to an end! I understand your anger and frustration but trust me, your money means nothing and your financial contributions to any US politician is not a bribe to cover up your criminal and fraudulent and corrupt activities. 

Look at you primitive African man with your twisted mind ! Why are you living in the United States and supporting a dictatorship in Cameroon?  Are you normal? Aren't you one of those who curse the White people for slavery and what do you think you are doing as an individual when you are sponsoring the enslavement of your fellow Cameroonians by enabling,aiding and abetting a corrupt and monstrous regime in Africa? 

You send CPDM Parliamentarians to the National Assembly of Cameroon to go and be stealing, idling around, embezzling public funds and cheering up their grand CON ARTIST Paul Biya ! Look at you right here in America and still cannot give up your mediocrity.

You don't have the qualification and credibility to talk to any of us confronting the CPDM regime of Cameroon because I don't think you are educated enough to understand what is at stake

You are making no sense and no amount of effort will help you to understand because it is late for you to learn and change

So, you can keep barking while the caravan is passing ! 

Rev Jonathan Awasom

The force of truth is at the center of my faith in God and love for humanity 
I am a Cameroonian citizen for freedom of Cameroon from corrupt tyranny and dictatorship.

Click on his blog and download 150 articles, a trail blazer of speaking truth to power,  a fearless advocacy and persistent activism that is shaping African policies in 21st century 

The voice for Cameroon, Africa and the world in the 21st century for the Magna Carta( Freedom Charter for Cameroon and Africa)

The Rally-cry for freedom, justice, peace ,democracy( human and civil rights) and prosperity for all

Empowering humanity to build a virtuous and free world for the beloved global village that builds bridges

Advocating for the proven free three arms of Constitutional Federal System of Government for Cameroon , too ,which is one of the most multi-ethnic and tribal diverse societies in Africa with over 180 languages. 

Pass it on and thank you for your interest and cooperation


Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2013 11:47 PM
Subject: Re: [camnetwork] Re: Senator Menendez Message Confirmation

Menendez has one problem that keeps him up at night. What will happen in the next election if Pa Jing, withdraws his financial support. Worry abt.  the immigration bill, or we may send him parking . Awasom thinks we send Senators to Washington to listen to whoever is being sheltered by the system here. We can not afford  to be everywhere. On the plsnet
On Apr 17, 2013 10:32 PM, "MANU Tayong" <> wrote:
We can only hope and pray that Senator Menendez would exercise some patience and understanding. Like the United States, Cameroon also has her own version of  Ted Kaczynski. aka The Unabomber!!!  

“A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is still putting on its shoes” (Mark Twain)

--- On Wed, 4/17/13, DERICK JING <> wrote:

Subject: Re: [camnetwork] Re: Senator Menendez Message Confirmation
Date: Wednesday, April 17, 2013, 9:55 PM

  All my senators and congressmen,have the same automatic internet generated reply to all mail's. Write Obama an email and you will receive an immediate reply. 
On Apr 17, 2013 2:48 PM, "Jonathan Awasom" <> wrote:


Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2013 1:51 PM

Subject: Senator Menendez Message Confirmation

Dear Friend, 

Thank you for taking the time to contact me. Your comments are very important to me, and I wanted to confirm with you that I have received your message. All communications I receive are registered and sorted by my office, and I will try to respond to you as quickly as possible. 

If you have contacted me about an individual issue that you are having with a federal or state agency that requires immediate assistance please contact my Newark, NJ office directly at 973-645-3030

Senator Robert Menendez 

Please do not reply to this e-mail as this address is not monitored. To contact my office, please use the contact form found on my website at

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